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Wow much doms such horror very ouch

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
If you hit an oak tree one thousand times in one thousand different places, what’s going to happen? Absolutely nothing. But if you hit an oak tree one thousand times in the exact same spot, what’s going to happen is you are going to knock it down.
Reputation point: 275
Indlæg: 3411
Tilmeldt: 13. apr 2012, 19:31
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Vis kostplan


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
If you hit an oak tree one thousand times in one thousand different places, what’s going to happen? Absolutely nothing. But if you hit an oak tree one thousand times in the exact same spot, what’s going to happen is you are going to knock it down.
Reputation point: 275
Indlæg: 3411
Tilmeldt: 13. apr 2012, 19:31
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Vis kostplan

Jeg var til julefrokost i går, så jeg skipper sgu lige træningen i dag til fordel for sengen :mrgreen:

Et lille tip fra BB'er til BB'ere:


Fra søndag

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If you hit an oak tree one thousand times in one thousand different places, what’s going to happen? Absolutely nothing. But if you hit an oak tree one thousand times in the exact same spot, what’s going to happen is you are going to knock it down.
Reputation point: 275
Indlæg: 3411
Tilmeldt: 13. apr 2012, 19:31
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Vis kostplan

Træning i går


Nu deload :/

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
If you hit an oak tree one thousand times in one thousand different places, what’s going to happen? Absolutely nothing. But if you hit an oak tree one thousand times in the exact same spot, what’s going to happen is you are going to knock it down.
Reputation point: 275
Indlæg: 3411
Tilmeldt: 13. apr 2012, 19:31
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Vis kostplan

Holy shit dawg! 167,5 x 4 i DL og 125x5 i Squat.
I bow to your strongness!
Reputation point: 25
Indlæg: 1697
Tilmeldt: 21. jan 2010, 11:16
- Bænkpres: 135.00
- Squat: 115.00
- Dødløft: 150.00
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Vis kostplan

Tak min ven! Det går fremad det hele! Bænken er dog lidt sløv, men ikke noget nyt der... i cry evertim

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
If you hit an oak tree one thousand times in one thousand different places, what’s going to happen? Absolutely nothing. But if you hit an oak tree one thousand times in the exact same spot, what’s going to happen is you are going to knock it down.
Reputation point: 275
Indlæg: 3411
Tilmeldt: 13. apr 2012, 19:31
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Vis kostplan

Så' jeg tilbage, venner


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
If you hit an oak tree one thousand times in one thousand different places, what’s going to happen? Absolutely nothing. But if you hit an oak tree one thousand times in the exact same spot, what’s going to happen is you are going to knock it down.
Reputation point: 275
Indlæg: 3411
Tilmeldt: 13. apr 2012, 19:31
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Vis kostplan

I går:


I dag


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
If you hit an oak tree one thousand times in one thousand different places, what’s going to happen? Absolutely nothing. But if you hit an oak tree one thousand times in the exact same spot, what’s going to happen is you are going to knock it down.
Reputation point: 275
Indlæg: 3411
Tilmeldt: 13. apr 2012, 19:31
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Vis kostplan


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
If you hit an oak tree one thousand times in one thousand different places, what’s going to happen? Absolutely nothing. But if you hit an oak tree one thousand times in the exact same spot, what’s going to happen is you are going to knock it down.
Reputation point: 275
Indlæg: 3411
Tilmeldt: 13. apr 2012, 19:31
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Vis kostplan


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
If you hit an oak tree one thousand times in one thousand different places, what’s going to happen? Absolutely nothing. But if you hit an oak tree one thousand times in the exact same spot, what’s going to happen is you are going to knock it down.
Reputation point: 275
Indlæg: 3411
Tilmeldt: 13. apr 2012, 19:31
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Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Vis kostplan

Det ser ud til du får presset dig selv snussai!
Får vi snart et par pics og en lille anmeldelse af programmet? :)
Reputation point: 25
Indlæg: 1697
Tilmeldt: 21. jan 2010, 11:16
- Bænkpres: 135.00
- Squat: 115.00
- Dødløft: 150.00
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Vis kostplan

Haha fuck jeg er dårlig til det med at følge op på aftaler :D men ja!!

