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Kropsvægt: 96,0kg
- Kcal indtag: 3196,5
- Protein indtag: 217

Bench Press
107 x6
107 x6
107 x6

Barbell Row
72 x6
72 x6
72 x6

30 x6

10 x6

dips / hammercurls
15 x8 / 12 x9
15 x8 / 12 x9
15 x8 / 12 x9

9 x8
9 x8
9 x8

"Believe you can succeed and you will" - David Schwartz
Reputation point: 15
Indlæg: 957
Tilmeldt: 8. apr 2008, 10:26
Træner her: Fitness World Aalborg
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Ingen kostplan

Kropsvægt: 95,9kg
- Kcal indtag:2906,5
- Protein indtag: 201

pause squat HB
105 x4
105 x4
105 x4
105 x4
105 x4
105 x4

Pause sumo dødløft
145 x4
145 x4
145 x4

leg raises i dips stativ 2 minutters pause
BW x 8
BW x 8
BW x 8

leg extensions / Leg curls (nyt sæt hvert minut)
35 x max / 25 x max
35 x max / 25 x max
35 x max / 25 x max
35 x max / 25 x max

"Believe you can succeed and you will" - David Schwartz
Reputation point: 15
Indlæg: 957
Tilmeldt: 8. apr 2008, 10:26
Træner her: Fitness World Aalborg
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Ingen kostplan

Kropsvægt: 96,2kg
kcal: tba
protein: tba
Bench Press
102 x8
102 x8
102 x8
102 x6

incline bænk
72 x8
72 x8
72 x8
72 x8

Barbell Row
62 x8
62 x8
62 x8
62 x8

BW x8
BW x8
BW x7
BW x7

25 x8
25 x8
25 x8

side lats
9 x8
9 x8
9 x8

curls / franskpres
27 x 8 / 27 x 8
27 x 8 / 27 x 8
27 x 8 / 27 x 8

Noter: bænken var dårlig at ligge på.
"Believe you can succeed and you will" - David Schwartz
Reputation point: 15
Indlæg: 957
Tilmeldt: 8. apr 2008, 10:26
Træner her: Fitness World Aalborg
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Ingen kostplan

Kropsvægt: 96,7kg
- Kcal indtag: 3007
- Protein indtag: 221

squat HB
125 x6
125 x6
125 x6

sumo dødløft
180 x6
180 x6

"Believe you can succeed and you will" - David Schwartz
Reputation point: 15
Indlæg: 957
Tilmeldt: 8. apr 2008, 10:26
Træner her: Fitness World Aalborg
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Ingen kostplan

Kropsvægt: 96,2kg
- Kcal indtag: 3007
- Protein indtag: 221

Bench Press
110 x6
110 x6
110 x6

Barbell Row
75 x6
75 x6
75 x6

32 x6

15 x6

dips / hammercurls
20 x8 / 12 x9
20 x8 / 12 x9
20 x8 / 12 x9

9 x8
9 x8
9 x8

bb curls / fransk pres (nyt sæt hvert minut)
12 x max / 12 x max
12 x max / 12 x max
12 x max / 12 x max

"Believe you can succeed and you will" - David Schwartz
Reputation point: 15
Indlæg: 957
Tilmeldt: 8. apr 2008, 10:26
Træner her: Fitness World Aalborg
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Ingen kostplan

Kropsvægt: 95,8kg
- Kcal og protein indtag: 3006,5 221,4

pause squat HB
110 x4
110 x4
110 x4
110 x4
110 x4
110 x4

Pause sumo dødløft
150 x4
150 x4
150 x4

leg raises i dips stativ 2 minutters pause
BW x 8
BW x 8
BW x 8

leg extensions / Leg curls (nyt sæt hvert minut)
35 x max / 25 x max
35 x max / 25 x max
35 x max / 25 x max

"Believe you can succeed and you will" - David Schwartz
Reputation point: 15
Indlæg: 957
Tilmeldt: 8. apr 2008, 10:26
Træner her: Fitness World Aalborg
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Ingen kostplan

