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Hey boys 'n' girls!

Så fik jeg endelig taget mig sammen til at fyre op for en logbog her på siden.

Lidt stats

Alder: 21 (feb 1991)
Højde: 179-180
Vægt: 86-87 kg
Træningserfaring: 4-5 år (de to første år ret seriøst, herefter meget on/off/useriøs træning/for meget druk :drink:)


Bænkpres: 100 kg
Squat: 155 kg
Dødløft: 175 kg

Disse løft er efterhånden en del år gamle, hvilket I også vil opdage, når jeg begynder at poste mine træningspas :roll:


Mit mål er i første omgang at smide nogle kilo og blive en smule mere markeret, nu hvor strandsæsonen så småt nærmer sig.


Jeg kører pt. et 2-splitprogram, dvs. bryst/skulder/triceps/mave på dag 1 og ben/ryg/biceps på dag 2.
Sidst rettet af snus 25. nov 2012, 14:42, rettet i alt 4 gange.
If you hit an oak tree one thousand times in one thousand different places, what’s going to happen? Absolutely nothing. But if you hit an oak tree one thousand times in the exact same spot, what’s going to happen is you are going to knock it down.
Reputation point: 275
Indlæg: 3411
Tilmeldt: 13. apr 2012, 19:31
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Vis kostplan

Dagens træning


45-60 sek. pause igennem stort set hele passet


5x55 kg
5x55 kg
5x55 kg
5x55 kg
5x55 kg

Military press

5x35 kg
5x35 kg
5x35 kg
5x35 kg
5x35 kg
Sidste to reps var lidt tunge, ellers ikke noget problem

DB Incline BP

8x26 kg
8x26 kg
8x26 kg
8x26 kg

Onehand DB Lateral Raise

8x10 kg
8x10 kg
8x10 kg
8x10 kg


9xBW :roll:

Triceps Pushdowns

10x50 kg
10x50 kg
10x50 kg
10x50 kg

supersettet med

Sissy Dragon Flags

Maven var stadig helt ødelagt efter sidste mavetræning :?

Herefter 15 minutters løb
If you hit an oak tree one thousand times in one thousand different places, what’s going to happen? Absolutely nothing. But if you hit an oak tree one thousand times in the exact same spot, what’s going to happen is you are going to knock it down.
Reputation point: 275
Indlæg: 3411
Tilmeldt: 13. apr 2012, 19:31
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Vis kostplan

Velkommen til :)
En dag uden træning, er en dag uden mening.

Interview med viewtopic.php?p=658777#p658777
Reputation point: 0
Indlæg: 15825
Tilmeldt: 20. dec 2006, 21:24
Geografisk sted: Slagelse
Træner her: AK Atlas
- Bænkpres: 110.00
- Squat: 140.00
- Dødløft: 200.00
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Vis galleri (8)
Kostplan: Ingen kostplan

Øst skrev:Velkommen til :)

Tusind tak :)

Dagens workout

Ben, ryg, biceps


5x80 kg
5x90 kg
5x90 kg
5x90 kg
5x90 kg
Pretty smooth..

Front Squats

10x20 kg
10x20 kg
10x20 kg
10x20 kg
10x20 kg
Ren teknikafpudsning, da Front Squat er en forholdsvis ny øvelse i min træning



Yates Row

8x40 kg
8x45 kg
8x45 kg
10x45 kg

Lying Leg Curls

8x40 kg
8x40 kg
8x40 kg
8x40 kg

Seated DB Curls

10x12 kg
10x12 kg
8x12 kg
8x12 kg - Så var der heller ikke mere power i armene :D

DB Lunges

8x16 kg (i hver hånd)
8x16 kg
8x16 kg
8x16 kg

Dagens cardio

Stille og rolig gå- og cykeltur i det fine forårsvejr
If you hit an oak tree one thousand times in one thousand different places, what’s going to happen? Absolutely nothing. But if you hit an oak tree one thousand times in the exact same spot, what’s going to happen is you are going to knock it down.
Reputation point: 275
Indlæg: 3411
Tilmeldt: 13. apr 2012, 19:31
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Vis kostplan

Yeeesh, valgte i morges at spæne afsted på cyklen for at møde på job til tiden, for så at finde ud af, at jeg havde fri - lækkert!
Nå, men så var jeg da oppe, og trænes skulle der!