Dagens pumpelse


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
If you hit an oak tree one thousand times in one thousand different places, what’s going to happen? Absolutely nothing. But if you hit an oak tree one thousand times in the exact same spot, what’s going to happen is you are going to knock it down.
Reputation point: 275
Indlæg: 3411
Tilmeldt: 13. apr 2012, 19:31
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Kostplan: Vis kostplan

Skal man virkelig tilbage til side 7 for det nyeste skud:-)?
Reputation point: 60
Indlæg: 3140
Tilmeldt: 2. jun 2013, 11:01
- Bænkpres: 67.50
- Squat: 80.00
- Dødløft: 110.00
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Tror der er nogle et par sider eller 3 tilbage :D

Edit: s 47! :D
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
If you hit an oak tree one thousand times in one thousand different places, what’s going to happen? Absolutely nothing. But if you hit an oak tree one thousand times in the exact same spot, what’s going to happen is you are going to knock it down.
Reputation point: 275
Indlæg: 3411
Tilmeldt: 13. apr 2012, 19:31
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Vis kostplan



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
If you hit an oak tree one thousand times in one thousand different places, what’s going to happen? Absolutely nothing. But if you hit an oak tree one thousand times in the exact same spot, what’s going to happen is you are going to knock it down.
Reputation point: 275
Indlæg: 3411
Tilmeldt: 13. apr 2012, 19:31
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Vis kostplan

Har desuden bemærket et fravær af smilies i dine log-entries på det seneste. Er det en bevidst udvikling af loggens udtryk?
Reputation point: 110
Indlæg: 884
Tilmeldt: 31. mar 2011, 21:15
- Bænkpres: 95.00
- Squat: 122.50
- Dødløft: 165.00
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Vis kostplan


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
If you hit an oak tree one thousand times in one thousand different places, what’s going to happen? Absolutely nothing. But if you hit an oak tree one thousand times in the exact same spot, what’s going to happen is you are going to knock it down.
Reputation point: 275
Indlæg: 3411
Tilmeldt: 13. apr 2012, 19:31
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Vis kostplan

henrDK skrev:Har desuden bemærket et fravær af smilies i dine log-entries på det seneste. Er det en bevidst udvikling af loggens udtryk?

Haha, sikke observante loglæsere, jeg er indehaver af! :mrgreen: Jeg tror slet og ret, at jeg har glemt dem! Men de skal komme tilbage!!
If you hit an oak tree one thousand times in one thousand different places, what’s going to happen? Absolutely nothing. But if you hit an oak tree one thousand times in the exact same spot, what’s going to happen is you are going to knock it down.
Reputation point: 275
Indlæg: 3411
Tilmeldt: 13. apr 2012, 19:31
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Vis kostplan

Morgenvægt: 79,3


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
If you hit an oak tree one thousand times in one thousand different places, what’s going to happen? Absolutely nothing. But if you hit an oak tree one thousand times in the exact same spot, what’s going to happen is you are going to knock it down.
Reputation point: 275
Indlæg: 3411
Tilmeldt: 13. apr 2012, 19:31
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Vis kostplan


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
If you hit an oak tree one thousand times in one thousand different places, what’s going to happen? Absolutely nothing. But if you hit an oak tree one thousand times in the exact same spot, what’s going to happen is you are going to knock it down.
Reputation point: 275
Indlæg: 3411
Tilmeldt: 13. apr 2012, 19:31
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Vis kostplan

Hvad er det for noget mood fis du taster?? Giver du dig selv point fra 1-6 :mrgreen:
Reputation point: 25
Indlæg: 1697
Tilmeldt: 21. jan 2010, 11:16
- Bænkpres: 135.00
- Squat: 115.00
- Dødløft: 150.00
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Vis kostplan

snus skrev:Haha, sikke observante loglæsere, jeg er indehaver af! :mrgreen: Jeg tror slet og ret, at jeg har glemt dem! Men de skal komme tilbage!!

