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Jiyan skrev:Fik du forced i squatten? tough

jeg gik også ret tough efterfølgende

16-9-2011 - Bryst/skulder

Incline BB bænk

15 x 20kg
15 x 20kg
12 x 60kg
10 x 60kg
03 x 80kg
04 x 80kg --> 10 x 60kg --> 09 x 40kg

DB bænk

10 x 22kg
06 x 24kg
07 x 26kg

+ cable flyes & incline fly-press
There are people who say that they can and there are people who say that they cant

Both are usually right
Reputation point: 15
Indlæg: 2382
Tilmeldt: 19. okt 2009, 18:46
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Vis kostplan

17-9-2011 - Læg/underarme

seated calf raises --> benpres calf raises

40 x 15kg --> 30 x 80kg
40 x 20kg --> 20 x 90kg
40 x 25kg --> 20 x 100kg
30 x 30kg --> 20 x 90kg
25 x 32,5kg --> 20 x 100kg
25 x 35kg --> 20 x 100kg

Standing calf raises --> bw calf raises

15 x 30kg --> 18 x bw
15 x 35kg --> 15 x bw
15 x 40kg --> 15 x bw

+ underarme & mave
There are people who say that they can and there are people who say that they cant

Both are usually right
Reputation point: 15
Indlæg: 2382
Tilmeldt: 19. okt 2009, 18:46
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Vis kostplan

18-9-2011 - Ben

Lav volumen på øvelserne. Fokus var at nakke musklerne med få sæt. Der blev kørt rest-pause nogle gange

Leg extensions

12 x 20kg
12 x 25kg
12 x 30kg
10 x 40kg
08 x 50kg

OL Quad press

10 x 100kg
10 x 150kg --> 10 x 150kg (20 sec pause)

BB lunges

12 x 30kg
15 x 30kg

Squat - ATG - hold kæft de var dybe idag. Det var sindssygt

10 x 60kg
10 x 60kg
10 x 80kg

Seated Leg curls

15 x 40kg
15 x 50kg --> 10 x 40kg --> 20 x 30kg

Lying cable leg curls --> rumænsk DL

15 x 20kg --> 15 x 60kg
10 x 25kg --> 10 x 60kg
10 x 35kg --> 15 x 60kg

+ abs & udstrækning
There are people who say that they can and there are people who say that they cant

Both are usually right
Reputation point: 15
Indlæg: 2382
Tilmeldt: 19. okt 2009, 18:46
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Vis kostplan

Med sygdom+bloat+hvad ellers in mente er dine quads jo flot optegnet, understellet skal du have ros for!!
Reputation point: 160
Indlæg: 3557
Tilmeldt: 18. jun 2008, 14:43
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Kostplan: Vis kostplan

L1NSE skrev:Med sygdom+bloat+hvad ellers in mente er dine quads jo flot optegnet, understellet skal du have ros for!!

mange tak :) jeg har også platzinian ben-gener

19-9-2011 - Delts/calfs

Seated lateral raises

12 x 8kg
12 x 8kg
12 x 8kg
12 x 8kg
12 x 8kg --> 8 x 8kg (stående)

Lying BTB lateral raises

12 x 5kg
12 x 6kg

Cable lateral raises

12 x 10kg
10 x 15kg

Cable BB front raises

12 x 10kg
12 x 20kg
08 x 30kg

BB front raises --> elastik front raises

06 x 30kg --> 12 x elastik
06 x 30kg --> 15 x elastik
06 x 30kg --> 15 x elastik

Seated calf raises --> calf raises

12 x 20kg --> 12 x 30kg
10 x 30kg --> 10 x 35kg
12 x 40kg --> 10 x 40kg
08 x 50kg --> 08 x 60kg
06 x 60kg --> 06 x 80kg

+ abs
There are people who say that they can and there are people who say that they cant

Both are usually right
Reputation point: 15
Indlæg: 2382
Tilmeldt: 19. okt 2009, 18:46
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Vis kostplan

21-9-2011 - Løb

Jeg vil begynde at skrive min løbetræning ind. Jeg løber 1 gang om ugen. Løber jeg oftere får jeg skinnebensbetændelse, og jeg ser stadig meget store forbedringer af kun at løbe 1 gang om ugen.