Dagens workout

Bryst, skulder, triceps, mave


5x57,5 kg
5x57,5 kg
5x57,5 kg
5x57,5 kg
5x57,5 kg
Forholdsvist nemt, så flere kg på næste gang!

Military Press

5x37,5 kg
5x37,5 kg
5x37,5 kg
5x37,5 kg
5x37,5 kg
Sidste 2 reps var pænt heavy

DB Incline BP

8x26 kg
8x26 kg
8x26 kg
8x26 kg

Onehand DB Lateral Raise

10x10 kg
10x10 kg
10x10 kg
10x10 kg


10xBW+5 kg
9xBW+5 kg
8xBW+5 kg - hææævi!

Sissy Dragon Flags


supersettet med


10x20 kg
10x20 kg
10x20 kg

Standing Cable Triceps Extensions

10x10 blokke
10x10 blokke
10x10 blokke


15 min. på løbebåndet
If you hit an oak tree one thousand times in one thousand different places, what’s going to happen? Absolutely nothing. But if you hit an oak tree one thousand times in the exact same spot, what’s going to happen is you are going to knock it down.
Reputation point: 275
Indlæg: 3411
Tilmeldt: 13. apr 2012, 19:31
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Vis kostplan

Dagens morgenvægt: 86,3 kg

Dagens workout

Ben, ryg, biceps


5x40 kg
5x50 kg
5x60 kg
5x60 kg
5x60 kg
Flere kg næste gang!

Rumænsk Dødløft

5x40 kg
5x50 kg
5x60 kg
5x60 kg
5x60 kg
Flere kg her også :)


5xBW - failure på sidste rep :roll:


8x45 kg
8x45 kg
8x45 kg
8x45 kg
Overskud til mere :D

Lying Leg Curls

8x40 kg
8x40 kg
8x40 kg
8x40 kg

Calf Raises

10x180 kg (tror jeg)
10x180 kg
10x180 kg
10x180 kg

supersettet med

Barbell Curls

8x30 kg
8x30 kg
8x30 kg
8x30 kg

Billede - og hjem :D
If you hit an oak tree one thousand times in one thousand different places, what’s going to happen? Absolutely nothing. But if you hit an oak tree one thousand times in the exact same spot, what’s going to happen is you are going to knock it down.
Reputation point: 275
Indlæg: 3411
Tilmeldt: 13. apr 2012, 19:31
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Vis kostplan

Dagens workout

27 km på MTB i bakket terræn :king:
If you hit an oak tree one thousand times in one thousand different places, what’s going to happen? Absolutely nothing. But if you hit an oak tree one thousand times in the exact same spot, what’s going to happen is you are going to knock it down.
Reputation point: 275
Indlæg: 3411
Tilmeldt: 13. apr 2012, 19:31
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Vis kostplan

Dagens morgenvægt: 85,7 kg

Træning kl. 19, hvorefter jeg går i krig med D3 Beta-udgaven, som er tilgængelig for alle i weekenden :twisted: yippiiie!
If you hit an oak tree one thousand times in one thousand different places, what’s going to happen? Absolutely nothing. But if you hit an oak tree one thousand times in the exact same spot, what’s going to happen is you are going to knock it down.
Reputation point: 275
Indlæg: 3411
Tilmeldt: 13. apr 2012, 19:31
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Vis kostplan

Workout of ze day



5x60 kg
5x60 kg
5x60 kg
5x60 kg
5x60 kg
- Fint overskud

DB Incline BP

10x26 kg
10x26 kg
10x26 kg
10x26 kg

Military Press

5x40 kg
5x40 kg
5x40 kg
5x40 kg
- Heavy shit :´)

