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Danish Master Weightlifting - SÅ KØRER BUSSEN!

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Træning 43

3 x 50 kg
3 x 80 kg
3 x 100 kg
3 x 120 kg
3 x 130 kg
5 x 100 kg

1 x 100 kg
1 x 120 kg

Hip Trusters
15 x 50 kg
10 x 80 kg
10 x 100 kg
10 x 120 kg

Tbar rows
10 x 25 kg
10 x 50 kg
2 x 10 x 60 kg
... My CNS is a neural net processor; a learning computer...


...there is a time in every one’s life when you must clench your teeth together and your fate only depends on your determination.

Reputation point: 415
Indlæg: 4721
Tilmeldt: 7. jan 2010, 17:41
Geografisk sted: Aarhus
Træner her: Ultimate Gym
Crossfit Copenhagen - Spartan Mentality CrossFit
Aarhus Athlet Klub
- Bænkpres: 120.00
- Squat: 155.00
- Dødløft: 200.00
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Vis kostplan

Træning 44

Træk + Træk f dyb hæng
1+2 x 40 kg
1+2 x 40 kg
1+2 x 50 kg
1+2 x 50 kg
1+2 x 50 kg
- uden hookgrip.

5 x 50 kg
5 x 80 kg
5 x 100 kg
5 x 110 kg
5 x 120 kg
3 x 130 kg
5 x 110 kg

Trapbar DL f plint
5 x 70 kg
5 x 120 kg
5 x 150 kg
4 x 180 kg
5 x 150 kg
5 x 150 kg

3 x 5 x bw+10 kg
4 x bw

3 x 5 x bw+10 kg
... My CNS is a neural net processor; a learning computer...


...there is a time in every one’s life when you must clench your teeth together and your fate only depends on your determination.

Reputation point: 415
Indlæg: 4721
Tilmeldt: 7. jan 2010, 17:41
Geografisk sted: Aarhus
Træner her: Ultimate Gym
Crossfit Copenhagen - Spartan Mentality CrossFit
Aarhus Athlet Klub
- Bænkpres: 120.00
- Squat: 155.00
- Dødløft: 200.00
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Vis kostplan

Træning 45

Frivend + Vend f hofte + Opadstød
3 x 3x(1+1+1) x 50 kg
2 x 2x(1+1+1) x 70 kg
2 x 2x(1+1+1) x 80 kg
2x(1+1+1) x 90 kg
1+1+1 x 100 kg

Boks FSQ
5 x 50 kg
5 x 70 kg
5 x 80 kg
5 x 90 kg
3 x 100 kg
- lidt skuffende i dag.

BSSQ med stang foran
5/5 x 40 kg
5/5 x 50 kg
5/5 x 60 kg
- easy.

3 set CS DB row ss Pushups
... My CNS is a neural net processor; a learning computer...


...there is a time in every one’s life when you must clench your teeth together and your fate only depends on your determination.

Reputation point: 415
Indlæg: 4721
Tilmeldt: 7. jan 2010, 17:41
Geografisk sted: Aarhus
Træner her: Ultimate Gym
Crossfit Copenhagen - Spartan Mentality CrossFit
Aarhus Athlet Klub
- Bænkpres: 120.00
- Squat: 155.00
- Dødløft: 200.00
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Vis kostplan

Tynd omgang efter influenza var hele hytten rundt.

Træning 46

4 x 8-10 x 80 kg

Seated GM
10 x 40 kg
2 x 10 x 50 kg

- lidt mave mv.
... My CNS is a neural net processor; a learning computer...


...there is a time in every one’s life when you must clench your teeth together and your fate only depends on your determination.

Reputation point: 415
Indlæg: 4721
Tilmeldt: 7. jan 2010, 17:41
Geografisk sted: Aarhus
Træner her: Ultimate Gym
Crossfit Copenhagen - Spartan Mentality CrossFit
Aarhus Athlet Klub
- Bænkpres: 120.00
- Squat: 155.00
- Dødløft: 200.00
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Vis kostplan

Træning 47

Lidt bedre i dag

3 x 40 kg
3 x 50 kg
3 x 60 kg
3 x 70 kg
3 x 80 kg
3 x 90 kg
1 x 100 kg
- ikke helt enig m teknikken i dag.