Kropsvægt: 96,0kg
kcal og protein: 3006,5 221,4
Bench Press
102 x8
102 x8
102 x8
102 x8

incline bænk
75 x8
75 x8
75 x8
75 x8

Barbell Row
65 x8
65 x8
65 x8
65 x8

BW x8
BW x8
BW x8
BW x7

27 x8
27 x8
27 x8

side lats
9 x8
9 x8
9 x8

curls / franskpres
27 x 8 / 27 x 8
27 x 8 / 27 x 8
27 x 8 / 27 x 8

"Believe you can succeed and you will" - David Schwartz
Reputation point: 15
Indlæg: 957
Tilmeldt: 8. apr 2008, 10:26
Træner her: Fitness World Aalborg
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Ingen kostplan

Kropsvægt: 96,6kg
- Kcal indtag:
- Protein indtag:

squat HB
130 x6
130 x6
130 x6

sumo dødløft
185 x6
185 x6


"Believe you can succeed and you will" - David Schwartz
Reputation point: 15
Indlæg: 957
Tilmeldt: 8. apr 2008, 10:26
Træner her: Fitness World Aalborg
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Ingen kostplan

Kropsvægt: 96,2kg

pause squat HB
115 x4
115 x4
115 x4
115 x4
115 x4
115 x4

Pause sumo dødløft
155 x4
155 x4
155 x4

leg raises i dips stativ 2 minutters pause
BW x 8
BW x 8
BW x 8

"Believe you can succeed and you will" - David Schwartz
Reputation point: 15
Indlæg: 957
Tilmeldt: 8. apr 2008, 10:26
Træner her: Fitness World Aalborg
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Ingen kostplan

Kropsvægt: 96,3kg
Bench Press
105 x8
105 x8
105 x8
105 x6

incline bænk
77 x8
77 x8
77 x8
77 x8

Barbell Row
67 x8
67 x8
67 x8
67 x8

BW x8
BW x8
BW x8
BW x6

27 x8
27 x8
27 x8

side lats
9 x8
9 x8
9 x8

okklussions curls
12 x 30
12 x 15
12 x 15
12 x 15

"Believe you can succeed and you will" - David Schwartz
Reputation point: 15
Indlæg: 957
Tilmeldt: 8. apr 2008, 10:26
Træner her: Fitness World Aalborg
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Ingen kostplan

Kropsvægt: 96,5kg

squat HB
132 x6
132 x6
132 x6

sumo dødløft
190 x3

leg raises i dips stativ
bw x 8
bw x 8
bw x 8

leg extensions / Leg curls (nyt sæt hvert minut)
35 x max / 25 x max
35 x max / 25 x max
35 x max / 25 x max

Noter: dødløft resettes til ?
"Believe you can succeed and you will" - David Schwartz
Reputation point: 15
Indlæg: 957
Tilmeldt: 8. apr 2008, 10:26
Træner her: Fitness World Aalborg
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Ingen kostplan

Kropsvægt: 97,1kg

Bench Press
115 x6
115 x6
115 x6

Barbell Row
80 x6
80 x6
80 x6

35 x6

25 x6

12 x9
12 x9
12 x9

9 x8
9 x8
9 x8

bb curls / fransk pres (nyt sæt hvert minut)
12 x max / 12 x max
12 x max / 12 x max
12 x max / 12 x max
12 x max / 12 x max

"Believe you can succeed and you will" - David Schwartz
Reputation point: 15
Indlæg: 957
Tilmeldt: 8. apr 2008, 10:26
Træner her: Fitness World Aalborg
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Ingen kostplan

Kropsvægt: 97,2kg

95 x8
95 x8
95 x8
95 x8
95 x8

80 x8
80 x8
80 x8
80 x8
80 x8
80 x8

Sumo dødløft
125 x8
125 x8
125 x8
125 x8
125 x8

Barbell Row
60 x12
60 x12
60 x12

incline curls
10 x12
10 x12
10 x12

"Believe you can succeed and you will" - David Schwartz
Reputation point: 15
Indlæg: 957
Tilmeldt: 8. apr 2008, 10:26
Træner her: Fitness World Aalborg
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Ingen kostplan

Kropsvægt: 98,0kg

Squat 505
65 x5
70 x5
70 x5
70 x5
70 x5
70 x5

Smal Bænkpres
72 x6
77 x6
77 x6
77 x6
77 x6
77 x6

Bredt greb dødløft
105 x6
110 x6
110 x6
110 x6
110 x6
110 x6

Skrå bænkpres
60 x12
60 x12
60 x12

20 x12
20 x12
20 x12

30 x12
30 x12
30 x12

"Believe you can succeed and you will" - David Schwartz
Reputation point: 15
Indlæg: 957
Tilmeldt: 8. apr 2008, 10:26
Træner her: Fitness World Aalborg
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Ingen kostplan