Onehand Lateral Raises

8x12 kg
8x12 kg
8x12 kg
8x12 kg
- Ret tunge til sidst


10xBW+5 kg
10xBW+5 kg
10xBW+5 kg
10xBW+5 kg

Cable Kneeling Crunch

12x35 kg
12x40 kg
12x45 kg
12x50 kg


10x20 kg
10x20 kg
10x20 kg
10x20 kg

supersettet med

CG Bænkpres

10x40 kg
10x40 kg
10x40 kg
10x40 kg


15 min. @ Løbebåndet
If you hit an oak tree one thousand times in one thousand different places, what’s going to happen? Absolutely nothing. But if you hit an oak tree one thousand times in the exact same spot, what’s going to happen is you are going to knock it down.
Reputation point: 275
Indlæg: 3411
Tilmeldt: 13. apr 2012, 19:31
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Vis kostplan

Workout of the day



5x75 kg
5x95 kg
5x95 kg
5x95 kg
5x95 kg
5x95 kg

Front Squat

8x40 kg
8x40 kg
8x40 kg
8x40 kg

Pullups (UH)


Lying Leg Curl

10x45 kg
10x45 kg
10x45 kg
10x45 kg
10x45 kg

Yates Row

10x45 kg
10x50 kg
10x50 kg
10x50 kg

DB Lunges

10x16 kg
10x16 kg
10x16 kg
10x18 kg - Døden nær! :shock:

Sitting DB Curls

10x12 kg
10x12 kg
10x12 kg
10x12 kg
If you hit an oak tree one thousand times in one thousand different places, what’s going to happen? Absolutely nothing. But if you hit an oak tree one thousand times in the exact same spot, what’s going to happen is you are going to knock it down.
Reputation point: 275
Indlæg: 3411
Tilmeldt: 13. apr 2012, 19:31
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Vis kostplan

Dagens cardio

27 km på MTB :king:

Hittin' the gym l8r
If you hit an oak tree one thousand times in one thousand different places, what’s going to happen? Absolutely nothing. But if you hit an oak tree one thousand times in the exact same spot, what’s going to happen is you are going to knock it down.
Reputation point: 275
Indlæg: 3411
Tilmeldt: 13. apr 2012, 19:31
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Vis kostplan



20x20 kg
6x62,5 kg
6x62,5 kg
6x62,5 kg
6x62,5 kg
6x62,5 kg
- Med en smule overskud, fin omgang

Mili. Press

10x20 kg
6x40 kg
6x40 kg
6x40 kg
6x40 kg
6x40 kg
- De sidste reps er satme onde!

DB Inc. BP

8x28 kg
7x28 kg - griiiiind!
8x28 kg
7x28 kg
- De skal være der næste gang :D

DB Onehand Lat. Raise

10x12 kg
10x12 kg
10x12 kg
10x12 kg
10x7 kg - Sad godt :)


10xBW+7,5 kg
8xBW+7,5 kg - :roll: Tror en for kort pause gjorde det
9xBW+7,5 kg
9xBW+7,5 kg

Cable Kneeling Crunch

12x50 kg
12x55 kg
12x55 kg
12x55 kg
- En øvelse jeg er blevet ret glad for :D

CG Bænk

10x45 kg
10x45 kg
10x45 kg
10x45 kg



10x25 kg
10x25 kg
10x25 kg
10x25 kg

Alt i alt en fornuftig omgang :king:
If you hit an oak tree one thousand times in one thousand different places, what’s going to happen? Absolutely nothing. But if you hit an oak tree one thousand times in the exact same spot, what’s going to happen is you are going to knock it down.
Reputation point: 275
Indlæg: 3411
Tilmeldt: 13. apr 2012, 19:31
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Vis kostplan



8x20 kg
5x65 kg
5x65 kg
5x65 kg
5x65 kg
5x65 kg

Pullups (OH)


Rumænsk Dødløft

10x20 kg
5x65 kg
5x65 kg
5x65 kg
5x65 kg
5x65 kg


9x47,5 kg
8x47,5 kg
8x47,5 kg
8x47,5 kg
8x47,5 kg

Lying Leg Curls

10x45 kg
10x45 kg
10x45 kg
9½x45 kg - Så var der ikke mere juice i benene :P



12x4 blokke
12x4 blokke
12x4 blokke
12x4 blokke

Calf Raises

10x190 kg
10x190 kg
10x190 kg
10x190 kg


Barbell Curls

8x32,5 kg
8x32,5 kg
8x32,5 kg - Cheat på de to sidste
6x32,5 kg
If you hit an oak tree one thousand times in one thousand different places, what’s going to happen? Absolutely nothing. But if you hit an oak tree one thousand times in the exact same spot, what’s going to happen is you are going to knock it down.
Reputation point: 275
Indlæg: 3411
Tilmeldt: 13. apr 2012, 19:31
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Vis kostplan