Frivend + Vend f hæng + Opadstød
1+1+1 x 100 kg

Safety bar squat
5 x 5 x 100 kg

- lidt CS Tbar Row og lateral flyers
... My CNS is a neural net processor; a learning computer...


...there is a time in every one’s life when you must clench your teeth together and your fate only depends on your determination.

Reputation point: 415
Indlæg: 4721
Tilmeldt: 7. jan 2010, 17:41
Geografisk sted: Aarhus
Træner her: Ultimate Gym
Crossfit Copenhagen - Spartan Mentality CrossFit
Aarhus Athlet Klub
- Bænkpres: 120.00
- Squat: 155.00
- Dødløft: 200.00
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Vis kostplan

Træning 48


Op til 90 kg

Op til 110 kg

5 x 50 kg
5 x 90 kg
3 x 110 kg
3 x 130 kg
3 x 130 kg
2 x 140 kg

1 x 180 kg
1 x 200 kg

- tre set ab wheel.
... My CNS is a neural net processor; a learning computer...


...there is a time in every one’s life when you must clench your teeth together and your fate only depends on your determination.

Reputation point: 415
Indlæg: 4721
Tilmeldt: 7. jan 2010, 17:41
Geografisk sted: Aarhus
Træner her: Ultimate Gym
Crossfit Copenhagen - Spartan Mentality CrossFit
Aarhus Athlet Klub
- Bænkpres: 120.00
- Squat: 155.00
- Dødløft: 200.00
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Vis kostplan

Træning 49

Nyt forsøg på at gøre gamle ben større. Generisk program til FSQ af Max Aita.

11 x 102 kg
10 x 92 kg
10 x 92 kg

Hack Squat
5 x 10 x slæde + 50 kg
- add.

C1 Rotation to Front Rack
4 x 8 x 20-35 kg

4 x 8 x bw

Russian Twist
4 set
... My CNS is a neural net processor; a learning computer...


...there is a time in every one’s life when you must clench your teeth together and your fate only depends on your determination.

Reputation point: 415
Indlæg: 4721
Tilmeldt: 7. jan 2010, 17:41
Geografisk sted: Aarhus
Træner her: Ultimate Gym
Crossfit Copenhagen - Spartan Mentality CrossFit
Aarhus Athlet Klub
- Bænkpres: 120.00
- Squat: 155.00
- Dødløft: 200.00
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Vis kostplan

Træning 50

Hip Thrusters
10 x 60 kg
3 x 10 x 100 kg

4 x 5-6 x 80 kg

DB walking lunges
4 x 15-16 x 20 kg (pr hånd)

3 x 6 x 100 kg

CS Tbar Row
4 x 12 x 30 kg (+ stativ)

- 3 min planke total
... My CNS is a neural net processor; a learning computer...


...there is a time in every one’s life when you must clench your teeth together and your fate only depends on your determination.

Reputation point: 415
Indlæg: 4721
Tilmeldt: 7. jan 2010, 17:41
Geografisk sted: Aarhus
Træner her: Ultimate Gym
Crossfit Copenhagen - Spartan Mentality CrossFit
Aarhus Athlet Klub
- Bænkpres: 120.00
- Squat: 155.00
- Dødløft: 200.00
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Vis kostplan

Træning 51

Op til 90 kg

4 x 8-10 x 92 kg

Cable Dip Belt Squat
10 x 65 kg
10 x 80 kg
10 x 90 kg
10 x 80 kg

- 4 set hanging Leg raises, hyperextension, Dips og Zotman Curls op til 10 x 14 kg (PR!)
... My CNS is a neural net processor; a learning computer...


...there is a time in every one’s life when you must clench your teeth together and your fate only depends on your determination.