Okay fair nok!
Calf raise TX123 - Du kører calf raises med eksplosiv sænkefase (seneste træning) - det har jeg vist ikke set før, er det godt?
Reputation point: 110
Indlæg: 884
Tilmeldt: 31. mar 2011, 21:15
- Bænkpres: 95.00
- Squat: 122.50
- Dødløft: 165.00
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Vis kostplan

henrDK skrev:
snus skrev:Haha, sikke observante loglæsere, jeg er indehaver af! :mrgreen: Jeg tror slet og ret, at jeg har glemt dem! Men de skal komme tilbage!!

Okay fair nok!
Calf raise TX123 - Du kører calf raises med eksplosiv sænkefase (seneste træning) - det har jeg vist ikke set før, er det godt?

Nej, X er koncentrisk, 1 sek. pause i top, 2 sek excentrisk, 3 sek pause

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
If you hit an oak tree one thousand times in one thousand different places, what’s going to happen? Absolutely nothing. But if you hit an oak tree one thousand times in the exact same spot, what’s going to happen is you are going to knock it down.
Reputation point: 275
Indlæg: 3411
Tilmeldt: 13. apr 2012, 19:31
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Vis kostplan

Stener skrev:Hvad er det for noget mood fis du taster?? Giver du dig selv point fra 1-6 :mrgreen:

Haha, det er noget nyt jeg prøver med at tracke hvilke faktorer, der evt. kan have indflydelse på min træning. Mood er lidt en joker, jeg er jo altid glad i centret :D

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
If you hit an oak tree one thousand times in one thousand different places, what’s going to happen? Absolutely nothing. But if you hit an oak tree one thousand times in the exact same spot, what’s going to happen is you are going to knock it down.
Reputation point: 275
Indlæg: 3411
Tilmeldt: 13. apr 2012, 19:31
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Vis kostplan


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
If you hit an oak tree one thousand times in one thousand different places, what’s going to happen? Absolutely nothing. But if you hit an oak tree one thousand times in the exact same spot, what’s going to happen is you are going to knock it down.
Reputation point: 275
Indlæg: 3411
Tilmeldt: 13. apr 2012, 19:31
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Vis kostplan

snus skrev:
henrDK skrev:
snus skrev:Haha, sikke observante loglæsere, jeg er indehaver af! :mrgreen: Jeg tror slet og ret, at jeg har glemt dem! Men de skal komme tilbage!!

Okay fair nok!
Calf raise TX123 - Du kører calf raises med eksplosiv sænkefase (seneste træning) - det har jeg vist ikke set før, er det godt?

Nej, X er koncentrisk, 1 sek. pause i top, 2 sek excentrisk, 3 sek pause

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Det giver straks mere mening. Har bare altid set det skrevet med første tal værende det koncentriske, fx
Reputation point: 110
Indlæg: 884
Tilmeldt: 31. mar 2011, 21:15
- Bænkpres: 95.00
- Squat: 122.50
- Dødløft: 165.00
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Vis kostplan

Oh! Men så er jeg bare den lidt avantgarde type der ikke gider følge de gamle skrifter! :D

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If you hit an oak tree one thousand times in one thousand different places, what’s going to happen? Absolutely nothing. But if you hit an oak tree one thousand times in the exact same spot, what’s going to happen is you are going to knock it down.
Reputation point: 275
Indlæg: 3411
Tilmeldt: 13. apr 2012, 19:31
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Vis kostplan




Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
If you hit an oak tree one thousand times in one thousand different places, what’s going to happen? Absolutely nothing. But if you hit an oak tree one thousand times in the exact same spot, what’s going to happen is you are going to knock it down.
Reputation point: 275
Indlæg: 3411
Tilmeldt: 13. apr 2012, 19:31
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Vis kostplan

Lortebilleder btw

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
If you hit an oak tree one thousand times in one thousand different places, what’s going to happen? Absolutely nothing. But if you hit an oak tree one thousand times in the exact same spot, what’s going to happen is you are going to knock it down.
Reputation point: 275
Indlæg: 3411
Tilmeldt: 13. apr 2012, 19:31
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Vis kostplan



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
If you hit an oak tree one thousand times in one thousand different places, what’s going to happen? Absolutely nothing. But if you hit an oak tree one thousand times in the exact same spot, what’s going to happen is you are going to knock it down.
Reputation point: 275
Indlæg: 3411
Tilmeldt: 13. apr 2012, 19:31
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Vis kostplan


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