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Mike Liberatore skriver om sine supplements

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When I walk down the street, I get a fair amount of attention, but unless someone approaches and asks a question that attention usually goes ignored. Generally, the questions I do get are the stereotypical "How much do you bench?", or, "How big are your arms", but there are three I have seen on the boards that I often want to answer. Here they are:

Question #1: "How much drugs do pros take?"

Mike Liberatore: This is a question that I hear a lot. Well only from people that have enough nerve to actually ask me a personal or broad question. That may sound as if I'm being defensive, but I'm not. Who in the fuck are you? You ask me about my personal business or my friends? I mean really, do I ask a stranger at their place of business or if they had a work information forum, how much weed do you smoke, or how often do drink or how much porn do you watch? No, of course not, because it's rude!
So why do people feel it's ok to ask a pro bodybuilder or someone who looks like a big dude, how much Test we take?

Well I know people want to know, because they're curious. Since there are too many idiots claiming to know what every IFBB Pro take, all the while they hardly workout or better yet, "My buddy knows this pro and he says everyone in the IFBB takes ass loads of gear." I want to answer this question if only to help dismiss the urban gym myth that all IFBB Pros take outragious amounts of steroids. I also want to prevent people from following these forum guru's and their bad advice and hurting themselves for no reason. So back to the question...How much drugs do pros take?

This is a very general question, so I will put what I think is an average to low amount to start.MichaelLiberatore-eMM-PaulBuceta-806JJ


These are the amounts of these specific drugs. Not all are taken at the same time. Test is combined with Tren a lot just for the fact it's the strongest combo. EQ and Deca are added in and usually swapped for each other after 8 weeks. Orals obviously add size very quick - especially dbol or abombs. Many guys like orals, but some feel like they kill appetite too much and add too much stress onto the kidneys and liver.

Remember offseason is supposed to be lighter on the body then pre-contest. Pre-contest has more combo stacks and you are pushing hard all the way around – picture burning the candle at both ends. This is why you have to stop dieting and clean out. Your body will burn its self out and you will only get worse.

Here are some doses OFF SEASON:

Total Milligrams for Most - 2000-3000mg and higher amounts for some athletes – some even go as high as 4000mg per week!

Test (Enanthate or Cypionate) 1000-1500mg

Deca – 600mg I think everyone does this amount. Deca helps my joints. I really don't like Deca that much. It raises prolactin too much which can give you...wait for it...Deca dick LOL. Tren does the same so that's a good reason not to mix the two. Most people and pros, I'd say 90% or more, don't take anti-prolactin drugs (prami or caber). Side effects are comparable to too much estrogen and both affect each other.

Deca at 600mg/week – taking more doesn't do much except clop receptors.

Tren Enanthate at 600mg/week is good to go.

800 Equipoise is the sweet spot, but 1200-1500mg is on the high end.

50 mg Dbol or 50 Anadrol

GH – 5 to 18ius for HUMAN GRADE – Humatrope or Serostim ...the generic stuff doesn't work!


Just like offseason, not all are combined at the same time Not all are used, everyone is different, and like different combo's. I like Suspension/Test Prop with Tren Ace and Masteron Propionate all together the last 6 weeks - All of the above at 600mg per week. I added Super DMZ the last 3 weeks at 4 caps day. Super DMZ is a great for muscle hardness. Although unless you are peeled all the DMZ in the world won't give you the granite look everyone looks to achieve

Here is a typical pre-contest: (injectables per week - orals per day)

800-1000mg Test Prop or Test Suspension
600-800mg Tren Acetate
600-800mg Masteron Propionate
600-800 Primobolan
50mg Dbol-Anadrol
30mg Halotestin/Super DMZ or Winstrol 50mg to 200mg per day – three options
5iu HGH – HUMAN – Max 18IU – If affordable

Question #2: "If I take that much drugs, could I be a pro?"

Mike Liberatore: Hell NO!!!
Drugs do not make a person be an IFBB Pro. It's determined at the point of the sperm meeting the egg. Here is a saying that I've heard before. "NPC is the battle of genetics, the IFBB is a battle of smarter chemistry and MONEY. Everyone in the IFBB is gifted even the worst guy in the league. Even top NPC national competitors are way above the curve when it comes to genetically gifted for bodybuilding. Unfortunately, not everyone in the IFBB has Phil Heath's muscle shape and no amount of money or drugs will change someone to look like him. So if you think you can be a pro if you take a lot of drugs, then you are most likely wrong unless you are genetically gifted already.