Reputation point: 415
Indlæg: 4721
Tilmeldt: 7. jan 2010, 17:41
Geografisk sted: Aarhus
Træner her: Ultimate Gym
Crossfit Copenhagen - Spartan Mentality CrossFit
Aarhus Athlet Klub
- Bænkpres: 120.00
- Squat: 155.00
- Dødløft: 200.00
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Vis kostplan


Træning 1 - 2019

10 x 107 kg
4 x 10 x 97 kg
- ok tilfreds

Cable Belt Squat
10 x 70 kg
2 x 10 x 90 kg
2 x 10 x 100 kg

- 5 set Russian twists og Rack delivery.
... My CNS is a neural net processor; a learning computer...


...there is a time in every one’s life when you must clench your teeth together and your fate only depends on your determination.

Reputation point: 415
Indlæg: 4721
Tilmeldt: 7. jan 2010, 17:41
Geografisk sted: Aarhus
Træner her: Ultimate Gym
Crossfit Copenhagen - Spartan Mentality CrossFit
Aarhus Athlet Klub
- Bænkpres: 120.00
- Squat: 155.00
- Dødløft: 200.00
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Vis kostplan

Træning 2 - 2019

Lidt overkrop.

A1 Pres
10 x 40 kg
5 x 50 kg
5 x 60 kg
2 x 70 kg

A2 Chins
5 x bw
3 x bw +10 kg
3 x bw +20 kg
3 x bw +25 kg
3 x bw (L-sit PU)
2 x bw (L-sit PU)

4 x 6-8 x bw

BB Curls
10 x 20 kg
2 x 8 x 30 kg

- Lidt tricep pushdown. Arme smadret. Der bliver ikke så ofte kælet for dem. Må have biceps op i fart så de kan hjælpe lidt til Chins.
... My CNS is a neural net processor; a learning computer...


...there is a time in every one’s life when you must clench your teeth together and your fate only depends on your determination.

Reputation point: 415
Indlæg: 4721
Tilmeldt: 7. jan 2010, 17:41
Geografisk sted: Aarhus
Træner her: Ultimate Gym
Crossfit Copenhagen - Spartan Mentality CrossFit
Aarhus Athlet Klub
- Bænkpres: 120.00
- Squat: 155.00
- Dødløft: 200.00
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Vis kostplan

Træning 3 - 2019

Clean DL
5 x 60 kg
5 x 90 kg
5 x 110 kg
5 x 120 kg
5 x 130 kg
5 x 140 kg
5 x 150 kg
- super overkommeligt.

4 x 6 x 90 kg
- okay.

Walking Lunges
4 x 15-16 x 24 kg (pr hånd).

8 x 110 kg
8 x 110 kg
6 x 110 kg
8 x 110 kg
- easy.

4 set CS Tbar Row af 10 x 50 kg samt 3 min planke.
... My CNS is a neural net processor; a learning computer...


...there is a time in every one’s life when you must clench your teeth together and your fate only depends on your determination.

Reputation point: 415
Indlæg: 4721
Tilmeldt: 7. jan 2010, 17:41
Geografisk sted: Aarhus
Træner her: Ultimate Gym
Crossfit Copenhagen - Spartan Mentality CrossFit
Aarhus Athlet Klub
- Bænkpres: 120.00
- Squat: 155.00
- Dødløft: 200.00
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Vis kostplan

Træning 4 - 2019

Op til 100 kg

10 x 97 kg
8 x 97 kg
10 x 97 kg
10 x 97 kg

Dip Belt Squat
10 x 25 kg
10 x 50 kg
10 x 75 kg - liige til den tunge side
10 x 65 kg
10 x 65 kg
10 x 65 kg
10 x 65 kg

- 3 set hanging leg raises, reverse hypers og hyper extensions.
... My CNS is a neural net processor; a learning computer...


...there is a time in every one’s life when you must clench your teeth together and your fate only depends on your determination.

Reputation point: 415
Indlæg: 4721
Tilmeldt: 7. jan 2010, 17:41
Geografisk sted: Aarhus
Træner her: Ultimate Gym
Crossfit Copenhagen - Spartan Mentality CrossFit
Aarhus Athlet Klub
- Bænkpres: 120.00
- Squat: 155.00
- Dødløft: 200.00
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Vis kostplan

Træning 5 - 2019


5 x 50 kg
5 x 80 kg
3 x 100 kg
5 x 80 kg
5 x 80 kg
5 x 80 kg

A2 Chins
5 x bw
3 x bw +10 kg
3 x bw +20 kg
2 x bw +30 kg
5 x bw
5 x bw

B1 Dips
3 x 8 x bw

B2 Cable row
3 x 8 x load

B3 BTN WG pulldown
3 x 10 x load

- 3 set Zotmann curls, tricep pushdowns og weighted Dislocates
... My CNS is a neural net processor; a learning computer...