Distance: 3,35km
Tid: 17:13 min
Km tid: 5,08 m
There are people who say that they can and there are people who say that they cant

Both are usually right
Reputation point: 15
Indlæg: 2382
Tilmeldt: 19. okt 2009, 18:46
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Vis kostplan

23-9-2011 - Ben

Leg extensions

15 x 20kg
15 x 30kg
15 x 30kg
15 x 30kg
15 x 30kg
12 x 30kg

OL Quadpress

10 x 100kg
10 x 120kg
10 x 120kg
10 x 120kg
10 x 120kg
10 x 120kg
10 x 120kg
10 x 120kg
10 x 120kg
10 x 120kg
10 x 120kg

Squat- ATG

08 x 60kg
08 x 60kg
05 x 80kg
07 x 100kg
05 x 60kg - 3 sec pause i bunden

Lying cable leg curls --> rumænsk DL - kørt som cirkel (uden pause)

15 x 20kg --> 15 x 60kg
15 x 30kg --> 12 x 60kg
12 x 30kg --> 20 x 60kg

Seated calf raises --> standing calf raises

40 x 15kg --> 25 x 10kg
15 x 35kg --> 12 x 40kg
12 x 40kg --> 10 x 50kg
08 x 50kg --> 08 x 70kg

Benpres calf raises --> bw calf raises

12 x 100kg --> 15 x bw
10 x 120kg --> 10 x bw
08 x 150kg --> 10 x bw

+ abs
There are people who say that they can and there are people who say that they cant

Both are usually right
Reputation point: 15
Indlæg: 2382
Tilmeldt: 19. okt 2009, 18:46
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Vis kostplan

26-9-2011 - Løb

Rundt om søgen

Distance: 3,35km
Tid: ?
Km tid: ?

Der var ikke så meget power idag.
There are people who say that they can and there are people who say that they cant

Both are usually right
Reputation point: 15
Indlæg: 2382
Tilmeldt: 19. okt 2009, 18:46
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Vis kostplan

Ioxer skrev:Rundt om søgen

Hvor kan man finde denne søg? - Hvidovre Styrkeløft Forening
Reputation point: 20
Indlæg: 2591
Tilmeldt: 16. jun 2009, 16:35
- Bænkpres: 135.00
- Squat: 215.00
- Dødløft: 240.00
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Ingen kostplan

Jiyan skrev:
Ioxer skrev:Rundt om søgen

Hvor kan man finde denne søg?

There are people who say that they can and there are people who say that they cant

Both are usually right
Reputation point: 15
Indlæg: 2382
Tilmeldt: 19. okt 2009, 18:46
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Vis kostplan

30-9-2011 - Løb

Jeg havde planlagt at tage engen + søen. Efter jeg havde løbet engen og lidt af søen fik jeg store smerter i mave-/tarmsystemet. Jeg blev nødt til at stoppe op indtil det gik væk. Da det var gået væk, prøvede jeg at løbe igen, men det kom tilbage. Derefter besluttede jeg mig for at stoppe og gå resten af vejen hjem.

Distance: 3km ca.
There are people who say that they can and there are people who say that they cant

Both are usually right
Reputation point: 15
Indlæg: 2382
Tilmeldt: 19. okt 2009, 18:46
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Vis kostplan

1-10-2011 - Bryst/skulder

BB bænk

08 x 50kg
08 x 50kg
08 x 70kg
06 x 80kg
05 x 90kg
04 x 90kg
10 x 70kg

DB incline bænk

10 x 24kg
08 x 28kg
07 x 34kg
10 x 30kg

Militær pres

08 x 10kg
08 x 30kg
06 x 40kg
05 x 50kg
03 x 50kg

- der blev supersetted med lateral raises engang imellem. Derudover blev der kørt abs.
There are people who say that they can and there are people who say that they cant

Both are usually right
Reputation point: 15
Indlæg: 2382
Tilmeldt: 19. okt 2009, 18:46
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Vis kostplan

3-10-2011 - Læg/abs

Machine calf raises

12 x 50kg
12 x 50kg
12 x 50kg
11 x 45kg
11 x 45kg
11 x 45kg
10 x 40kg
10 x 40kg
10 x 40kg
08 x 30kg
08 x 30kg
08 x 30kg

Seated calf raises

06 x 50kg
06 x 50kg - for tunge
06 x 40kg
08 x 40kg
08 x 40kg
08 x 40kg

Smith calf raises

12 x 20kg
12 x 60kg
12 x 100kg
08 x 140kg
08 x 140kg --> 08 x 100kg --> 10 x 60kg

+ abs og en masse udstrækning
There are people who say that they can and there are people who say that they cant

Both are usually right
Reputation point: 15
Indlæg: 2382
Tilmeldt: 19. okt 2009, 18:46
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Vis kostplan

5-10-2011 - Løb

Opvarmning ned til engen + halvdelen af engen

Distance: 5,83 km
Tid: 32 min
Km tid: 5 min (efter opvarmning)
There are people who say that they can and there are people who say that they cant

Both are usually right
Reputation point: 15
Indlæg: 2382
Tilmeldt: 19. okt 2009, 18:46
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Vis kostplan

14-10-2011 - Ryg

Igår var jeg til galla.