6x65 kg
6x65 kg
6x65 kg
6x65 kg
6x65 kg

Mili Press

5x42,5 kg
5x42,5 kg
5x42,5 kg
5x42,5 kg
5x42,5 kg
- Muligvis PR? :P


8x28 kg
8x28 kg
7x28 kg
5x28 kg - :roll:


10xBW+7,5 kg
9xBW+7,5 kg
8xBW+7,5 kg
9xBW+7,5 kg

DB Lat Raise

10x12 kg
10x12 kg
10x12 kg - Sidste reps var grimme, så tog 10'erne i stedet
10x10 kg

Cable Kneeling Crunch

12x60 kg
12x60 kg
12x60 kg
12x60 kg

JM Press

10x30 kg
10x30 kg
10x30 kg
10x30 kg



10x26 kg
10x26 kg
10x26 kg
10x26 kg

Til slut lidt rotatormanchet træning :)
If you hit an oak tree one thousand times in one thousand different places, what’s going to happen? Absolutely nothing. But if you hit an oak tree one thousand times in the exact same spot, what’s going to happen is you are going to knock it down.
Reputation point: 275
Indlæg: 3411
Tilmeldt: 13. apr 2012, 19:31
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Vis kostplan

Dagens bodybuilding

10 min. på crosstrainer @ fuld knald = 210 kcal



5x100 kg
5x100 kg
5x100 kg
5x100 kg
5x100 kg
- Godt skub i benene i dag :D

Pullups (UH)

5xBW+5 kg
5xBW+5 kg
5xBW+5 kg

Front Squats

10x45 kg
10x45 kg
10x45 kg
15x45 kg - Fy for @!x*^"# det var håt!

Yates Rows

10x52,5 kg
10x52,5 kg
10x52,5 kg
10x52,5 kg

DB Lunges

10x18 kg
10x18 kg
10x18 kg
10x18 kg

Inc DB Curls

10x12 kg
8x14 kg
11x10 kg
20x8 kg
- Underarmene var ved at brænde af! :shock:

Tid: 1:30ish
If you hit an oak tree one thousand times in one thousand different places, what’s going to happen? Absolutely nothing. But if you hit an oak tree one thousand times in the exact same spot, what’s going to happen is you are going to knock it down.
Reputation point: 275
Indlæg: 3411
Tilmeldt: 13. apr 2012, 19:31
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Vis kostplan

Dagens træning

10 min. på crosstrainer = 190 kcal



5x65 kg
5x65 kg
5x65 kg
5x65 kg
5x65 kg


8x28 kg
8x28 kg
8x28 kg - sloooooow, men den kom op til sidst
9x26 kg

Mili Press

4½x42,5 kg - tung i dag :x
5x40 kg
5x40 kg
5x40 kg - push på sidste rep
5x40 kg - og her


10xBW+7,5 kg
10xBW+7,5 kg
9xBW+7,5 kg
8xBW+7,5 kg

Lat Raise

10x12 kg
10x12 kg
10x12 kg
8x10 kg
8x8 kg - kæft de var grimme til sidst :P

JM Press

10x35 kg
10x35 kg
10x35 kg
10x30 kg
- Fårk, den er hård ved armene! :´)

Cable Kneeling Crunch

12x60 kg
12x60 kg
12x60 kg
12x60 kg


10x26 kg
10x26 kg
10x26 kg
10x26 kg

Til slut en omgang rotatormanchettræning

Tid: 1:45

En lidt slap omgang uden øgede kg i nogen øvelser, da der åbenbart ikke var nogen energi til det :-s En god nats søvn burde hjælpe på det, og så tager jeg revanche på ben/ryg dagen i morgen! :)
If you hit an oak tree one thousand times in one thousand different places, what’s going to happen? Absolutely nothing. But if you hit an oak tree one thousand times in the exact same spot, what’s going to happen is you are going to knock it down.
Reputation point: 275
Indlæg: 3411
Tilmeldt: 13. apr 2012, 19:31
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Kostplan: Vis kostplan

Følte ikke rigtig noget overskud af energi i dag heller, men styrken fejlede nu ikke rigtig noget, så det blev en nogenlunde fornuftig træning alligevel :D Var dog noget træt til slut.