...there is a time in every one’s life when you must clench your teeth together and your fate only depends on your determination.

Reputation point: 415
Indlæg: 4721
Tilmeldt: 7. jan 2010, 17:41
Geografisk sted: Aarhus
Træner her: Ultimate Gym
Crossfit Copenhagen - Spartan Mentality CrossFit
Aarhus Athlet Klub
- Bænkpres: 120.00
- Squat: 155.00
- Dødløft: 200.00
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Vis kostplan

Træning 6 - 2019

Safetybar Squats
10 x 112 kg
4 x 8-10 x 102 kg
- add.

Dip Belt Squats
10 x 50 kg
10 x 70 kg
12 x 70 kg
12 x 70 kg
10 x 80 kg
20 x 50 kg
- mere add.

- 6 set upright row til front rack og 4 set russian twists. Videoer på Insta ;)
... My CNS is a neural net processor; a learning computer...


...there is a time in every one’s life when you must clench your teeth together and your fate only depends on your determination.

Reputation point: 415
Indlæg: 4721
Tilmeldt: 7. jan 2010, 17:41
Geografisk sted: Aarhus
Træner her: Ultimate Gym
Crossfit Copenhagen - Spartan Mentality CrossFit
Aarhus Athlet Klub
- Bænkpres: 120.00
- Squat: 155.00
- Dødløft: 200.00
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Vis kostplan

Træning 7 - 2019
- en Upper mere.

- Ring pushups, Front lever arbejde, lidt planche arbejde. Ustruktureret, men pecs er stadig smadret efter bænk fra sidst. Dødløft i morgen.
... My CNS is a neural net processor; a learning computer...


...there is a time in every one’s life when you must clench your teeth together and your fate only depends on your determination.

Reputation point: 415
Indlæg: 4721
Tilmeldt: 7. jan 2010, 17:41
Geografisk sted: Aarhus
Træner her: Ultimate Gym
Crossfit Copenhagen - Spartan Mentality CrossFit
Aarhus Athlet Klub
- Bænkpres: 120.00
- Squat: 155.00
- Dødløft: 200.00
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Vis kostplan

Træning 8 - 2019

Lidt mør i dag. Godt det er off i morgen.

5 x 60 kg
5 x 100 kg
5 x 5 x 120 kg
- ok.

5 x 60 kg
5 x 6 x 90 kg
- ok.

Walking DB lunges
5 x 15-16 x 27.5 kg (pr hånd).
- føj.

5 x 8 x 110 kg
- easy.

- 4 set rows og to set planke.
... My CNS is a neural net processor; a learning computer...


...there is a time in every one’s life when you must clench your teeth together and your fate only depends on your determination.

Reputation point: 415
Indlæg: 4721
Tilmeldt: 7. jan 2010, 17:41
Geografisk sted: Aarhus
Træner her: Ultimate Gym
Crossfit Copenhagen - Spartan Mentality CrossFit
Aarhus Athlet Klub
- Bænkpres: 120.00
- Squat: 155.00
- Dødløft: 200.00
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Vis kostplan

Træning 9

Familien består nu af to voksne og to børn.

10 x 102 kg
10 x 102 kg
10 x 102 kg
10 x 102 kg
10 x 102 kg

Belt Squats
10 x 50 kg
10 x 70 kg
10 x 70 kg
10 x 70 kg
10 x 70 kg
10 x 70 kg
10 x 50 kg

Reverse hyper
5 x 8 x 40 kg

4 set hanging leg raises.
... My CNS is a neural net processor; a learning computer...


...there is a time in every one’s life when you must clench your teeth together and your fate only depends on your determination.