20 x 50kg
10 x 50kg
08 x 90kg
05 x 110kg
05 x 130kg


10 x 50kg
08 x 60kg
08 x 65kg
07 x 70kg

Straight-arm pulldowns --> Seated rows - squeeze

18 x 20kg --> 10 x 45kg
12 x 25kg --> 10 x 45kg
12 x 25kg --> 08 x 45kg
12 x 25kg --> 10 x 45kg

T-bar rows - jeg skriver kun skivernes vægt ind

12 x 40kg
12 x 50kg
15 x 60kg

+ curls & extensions
There are people who say that they can and there are people who say that they cant

Both are usually right
Reputation point: 15
Indlæg: 2382
Tilmeldt: 19. okt 2009, 18:46
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Vis kostplan

15-10-2011 - læg/delts

Machine calf raises

20 x 10kg
15 x 10kg
12 x 50kg
08 x 70kg
08 x 70kg
08 x 70kg
08 x 70kg
08 x 70kg
12 x 50kg
10 x 50kg
08 x 50kg
10 x 50kg
08 x 50kg

Seated calf raises

10 x 30kg
10 x 30kg
12 x 30kg
10 x 30kg
10 x 30kg

Lateral raises

10 x 06kg
10 x 08kg
10 x 10kg
05 x 12kg
05 x 14kg
06 x 16kg
+ 3 dropsæt

tid: 30 min
There are people who say that they can and there are people who say that they cant

Both are usually right
Reputation point: 15
Indlæg: 2382
Tilmeldt: 19. okt 2009, 18:46
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Vis kostplan

Ser godt ud Niels ;)
Next count is ONE!
Reputation point: 0
Indlæg: 131
Tilmeldt: 28. jan 2011, 14:56
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Vis kostplan

17-10-2011 - Bryst/skulder

BB bænk

10 x 20kg
12 x 60kg
10 x 60kg
08 x 80kg
06 x 80kg
12 x 60kg
10 x 60kg

Incline DB bænk - jeg er overhovedet ikke sikker på kiloene/reps'ne her

10 x 22kg
08 x 26kg
07 x 28kg
10 x 26kg

DB flyes

10 x 12kg
10 x 12kg
12 x 12kg

Militær pres

10 x 20kg
10 x 20kg
08 x 40kg
05 x 50kg
02 x 60kg

DB press

08 x 22kg
05 x 26kg
05 x 28kg
There are people who say that they can and there are people who say that they cant

Both are usually right
Reputation point: 15
Indlæg: 2382
Tilmeldt: 19. okt 2009, 18:46
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Vis kostplan

Schoufit skrev:Ser godt ud Niels ;)

There are people who say that they can and there are people who say that they cant

Both are usually right
Reputation point: 15
Indlæg: 2382
Tilmeldt: 19. okt 2009, 18:46
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Vis kostplan

Ser godt ud niels :gay2: - Hvidovre Styrkeløft Forening
Reputation point: 20
Indlæg: 2591
Tilmeldt: 16. jun 2009, 16:35
- Bænkpres: 135.00
- Squat: 215.00
- Dødløft: 240.00
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Ingen kostplan

Jiyan skrev:Ser godt ud niels :gay2:

There are people who say that they can and there are people who say that they cant

Both are usually right
Reputation point: 15
Indlæg: 2382
Tilmeldt: 19. okt 2009, 18:46
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Vis kostplan

18-10-2011 - Baglår/læg

OL Leg curls

15 x 10kg
15 x 20kg
10 x 30kg
10 x 30kg
10 x 30kg
10 x 30kg
10 x 30kg

Lying cable leg curls --> rumænsk DL

12 x 20kg --> 15 x 50kg
12 x 30kg --> 12 x 50kg
12 x 30kg --> 12 x 50kg

Machine calf raises

20 x 10kg
20 x 20kg
20 x 20kg
20 x 20kg
+ 1 dropsæt
There are people who say that they can and there are people who say that they cant