Dagens workout

20 min. @ Crosstrainer = 380 kcal (tvivler)



8x40 kg
5x70 kg
5x70 kg
5x70 kg
5x70 kg
5x70 kg
- Udmærket skub i benene

Rumænsk Dødløft

5x70 kg
5x70 kg
5x70 kg
5x70 kg
5x70 kg

Pullups (OH)

- Overraskende god fart på i dag!

Lying Leg Curl

12x45 kg
12x45 kg
11x45 kg
10x45 kg


10x50 kg
10x50 kg
10x50 kg
10x50 kg
10x50 kg

Standing Calf Raise

10x190 kg
10x190 kg
10x190 kg
10x190 kg


BB Curls

10x30 kg
10x30 kg
10x30 kg
10x30 kg - godt med cheat på de sidste reps :hihi:
If you hit an oak tree one thousand times in one thousand different places, what’s going to happen? Absolutely nothing. But if you hit an oak tree one thousand times in the exact same spot, what’s going to happen is you are going to knock it down.
Reputation point: 275
Indlæg: 3411
Tilmeldt: 13. apr 2012, 19:31
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Vis kostplan

Bodybuilding of ze day!


20 min. @ Crosstrainer = 390~ kcal


5x67,5 kg
5x67,5 kg
5x67,5 kg
5x67,5 kg
5x67,5 kg
- Rammer snart de 70 kg kan jeg mærke :dance:

Mili Press

5x45 kg PR
5x45 kg
5x45 kg
5x45 kg
5x45 kg
- Udmærket fart :)


8x28 kg
8x28 kg
8x28 kg
8x28 kg
- ENDELIG kom de op! :king:


10xBW+7,5 kg
10xBW+7,5 kg
9xBW+7,5 kg
9xBW+7,5 kg

Cable Kneeling Crunch

12x64 kg
12x64 kg
12x64 kg
12x57 kg

Onehand Lat Raise

10x12 kg
10x12 kg
10x12 kg
10x12 kg

JM Press

10x30 kg
10x30 kg
10x30 kg
10x30 kg



10x28 kg
10x28 kg
10x28 kg
10x28 kg


Tid: ca. 1:45
If you hit an oak tree one thousand times in one thousand different places, what’s going to happen? Absolutely nothing. But if you hit an oak tree one thousand times in the exact same spot, what’s going to happen is you are going to knock it down.
Reputation point: 275
Indlæg: 3411
Tilmeldt: 13. apr 2012, 19:31
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Kostplan: Vis kostplan


20 min. @ Crosstrainer = 380~ kcal


5x105 kg
5x105 kg
5x105 kg
5x105 kg
5x105 kg

Pullups (UH)

5xBW+5 kg
5xBW+5 kg

Front Squat

10x47,5 kg
10x47,5 kg
10x47,5 kg
10x47,5 kg

Yates Rows

10x50 kg
10x50 kg
10x50 kg
10x50 kg

DB Lunges

2 ture á 24 skridt m. 14 kg DB

Inc DB Curls

10x12 kg
10x12 kg
10x12 kg
10x12 kg


10x5 blokke
10x5 blokke
10x5 blokke
If you hit an oak tree one thousand times in one thousand different places, what’s going to happen? Absolutely nothing. But if you hit an oak tree one thousand times in the exact same spot, what’s going to happen is you are going to knock it down.
Reputation point: 275
Indlæg: 3411
Tilmeldt: 13. apr 2012, 19:31
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Vis kostplan