Kropsvægt: 97,3kg

Squat HB 2 sek ned og pause
77 x6
80 x6
80 x6
80 x6
80 x6

Skrå Bænkpres
60 x6
67 x6
67 x6
67 x6
67 x6

Stivbenet Dødløft, langsomt ned
95 x6
105 x6
105 x6
105 x6
105 x6

Leg raises i dips stativ
BW x8
BW x8
BW x8

leg extensions / Leg curls (nyt sæt hvert minut)
35 x max / 25 x max
35 x max / 25 x max
35 x max / 25 x max

bb curls / fransk pres (nyt sæt hvert minut)
12 x max / 12 x max
12 x max / 12 x max
12 x max / 12 x max

"Believe you can succeed and you will" - David Schwartz
Reputation point: 15
Indlæg: 957
Tilmeldt: 8. apr 2008, 10:26
Træner her: Fitness World Aalborg
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Ingen kostplan

Kropsvægt: 97,1kg

92 x8
92 x8
92 x8
92 x8
92 x8

Bænkpres Medium greb
75 x6
77 x6
77 x6
77 x6
77 x6

Dødløft på klods
115 x6
120 x6
120 x6
120 x6
120 x6

Chins / Skulderpres
bw x 10/ 22 x12
bw x 10/ 22 x12
bw x 10/ 22 x12

Biceps curls / Side lats
10 x12 / 9 x12
10 x12 / 9 x12
10 x12 / 9 x12

"Believe you can succeed and you will" - David Schwartz
Reputation point: 15
Indlæg: 957
Tilmeldt: 8. apr 2008, 10:26
Træner her: Fitness World Aalborg
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Ingen kostplan

Kropsvægt: 98,3kg

95 x7
100 x7
100 x7
100 x7
100 x7
100 x7

82 x7
90 x7
90 x7
90 x7
90 x7
90 x7
90 x7

Sumo Dødløft
125 x7
137 x7
137 x7
137 x7
137 x7

rows / db skrå bænk (5)
60 x 12/ 25 x12
60 x 12/ 25 x12
60 x 12/ 25 x12

"Believe you can succeed and you will" - David Schwartz
Reputation point: 15
Indlæg: 957
Tilmeldt: 8. apr 2008, 10:26
Træner her: Fitness World Aalborg
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Ingen kostplan

Kropsvægt: 97,3kg

Squat 505
70 x5
75 x5
75 x5
75 x5
75 x5
75 x5

Smal Bænkpres
72 x6
82 x6
82 x6
82 x6
82 x6
82 x6

Bredt greb dødløft
105 x6
110 x6
120 x6
120 x6
120 x6
120 x6

chins / skulderpres
bw x 10 / 22 x 12
bw x 10 / 22 x 12

"Believe you can succeed and you will" - David Schwartz
Reputation point: 15
Indlæg: 957
Tilmeldt: 8. apr 2008, 10:26
Træner her: Fitness World Aalborg
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Ingen kostplan

Kropsvægt: 97,3kg

High Bar Squat 2 sek ned og pause
77 x6
85 x6
85 x6
85 x6
85 x6

Skrå Bænkpres
60 x6
67 x6
70 x5
70 x5
70 x5
70 x5

stivbenet dødløft
95 x6
105 x6
110 x5
110 x5
110 x5

rows / franskpres
60 x 12 / 22 x 12
60 x 12 / 22 x 12
60 x 12 / 22 x 12

BB curls / side lats
22 x 12 / 8 x 12
22 x 12 / 8 x 12
22 x 12 / 8 x 12

"Believe you can succeed and you will" - David Schwartz
Reputation point: 15
Indlæg: 957
Tilmeldt: 8. apr 2008, 10:26
Træner her: Fitness World Aalborg
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Ingen kostplan

Kropsvægt: 97,6kg
kcal: 2718

95 x8
95 x8
95 x8
95 x8
95 x8

80 x8
80 x8
80 x8
80 x8
80 x8
80 x8

db curls
10 x12
10 x12
10 x12

"Believe you can succeed and you will" - David Schwartz
Reputation point: 15
Indlæg: 957
Tilmeldt: 8. apr 2008, 10:26
Træner her: Fitness World Aalborg
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Ingen kostplan