Reputation point: 415
Indlæg: 4721
Tilmeldt: 7. jan 2010, 17:41
Geografisk sted: Aarhus
Træner her: Ultimate Gym
Crossfit Copenhagen - Spartan Mentality CrossFit
Aarhus Athlet Klub
- Bænkpres: 120.00
- Squat: 155.00
- Dødløft: 200.00
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Vis kostplan

Træning 10

Deload 1 af 3.

3 x 8 x 100 kg

Belt Squats
4 x 10 x 70 kg
- easy.

Landmine Rows, CS Tbar row og Ed Coans grebs træning :D
... My CNS is a neural net processor; a learning computer...


...there is a time in every one’s life when you must clench your teeth together and your fate only depends on your determination.

Reputation point: 415
Indlæg: 4721
Tilmeldt: 7. jan 2010, 17:41
Geografisk sted: Aarhus
Træner her: Ultimate Gym
Crossfit Copenhagen - Spartan Mentality CrossFit
Aarhus Athlet Klub
- Bænkpres: 120.00
- Squat: 155.00
- Dødløft: 200.00
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Vis kostplan

Træning 11 - 2019

Mere Deload.

Hip Thusters
10 x 60 kg
2 x 8 x 100 kg
- supersættet med balleaktiverin

3 x 5 x 80 kg

Walking lunges m DB
2 x 15 x (2x30 kg)

2 x 8 x 100 kg

4 min planke og 4 set Tbar rows.
... My CNS is a neural net processor; a learning computer...


...there is a time in every one’s life when you must clench your teeth together and your fate only depends on your determination.

Reputation point: 415
Indlæg: 4721
Tilmeldt: 7. jan 2010, 17:41
Geografisk sted: Aarhus
Træner her: Ultimate Gym
Crossfit Copenhagen - Spartan Mentality CrossFit
Aarhus Athlet Klub
- Bænkpres: 120.00
- Squat: 155.00
- Dødløft: 200.00
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Vis kostplan

Træning 12 - 2019

Sidste deload inden styrkefase.

4 x 6 x 100 kg

Dip Belt Squats
4 x 10 x 70 kg

C1 SSQ bar Good Mornings fra Pins
6 x 42 kg
6 x 52 kg
6 x 62 kg
Reverse hypers
10 x 50 kg
10 x 50 kg

C2 chins
5 x 5 x bw

C3 Dips
5 x 8 x bw

2 set leg raises.
... My CNS is a neural net processor; a learning computer...


...there is a time in every one’s life when you must clench your teeth together and your fate only depends on your determination.

Reputation point: 415
Indlæg: 4721
Tilmeldt: 7. jan 2010, 17:41
Geografisk sted: Aarhus
Træner her: Ultimate Gym
Crossfit Copenhagen - Spartan Mentality CrossFit
Aarhus Athlet Klub
- Bænkpres: 120.00
- Squat: 155.00
- Dødløft: 200.00
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Vis kostplan

Træning 13 - 2019

4 x 50 kg
3 x 80 kg
1 x 100 kg
4 x 110 kg
4 x 100 kg
4 x 100 kg
4 x 100 kg
4 x 100 kg
4 x 100 kg

4 x 102 kg
3 x 117 kg
3 x 117 kg
3 x 117 kg

Belt Squats
10 x 70 kg
10 x 70 kg
10 x 70 kg
10 x 70 kg
10 x 70 kg

3 x 6 x bw

- 3 set russian twists
... My CNS is a neural net processor; a learning computer...


...there is a time in every one’s life when you must clench your teeth together and your fate only depends on your determination.

Reputation point: 415
Indlæg: 4721
Tilmeldt: 7. jan 2010, 17:41
Geografisk sted: Aarhus
Træner her: Ultimate Gym
Crossfit Copenhagen - Spartan Mentality CrossFit
Aarhus Athlet Klub
- Bænkpres: 120.00
- Squat: 155.00
- Dødløft: 200.00
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Vis kostplan

Træning 14 - 2019

3 x 50 kg
3 x 80 kg
3 x 80 kg
3 x 100 kg
3 x 100 kg
3 x 100 kg
3 x 110 kg
3 x 110 kg

Back Squat
5 x 100 kg
5 x 110 kg
5 x 120 kg
5 x 120 kg
- føltes ok.