Dagens cardio

35 km på MTB
If you hit an oak tree one thousand times in one thousand different places, what’s going to happen? Absolutely nothing. But if you hit an oak tree one thousand times in the exact same spot, what’s going to happen is you are going to knock it down.
Reputation point: 275
Indlæg: 3411
Tilmeldt: 13. apr 2012, 19:31
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Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Vis kostplan

Er gået hen og blevet lidt småforkølet, så dagens træning er udsat til i morgen, hvor jeg regner med jeg har rystet skidtet af mig.
If you hit an oak tree one thousand times in one thousand different places, what’s going to happen? Absolutely nothing. But if you hit an oak tree one thousand times in the exact same spot, what’s going to happen is you are going to knock it down.
Reputation point: 275
Indlæg: 3411
Tilmeldt: 13. apr 2012, 19:31
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Vis kostplan

Nå. Jeg vågnede op og var stadig forkølet. Besluttede derfor at tage endnu en day off, og da jeg samtidig har fri fra arbejde i dag (syg på sin fridag, awesomeness) er der dømt gamer-/filmdag :king:
If you hit an oak tree one thousand times in one thousand different places, what’s going to happen? Absolutely nothing. But if you hit an oak tree one thousand times in the exact same spot, what’s going to happen is you are going to knock it down.
Reputation point: 275
Indlæg: 3411
Tilmeldt: 13. apr 2012, 19:31
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Vis kostplan

Dagens (skod)træning


20 min. @ Crosstrainer = 399 kcal.


5x70 kg
5x70 kg
5x70 kg
5x70 kg
5x70 kg
- Dagens højdepunkt! Herfra gik det ned ad bakke..

Mili Press

5x45 kg
5x45 kg
6x40 kg
6x40 kg
10x30 kg


8x26 kg
8x26 kg
10x24 kg
10x24 kg



DB Lat Raise

12x10 kg
12x10 kg
12x10 kg
12x10 kg

4 sæt mave + rotatormanchet

Meget flad træning i dag. Jeg synes kalorieunderskuddet begynder at sætte sine præg. Hvis det så samtidig går nedad på vægten kan jeg leve med det :whistle: At træningen foregik om aftenen gjorde ikke det hele meget bedre - min krop gider simpelthen ikke træne efter spisetid, har jeg fundet ud af. Kl. 14-15 stykker er ideelt for mig. Så er der vist heller ikke mere, jeg kan whine over :´)

Nå, men i morgen eftermiddag skal jeg ud og sejle i kajak med nogle folk fra jobbet. Det skal nok blive sjaw :D Hvorvidt jeg træner i morgen eller udskyder træningen til lørdag eftermiddag afhænger af, hvor hårdt det kajakhalløj tærer på min energi.
If you hit an oak tree one thousand times in one thousand different places, what’s going to happen? Absolutely nothing. But if you hit an oak tree one thousand times in the exact same spot, what’s going to happen is you are going to knock it down.
Reputation point: 275
Indlæg: 3411
Tilmeldt: 13. apr 2012, 19:31
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
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Dagens morgenvægt: 85,4 kg
If you hit an oak tree one thousand times in one thousand different places, what’s going to happen? Absolutely nothing. But if you hit an oak tree one thousand times in the exact same spot, what’s going to happen is you are going to knock it down.
Reputation point: 275
Indlæg: 3411
Tilmeldt: 13. apr 2012, 19:31
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Vis kostplan

Dagens pumpning


20 min. @ Crosstrainer


5x50 kg
5x70 kg
5x70 kg
5x70 kg
5x70 kg
5x70 kg

Pullups (OH)


Rumænsk Dødløft

10x50 kg
10x60 kg
10x60 kg
10x60 kg


10x50 kg
10x50 kg
10x50 kg
10x50 kg

Lying Leg Curl

10x45 kg
10x45 kg
10x45 kg
10x45 kg

BB Curl

10x30 kg
10x30 kg
10x30 kg
10x30 kg


Standing Calf Raise

12x190 kg
12x190 kg
10x190 kg
10x190 kg

Tid: ca. 90 min.
If you hit an oak tree one thousand times in one thousand different places, what’s going to happen? Absolutely nothing. But if you hit an oak tree one thousand times in the exact same spot, what’s going to happen is you are going to knock it down.
Reputation point: 275
Indlæg: 3411
Tilmeldt: 13. apr 2012, 19:31
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Vis kostplan

