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Evan Centopani giver random fyr en lussing

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"Warning: This will be a relatively long post about how I was physically assaulted today by someone who I used to look up to since I was 15-16 years old.
So my good friend Alexander Najar and Ryan Tanner came to visit me today in new haven. We went to the powerhouse gym to catch a workout in together. We decided to head over to the deadlift station to do some deadlifts. Next to us, no one but the famous (in the bodybuilding world) Ifbb pro Evan Centopani was deadlifting and barbell rowing with his buddy Daniel Noccioli. After a few sets in, a guy came in behind us to wait for a spot to use the bar after we are done. In the middle of our workout, Evan came over to yell at us...
"If you guys are dicking around, let the guy do his workout!". We were obviously baffled since we were actually working out while Evan himself held up the bar for even longer than we did. Being courteous, we wrapped up and took all the weights off the bar and let the guy use our spot to deadlift. Annoyed, I was complaining that we had the right to use the spot as much as he did and that we were still in the middle of our workout. Overhearing me saying that, he came over and yelled at me "WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY? YOU HAVE NO RIGHTS HERE." He preceded to SLAPPED ME IN THE FACE, PUSHED ME AND CHASED ME OFF THE GYM. He threatened to punch me in the face and yelled at me to leave the gym while saying that I had no right to be there. I paid my fees. I signed my rights to be there. I did not violate any laws. I did not once touch him. I walked out of the gym. Called the cops and reported him. I am not pressing any charges but I could as well have pressed one.
To think that I used to look up to him when I was younger. That I was inspired to be like him. That I even took a picture holding his hand. I was more than disappointed but actually appalled by his behavior. Not to mention that he came after me, the only non white person there at the scene. While I can't say that that is why he came after me it was more than likely the case. I will never in my life step foot in that place again but it was for sure one of the most disgusting behavior I have ever seen from someone who should be representing the sport of bodybuilding. I used to think that bodybuilders are misrepresented with people calling them meatheads and jackasses, but at times like this, they might be right after all.
Attached is a picture of me shaking his hand freshman year hoping to one day be like him. Oh how could I have been so wrong."
Fuck guys like this who think they can bully others around because they're "famous". To add to that, he's a role model to many, and (obvious to us) on gear. Behavior like this is why people look at bodybuilders and steroid users like roid rage meat heads.
Thats just pitiful.

Hvad mener I, folkens? Centopani er den sidste fyr jeg kunne forestille mig ville lave sådan et nummer. Endnu værre er, at han lige har skrevet kontrakt med Animal igen. Han har btw lukket ned for forummet på hans hjemmeside og sletter tilsyneladende kommentarer på både Instagram og Facebook.
Reputation point: 160
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Tilmeldt: 18. jun 2008, 14:43
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Jeg ved ikke hvad der er sket.


Not to mention that he came after me, the only non white person there at the scene. While I can't say that that is why he came after me it was more than likely the case.

Racismekortet. Every fucking time.
Reputation point: 714
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Tilmeldt: 23. feb 2013, 09:54
Træner her: Fitness One Kolding
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