Bulgarian SSQ med en håndvægt
10/10 x 16 kg
10/10 x 24 kg
10/10 x 30 kg
10/10 x 36 kg
- håndvægt i modsatte side end det arbejdene ben.

Reverse hypers
2 x 10 x 50 kg

SSQ GM fra Pins
2 x 6 x 50 kg
5 x 70 kg
- 70 kg allerede i overkanten.
... My CNS is a neural net processor; a learning computer...


...there is a time in every one’s life when you must clench your teeth together and your fate only depends on your determination.

Reputation point: 415
Indlæg: 4721
Tilmeldt: 7. jan 2010, 17:41
Geografisk sted: Aarhus
Træner her: Ultimate Gym
Crossfit Copenhagen - Spartan Mentality CrossFit
Aarhus Athlet Klub
- Bænkpres: 120.00
- Squat: 155.00
- Dødløft: 200.00
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Vis kostplan

Træning 14 - 2019

4 x 50 kg
2 x 80 kg
4 x 100 kg
4 x 100 kg
4 x 100 kg
4 x 100 kg
4 x 100 kg
4 x 100 kg
- farten var fin, men øvre rygs opspænd var ikke så godt i dag.

Belt Squat
8 x 75 kg
6 x 85 kg - PR i vægt i bæltet.
6 x 85 kg
6 x 85 kg
6 x 85 kg
8 x 75 kg

5 x 70 kg
6 x 120 kg
5 x 140 kg
5 x 140 kg
5 x 140 kg

3 set landmine rows
3 set press 3 x 5 x 50 kg
3 x 10 x bw Dips
3 set abs
3 set gribtræning.
... My CNS is a neural net processor; a learning computer...


...there is a time in every one’s life when you must clench your teeth together and your fate only depends on your determination.

Reputation point: 415
Indlæg: 4721
Tilmeldt: 7. jan 2010, 17:41
Geografisk sted: Aarhus
Træner her: Ultimate Gym
Crossfit Copenhagen - Spartan Mentality CrossFit
Aarhus Athlet Klub
- Bænkpres: 120.00
- Squat: 155.00
- Dødløft: 200.00
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Vis kostplan

Træning 15 - 2019

3 x 50 kg
2 x 80 kg
1 x 100 kg
4 x 115 kg - 5 kg op fra sidst RPE9
4 x 105 kg
4 x 105 kg
4 x 105 kg
4 x 105 kg
4 x 105 kg

3 x 102 kg
3 x 127 kg
3 x 127 kg
3 x 127 kg

Belt Squat
7 x 80 kg
7 x 80 kg
7 x 80 kg
7 x 80 kg
7 x 80 kg
- alt var liiidt for tungt i dag.

3 x 5 x bw + 10 kg

- to set leg raises.
... My CNS is a neural net processor; a learning computer...


...there is a time in every one’s life when you must clench your teeth together and your fate only depends on your determination.

Reputation point: 415
Indlæg: 4721
Tilmeldt: 7. jan 2010, 17:41
Geografisk sted: Aarhus
Træner her: Ultimate Gym
Crossfit Copenhagen - Spartan Mentality CrossFit
Aarhus Athlet Klub
- Bænkpres: 120.00
- Squat: 155.00
- Dødløft: 200.00
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Vis kostplan

Træning 16 - 2019

Trapbar DL fra Plint - 25 kg skive, low handles
3 x 100 kg
3 x 140 kg
5 x 160 kg
5 x 160 kg

4 x 60 kg
4 x 100 kg
4 x 120 kg
4 x 120 kg
4 x 130 kg
4 x 130 kg

Bulgarian Split Squat, DB modsat det arbejdene ben
8/8 x 20 kg
8/8 x 30 kg
8/8 x 35 kg
8/8 x 40 kg

Back raises
2 x 10 x 10 kg bag nakken
... My CNS is a neural net processor; a learning computer...


...there is a time in every one’s life when you must clench your teeth together and your fate only depends on your determination.