Kropsvægt: 97,4kg
[b]- Kcal indtag:

sumo dødløft
125 x8
125 x8
125 x8
125 x8
125 x8

Barbell Row
50 x12
50 x12
50 x12

side lats
8 x12
8 x12
8 x12
"Believe you can succeed and you will" - David Schwartz
Reputation point: 15
Indlæg: 957
Tilmeldt: 8. apr 2008, 10:26
Træner her: Fitness World Aalborg
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Ingen kostplan

Kropsvægt: 98,4kg

Squat 505
65 x5
70 x5
70 x5
70 x5
70 x5
70 x5

Smal Bænkpres
72 x6
77 x6
77 x6
77 x6
77 x6
77 x6

Bredt greb dødløft
105 x6
110 x6
110 x6
110 x6
110 x6
110 x6

Chinups / Skulderpres
bw x8 / 20 x12
bw x8 / 20 x12
bw x8 / 20 x12

"Believe you can succeed and you will" - David Schwartz
Reputation point: 15
Indlæg: 957
Tilmeldt: 8. apr 2008, 10:26
Træner her: Fitness World Aalborg
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Ingen kostplan

Kropsvægt: 97,5kg

Squat HB 2 sek ned og pause
77 x6
80 x6
80 x6
80 x6
80 x6

Skrå Bænkpres
60 x6
67 x6
67 x6
67 x6
67 x6

Stivbenet Dødløft, langsomt ned
95 x6
105 x6
manglende fleksibilitet

rows/ side lats
50 x 12 / 8 x 12
50 x 12 / 8 x 12
50 x 12 / 8 x 12

db curls / triceps extensions
10 x 12 / 8 x 12
10 x 12 / 8 x 12
10 x 12 / 8 x 12

"Believe you can succeed and you will" - David Schwartz
Reputation point: 15
Indlæg: 957
Tilmeldt: 8. apr 2008, 10:26
Træner her: Fitness World Aalborg
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Ingen kostplan

Week 1 - Muscular Conditioning (W/ Moderate Difficulty)

fredag, juli 28, 17
Warm Up 120 x6 120 x6 120 x6 120 x6
Warm Up 175 x6 175 x6
legs raises i dips stativ
Warm Up bw x8 bw x8 bw x8

lørdag, juli 29, 17
Bench Press
Warm Up 67,5 x10 90 x10 102,5 x8 105 x6
Barbell Row
Warm Up 50 x10 55 x10 60 x8 62 x6
Seated Dumbbell OHP
Warm Up 20 x12 20 x12 22 x10 25 x8
Weighted Chin-up
Warm Up bw x9 bw x9 bw x8 bw x6
Warm Up bw x8 bw x8 bw x8 x8-12
db curls
Warm Up 12 x8 12 x8 12 x8 x8-12

mandag, juli 31, 17
Bench Press
Warm Up 67,5 x10 90 x10 102,5 x8 105 x6
Barbell Row
Warm Up 50 x10 55 x10 60 x8 62 x6
Seated Dumbbell OHP
Warm Up 20 x12 20 x12 22 x10 25 x8
Weighted Chin-up
Warm Up bw x9 bw x9 bw x8 bw x6
Optional Exercise 1
Warm Up bw x8 bw x8 bw x8 x8-12
Optional Exercise 2
Warm Up 12 x8 12 x8 12 x8 x8-12

tirsdag, august 1, 17
Warm Up 105 x8 105 x8 105 x8 105 x8
Warm Up 155 x8 155 x8
leg raises i dips stativ
Warm Up bw x8 bw x8 bw x8

onsdag, august 2, 17
Bench Press
Warm Up 107,5 xMR (12)
Barbell Row
Warm Up 50 x10 55 x10 60 x8 62 x6
Seated Dumbbell OHP
Warm Up 20 x12 20 x12 22 x10 25 x8
Weighted Chin-up
Warm Up bw x9 bw x9 bw x8 bw x6
Optional Exercise 1
Warm Up bw x8 bw x8 bw x8 x8-12
Optional Exercise 2
Warm Up 12 x8 12 x8 12 x8 x8-12
"Believe you can succeed and you will" - David Schwartz
Reputation point: 15
Indlæg: 957
Tilmeldt: 8. apr 2008, 10:26
Træner her: Fitness World Aalborg
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Ingen kostplan