Both are usually right
Reputation point: 15
Indlæg: 2382
Tilmeldt: 19. okt 2009, 18:46
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Vis kostplan

Niels, hvad fanden er OL leg curls - Hvidovre Styrkeløft Forening
Reputation point: 20
Indlæg: 2591
Tilmeldt: 16. jun 2009, 16:35
- Bænkpres: 135.00
- Squat: 215.00
- Dødløft: 240.00
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Ingen kostplan

Jiyan skrev:Niels, hvad fanden er OL leg curls

Det er One-Leg leg curls

OA = one-arm
There are people who say that they can and there are people who say that they cant

Both are usually right
Reputation point: 15
Indlæg: 2382
Tilmeldt: 19. okt 2009, 18:46
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Vis kostplan

19-10-2011 - Ryg

Denne træning dedikerer jeg til Jiyan.

T-bar rows

15 x 20kg
15 x 40kg
10 x 60kg
10 x 70kg

DB rows

10 x 22kg
10 x 28kg
10 x 36kg

BB rows - overkroppen vandret

15 x 20kg
15 x 60kg

+ nogle UH-pulldowns, normale pulldowns, stiff-arm pulldowns & shrugs.

Nu har jeg 600g pangasius-filet i ovnen. Det bliver mums. Om 3 timer står den på koteletter og flødekartofler <3
There are people who say that they can and there are people who say that they cant

Both are usually right
Reputation point: 15
Indlæg: 2382
Tilmeldt: 19. okt 2009, 18:46
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Vis kostplan

20-10-2011 - Skulder

Jeg skulle købe ind, så jeg kunne lige så godt tage en hurtig sideskulder-træning, da Rema1000 ligger under mit center.

Lateral raises

15 x 8kg
15 x 10kg
08 x 13kg
10 x 16kg

Cable lateral raises

09 x 10kg
05 x 15kg + 5 excentriske.

+ 1 dropsæt DB laterals.
There are people who say that they can and there are people who say that they cant

Both are usually right
Reputation point: 15
Indlæg: 2382
Tilmeldt: 19. okt 2009, 18:46
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Vis kostplan

21-10-2011 - Bryst/skulder

Jeg har haft en smule meget-let irritation ved højre pec-hæftning. Derfor kørte jeg lave vægte til brystet idag.

Cable cross-overs

15 x 10kg
15 x 15kg
15 x 20kg
10 x 25kg

BB bænk

15 x 50kg
10 x 70kg
10 x 70kg

DB press

10 x 22kg
05 x 26kg
05 x 28kg

Militær pres

08 x 20kg
06 x 40kg
06 x 40kg

Cable push-ups

10 x 5kg
08 x 15kg
08 x 25kg

+ abs
There are people who say that they can and there are people who say that they cant

Both are usually right
Reputation point: 15
Indlæg: 2382
Tilmeldt: 19. okt 2009, 18:46
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Vis kostplan

Ingen træning idag. Jeg kan dog informere folket om at mig, Jiyan og en fra gymnasiet har planlagt at afholde VM i"knees-inward-squat". Det er VM i squat hvor knæene skal røre hinanden under hele løftet. Jeg ser stort potentiale
There are people who say that they can and there are people who say that they cant

Both are usually right
Reputation point: 15
Indlæg: 2382
Tilmeldt: 19. okt 2009, 18:46
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Vis kostplan

24-10-2011 - Skulder/traps/mave

Styrken er rigtig dårlig i squatten i øjeblikket

Lateral raises

15 x 6kg
15 x 10kg
12 x 12kg
11 x 12kg
10 x 12kg
09 x 12kg
08 x 12kg
+ 1 dropsæt

Smith shrugs

15 x 40kg
10 x 80kg
10 x 100kg
08 x 120kg --> 06 x 80kg --> 10 x 40kg

+ abs
There are people who say that they can and there are people who say that they cant

Both are usually right
Reputation point: 15
Indlæg: 2382
Tilmeldt: 19. okt 2009, 18:46
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Vis kostplan

ca 12 sæt dødløft + læg idag
There are people who say that they can and there are people who say that they cant

Both are usually right
Reputation point: 15
Indlæg: 2382
Tilmeldt: 19. okt 2009, 18:46
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Vis kostplan


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