Gårsdagens træning



5x72,5 kg
5x72,5 kg
5x72,5 kg
5x72,5 kg
5x72,5 kg

Mili Press

5x42,5 kg
5x42,5 kg
5x42,5 kg
5x42,5 kg
5x42,5 kg


8x28 kg
8x28 kg
7x30 kg
6x30 kg
10x26 kg


10x7,5 kg
10x7,5 kg
9x7,5 kg
9x7,5 kg

Lat. Raise

12x10 kg
12x10 kg
12x10 kg
12x10 kg

Cable Kneeling Crunch

12x62 kg
12x62 kg
12x62 kg
12x62 kg


JM Press

10x30 kg
10x30 kg
10x30 kg
10x30 kg


12x26 kg
12x26 kg
12x26 kg
12x26 kg

If you hit an oak tree one thousand times in one thousand different places, what’s going to happen? Absolutely nothing. But if you hit an oak tree one thousand times in the exact same spot, what’s going to happen is you are going to knock it down.
Reputation point: 275
Indlæg: 3411
Tilmeldt: 13. apr 2012, 19:31
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Vis kostplan

Morgenvægt: 85,2

Det går lige så stille derned af :thumpup:
If you hit an oak tree one thousand times in one thousand different places, what’s going to happen? Absolutely nothing. But if you hit an oak tree one thousand times in the exact same spot, what’s going to happen is you are going to knock it down.
Reputation point: 275
Indlæg: 3411
Tilmeldt: 13. apr 2012, 19:31
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Vis kostplan

Dagens BB


20 min. @ Crosstrainer = ~390 kcal.


5x107,5 kg
5x107,5 kg
5x107,5 kg
5x107,5 kg
5x107,5 kg

Pullups (UH)

5xBW+5 kg
5xBW+5 kg

Front Squat

10x50 kg
10x50 kg
10x50 kg
10x50 kg

Yates Row

10x52,5 kg
10x52,5 kg
10x52,5 kg
10x52,5 kg

DB Walking Lunges

2 ture á 20 skridt m. 16 kg DBs

Inc DB Curls

10x14 kg
10x14 kg
10x14 kg
10x14 kg


10x5 blokke
10x5 blokke
10x5 blokke
If you hit an oak tree one thousand times in one thousand different places, what’s going to happen? Absolutely nothing. But if you hit an oak tree one thousand times in the exact same spot, what’s going to happen is you are going to knock it down.
Reputation point: 275
Indlæg: 3411
Tilmeldt: 13. apr 2012, 19:31
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Vis kostplan

Morgenvægt: 84,7 kg
If you hit an oak tree one thousand times in one thousand different places, what’s going to happen? Absolutely nothing. But if you hit an oak tree one thousand times in the exact same spot, what’s going to happen is you are going to knock it down.
Reputation point: 275
Indlæg: 3411
Tilmeldt: 13. apr 2012, 19:31
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Vis kostplan

Dagens BB


20 min. @ Crosstrainer = ~390 kcal.


5x75 kg
5x75 kg
5x75 kg
5x75 kg
5x75 kg
- De var fandmar tunge!

Mili Press

5x45 kg
5x45 kg
5x45 kg
5x45 kg
5x45 kg


8x30 kg
8x30 kg
7x28 kg
7x28 kg


10xBW+7,5 kg
10xBW+7,5 kg
10xBW+7,5 kg
10xBW+7,5 kg


DB Onehand Lat Raise

12x10 kg
12x10 kg
12x10 kg
12x10 kg

Cable Kneeling Crunch

12x64 kg
12x64 kg
12x64 kg
12x64 kg

Pga. tidspres skippede jeg JM Press, Sidebends og Rotatormanchettræningen.
If you hit an oak tree one thousand times in one thousand different places, what’s going to happen? Absolutely nothing. But if you hit an oak tree one thousand times in the exact same spot, what’s going to happen is you are going to knock it down.
Reputation point: 275
Indlæg: 3411
Tilmeldt: 13. apr 2012, 19:31
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Vis kostplan


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