Week 2 - Muscular Conditioning/Hypertrophy (W/ Higher Difficulty)

fredag, august 4, 17
Warm Up 120 x10 122 x3 122 x3 122 x3 122 x3 122 x3
dødløft bredt greb
Warm Up 120 x8 120 x8 120 x8
leg raises i dips stativ
Warm Up bw x8 bw x8 bw x8

lørdag, august 5, 17
Bench Press
Warm Up 97,5 x10 105 x8 110 x6-8
Barbell Row
Warm Up 60 x10 62 x8 62 x8
Seated Dumbbell OHP
Warm Up 22 x10 25 x8 27 x6
Weighted Chin-up
Warm Up bw x10 2 x8 5 x6
Warm Up bw x10 bw x10 bw x10 x8-12
db curls
Warm Up 12 x8 12 x8 12 x8 x8-12

mandag, august 7, 17
Warm Up 122,5 x10 117 x3 117 x3 117 x3 117 x3 117 x3 117 x3 117 x3 117 x3 117 x3 117 x3
Bredt greb dødløft Warm Up 120 x8 120 x8 120 x8

tirsdag, august 8, 17
Bench Press
Warm Up 97,5 x10 105 x8 110 x6-8
Barbell Row
Warm Up 60 x10 65 x8 65 x8
Seated Dumbbell OHP
Warm Up 25 x10 27 x8 30 x6
Weighted Chin-up
Warm Up bw x10 2 x8 5 x6
Warm Up bw x11 bw x11 bw x11 x8-12
db curls
Warm Up 12 x8 12 x8 12 x8 x8-12

torsdag, august 10, 17
Bench Press
Warm Up 105 x13
Barbell Row
Warm Up 60 x10 65 x8 65 x8
Seated Dumbbell OHP
Warm Up 25 x10 27 x8 30 x6
Weighted Chin-up
Warm Up bw x10 5 x8 10 x6
Warm Up bw x12 bw x12 bw x12 x8-12
db curls
Warm Up 12 x8 12 x8 12 x8 x8-12
"Believe you can succeed and you will" - David Schwartz
Reputation point: 15
Indlæg: 957
Tilmeldt: 8. apr 2008, 10:26
Træner her: Fitness World Aalborg
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Ingen kostplan

Week 3 - Linear Max OT Phase

fredag, august 11, 17
Squat Warm Up 130 x4 130 x4 130 x4
Deadlift Warm Up 180 x3 180 x2
No Accessory Lifts

søndag, august 13, 17
Bench Press Warm Up 115 x6 115 x6 115 x6
Barbell Row Warm Up 70 x6 70 x6 70 x6
Seated Dumbbell OHP Warm Up 30 x6 30 x6 30 x6
Weighted Chin-up Warm Up 7 x6 7 x6 7 x6
No Optional Exercises

tirsdag, august 15, 17
Squat Warm Up 132,5 x4
pause sumo dødløft Warm Up 100 x8
No Accessory Lifts

onsdag, august 16, 17
Bench Press Warm Up 117,5 x6 117,5 x6 117,5 x6
Barbell Row Warm Up 70 x6 70 x6 70 x6
Seated Dumbbell OHP Warm Up 30 x6 30 x6 30 x6
Weighted Chin-up Warm Up 10 x6 10 x6 10 x6
"Believe you can succeed and you will" - David Schwartz
Reputation point: 15
Indlæg: 957
Tilmeldt: 8. apr 2008, 10:26
Træner her: Fitness World Aalborg
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Ingen kostplan

Week 4 - Heavy Weight Acclimation

fredag, august 18, 17
Squat Warm Up 132,5 x3 135 x3 137,5 x3
pause sumo dødløft Warm Up 120 x6 120 x6
leg raises i dips stativ Warm Up 9x bw 9x bw 9x bw
Optional Exercise 2 Warm Up

lørdag, august 19, 17
Bench Press Warm Up 112,5 x3 117,5 x3 122,5 x3
Barbell Row Warm Up 62 x10 62 x10 67 x8 70 x6
Seated Dumbbell OHP Warm Up 22 x12 22 x12 25 x10 27 x8
Weighted Chin-up Warm Up bw x10 bw x10 5 x8 7,5 x6
Optional Exercise 1 Warm Up x8-12 x8-12 x8-12 x8-12
Optional Exercise 2 Warm Up x8-12 x8-12 x8-12 x8-12