Reputation point: 415
Indlæg: 4721
Tilmeldt: 7. jan 2010, 17:41
Geografisk sted: Aarhus
Træner her: Ultimate Gym
Crossfit Copenhagen - Spartan Mentality CrossFit
Aarhus Athlet Klub
- Bænkpres: 120.00
- Squat: 155.00
- Dødløft: 200.00
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Vis kostplan

Træning 17 - 2019

Morgen træning.

Push Press
3 x 50 kg
3 x 70 kg
3 x 80 kg
3 x 90 kg

4 x 4 x bw + 15 kg

- landmine rows, ring pushups, dislocates og l7dt trap-3 arbejde.
... My CNS is a neural net processor; a learning computer...


...there is a time in every one’s life when you must clench your teeth together and your fate only depends on your determination.

Reputation point: 415
Indlæg: 4721
Tilmeldt: 7. jan 2010, 17:41
Geografisk sted: Aarhus
Træner her: Ultimate Gym
Crossfit Copenhagen - Spartan Mentality CrossFit
Aarhus Athlet Klub
- Bænkpres: 120.00
- Squat: 155.00
- Dødløft: 200.00
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Vis kostplan

Træning 18 - 2019

3 x 50 kg
3 x 80 kg
3 x 105 kg
3 x 105 kg
3 x 105 kg
3 x 105 kg
3 x 105 kg

Belt Squats
6 x 50 kg
6 x 90 kg
6 x 90 kg
6 x 90 kg
6 x 90 kg
6 x 90 kg

Hip Thrusters
3 x 6-8 x 100 kg
... My CNS is a neural net processor; a learning computer...


...there is a time in every one’s life when you must clench your teeth together and your fate only depends on your determination.

Reputation point: 415
Indlæg: 4721
Tilmeldt: 7. jan 2010, 17:41
Geografisk sted: Aarhus
Træner her: Ultimate Gym
Crossfit Copenhagen - Spartan Mentality CrossFit
Aarhus Athlet Klub
- Bænkpres: 120.00
- Squat: 155.00
- Dødløft: 200.00
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Vis kostplan

Træning 18 - 2019

3 x 50 kg
3 x 80 kg
2 x 100 kg
1 x 110 kg
4 x 120 kg - RPE10
3 x 105 kg
3 x 105 kg
3 x 105 kg
3 x 105 kg

3 x 82 kg
3 x 102 kg
3 x 122 kg
3 x 127 kg
3 x 132 kg - RPE9.

Dip Belt Squat
8 x 90 kg
8 x 90 kg
8 x 70 kg
8 x 70 kg
8 x 70 kg

3 x 5 x bw + 15 kg

4 set russian twists.
... My CNS is a neural net processor; a learning computer...


...there is a time in every one’s life when you must clench your teeth together and your fate only depends on your determination.

Reputation point: 415
Indlæg: 4721
Tilmeldt: 7. jan 2010, 17:41
Geografisk sted: Aarhus
Træner her: Ultimate Gym
Crossfit Copenhagen - Spartan Mentality CrossFit
Aarhus Athlet Klub
- Bænkpres: 120.00
- Squat: 155.00
- Dødløft: 200.00
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Vis kostplan

Træning 19 - 2019

3 x 50 kg
3 x 80 kg
3 x 80 kg
3 x 100 kg
3 x 100 kg

OHSQ - 505
2 x 5 x 40 kg

3 x 50 kg
3 x 80 kg
2 x 100 kg
3 x 120 kg
3 x 125 kg
3 x 130 kg
3 x 135 kg
3 x 140 kg

Bulgarian SSQ - DB i modsatte side
10/10 x 30kg
10/10 x 35 kg
10/10 x 41.5 kg
10/10 x 45 kg

- to set back extensions.
... My CNS is a neural net processor; a learning computer...


...there is a time in every one’s life when you must clench your teeth together and your fate only depends on your determination.

Reputation point: 415
Indlæg: 4721
Tilmeldt: 7. jan 2010, 17:41
Geografisk sted: Aarhus
Træner her: Ultimate Gym
Crossfit Copenhagen - Spartan Mentality CrossFit
Aarhus Athlet Klub
- Bænkpres: 120.00
- Squat: 155.00
- Dødløft: 200.00
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Vis kostplan


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