mandag, august 21, 17
Squat Warm Up 137,5 x3 142,5 x2
Sumo Deadlift Warm Up 187,5 x3 195 x2
leg raises i dips stativ Warm Up bw x8 bw x8 bw x8
Optional Exercise 2 Warm Up

tirsdag, august 22, 17
Bench Press Warm Up 117,5 x3 122,5 x4 127,5 x2
Barbell Row Warm Up 62 x10 62 x10 67 x8 70 x6
Seated Dumbbell OHP Warm Up 25 x12 25 x12 27 x10 30 x8
Weighted Chin-up Warm Up bw x11 bw x11 bw x9 bw x7
Optional Exercise 1 Warm Up x8-12 x8-12 x8-12 x8-12
Optional Exercise 2 Warm Up x8-12 x8-12 x8-12 x8-12
"Believe you can succeed and you will" - David Schwartz
Reputation point: 15
Indlæg: 957
Tilmeldt: 8. apr 2008, 10:26
Træner her: Fitness World Aalborg
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Ingen kostplan

Week 5 - High Intensity Strength

fredag, august 25, 17
Squat Warm Up 147,5 x3
Deadlift Warm Up 137,5 x4 142,5 x4 147,5 x2
Optional Lower Body Warm Up
Optional Lower Body Warm Up

søndag, august 27, 17
Bench Press Warm Up 132,5 x2
Barbell Row Warm Up 70 x6 70 x6 70 x6
Seated Dumbbell OHP Warm Up 32 x6 32 x6 32 x6
Weighted Chin-up Warm Up 10 x6 10 x6 10 x6
db curls Warm Up 12 x8 12 x8 12 x8
Optional Exercise 2 Warm Up x8-12 x8-12 x8-12

tirsdag, august 29, 17
sumo dødløft Warm Up 200 x3
Optional Lower Body Warm Up
Optional Lower Body Warm Up

projected max
squat 155
bænk 135
sumo dødløft 212
"Believe you can succeed and you will" - David Schwartz
Reputation point: 15
Indlæg: 957
Tilmeldt: 8. apr 2008, 10:26
Træner her: Fitness World Aalborg
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Ingen kostplan

Week 1 - Muscular Conditioning (W/ Moderate Difficulty)

fredag, september 1, 17
Squat Warm Up 125 x6 125 x6 125 x6 125 x6
Deadlift Warm Up 170 x6 170 x6
Optional Exercise 1 Warm Up
Optional Exercise 2 Warm Up

lørdag, september 2, 17
Bench Press Warm Up 67,5 x10 90 x10 102,5 x8 105 x6
Barbell Row Warm Up 60 x10 60 x10 65 x8 67 x6
Seated Dumbbell OHP Warm Up 22 x12 22 x12 25 x10 27 x8
Weighted Chin-up Warm Up bw x10 bw x10 bw x6 bw x6
db curls Warm Up 12 x8 12 x8 12 x8 x8-12
dips Warm Up bw x10 bw x10 bw x10 x8-12

mandag, september 4, 17
Bench Press Warm Up 67,5 x10 90 x10 102,5 x8 105 x6
Barbell Row Warm Up 60 x10 60 x10 65 x8 67 x6
Seated Dumbbell OHP Warm Up 22 x12 22 x12 25 x10 27 x8
Weighted Chin-up Warm Up bw x10 bw x10 bw x7 bw x7
db curls Warm Up 12 x8 12 x8 12 x8 x8-12
Optional Exercise 2 Warm Up x8-12

tirsdag, september 5, 17
Squat Warm Up 110 x8 110 x8 110 x8 110 x8
Deadlift Warm Up 150 x8 150 x8
Optional Exercise 1 Warm Up
Optional Exercise 2 Warm Up

onsdag, september 6, 17
Bench Press Warm Up 107,5 x14
Barbell Row Warm Up 60 x10 60 x10 65 x8 67 x6
Seated Dumbbell OHP Warm Up 22 x12 22 x12 25 x10 27 x8
Weighted Chin-up Warm Up bw x10 bw x10 bw x6 bw x6
db curls Warm Up 12 x8 12 x8 12 x8 x8-12
dips Warm Up bw x10 bw x10 bw x10 x8-12

vægt september 7 97,4kg
"Believe you can succeed and you will" - David Schwartz
Reputation point: 15
Indlæg: 957
Tilmeldt: 8. apr 2008, 10:26
Træner her: Fitness World Aalborg
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Ingen kostplan


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