I tell people if it takes a person to use top pro amounts to win your pro card then you won't be moving up in the IFBB. Where do you go when you use so much that using more is foolish and or dangerous? Remember, use less and train hard. If people don't believe you only take 600mg of Test because you look 2x the size of the guy in the gym who takes 1500mg, then bodybuilding is something you are good at!!! tumblr muwzpoyX9i1rs4ej4o1 500

Question #3: "Why don't pros talk about the amount of drugs they take? Why do they keep all the secrets to themselves?"

Mike Liberatore: Most pros don't talk about their drug use for the fact that drugs are illegal. Why should someone openly share their secrets? After all, information is power and money; if you don't know the way to the top, that's one less guy to worry about.

Steroids are illegal and today's society thinks that bodybuilders are a bunch of dumb meatheads with attitude problems. Well, there are those assholes out there that take gear to be the biggest guy at their bar or gym. Guess what, there is always someone bigger or badder. If you need steroids to define you then you have a problem.

Plus, supplement companies do not want their athletes admitting that they take drugs to get them ready for a show. No amount of N.O., amino drink, fat burner, or even protein drinks have anything to do with their superstar looking the way they do. These companies want gym rats to really think that they are spending tens of thousands on each month in our top magazines claiming N.O. Beastmode added 10lbs of muscle in just 10 weeks!

Remember everything people ask is usually private and illegal. People do not usually tell the truth about their use for the simple fact they don't want to be judged. If you say too little then you are a liar, if you say too much then your genetics suck. It's a lose-lose question.

Lyder det realistisk?
Månedens skribent: Maj 2010
Reputation point: 573
Indlæg: 22937
Tilmeldt: 26. jun 2005, 20:35
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Man kan vel sammenligne med undercover Pro og se om det stemmer nogenlunde overens.

Har ikke selv tjekket det dog.
Reputation point: 5
Indlæg: 2930
Tilmeldt: 22. aug 2010, 10:03
Geografisk sted: København
Træner her: Anger Mangement
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Tror Mike Liberatore er no bullshit, men så må man tænke på hvor det gear kommer fra, om det er ordentligt doseret osv.. Han har sikkert råd til real, men når andre skriver at de tager .. lad os sige 5g krudt om ugen, men kommer fra noget underground lab, er det så lige så godt som 3g real? who knows
Lev, kæmp og opnå kun det som du vil for dig SELV inderst inde! Lad dig ikke ændre af selv-paranoia eller folks meninger -- Du er elsket for den du er.

Reputation point: 62
Indlæg: 1418
Tilmeldt: 14. jul 2009, 13:04
Geografisk sted: Fyn
- Bænkpres: 233123.00
- Squat: 20.00
- Dødløft: 313133.00
Logbog: Ingen logbog
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Fandt man nogensinde ud af hvem undercover pro var? Seth Feroce?
"At hjælpe er at forstå" - Søren Kierkegaard

Træningstøj Proteinpulver
Reputation point: 80
Indlæg: 21945
Tilmeldt: 9. jan 2005, 13:00
Geografisk sted: Aalborg
Træner her: Unifitness
- Bænkpres: 190.00
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8800 skrev:Fandt man nogensinde ud af hvem undercover pro var? Seth Feroce?

Et marketingstunt lavet af blackstonelabs.
Reputation point: 160
Indlæg: 3557
Tilmeldt: 18. jun 2008, 14:43
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Også et særdeles fornuftigt bud :)
"At hjælpe er at forstå" - Søren Kierkegaard

Træningstøj Proteinpulver
Reputation point: 80
Indlæg: 21945
Tilmeldt: 9. jan 2005, 13:00
Geografisk sted: Aalborg
Træner her: Unifitness
- Bænkpres: 190.00
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TheCzech skrev:Lyder det realistisk?

Doserne lyder i underkanten, især off-season test.

Jeg kan til gengæld godt lide hans svar til sprgm. #2, det er en ret grundlæggende pointe, at krudt reelt blot ændre gamet til at favorisere anden genetik end clean bb, mere end ødelægger sporten.
Reputation point: 245
Indlæg: 3836
Tilmeldt: 17. maj 2009, 22:09
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Kostplan: Ingen kostplan

TheCzech skrev:

When I walk down the street, I get a fair amount of attention, but unless someone approaches and asks a question that attention usually goes ignored. Generally, the questions I do get are the stereotypical "How much do you bench?", or, "How big are your arms", but there are three I have seen on the boards that I often want to answer. Here they are:

Question #1: "How much drugs do pros take?"

Mike Liberatore: This is a question that I hear a lot. Well only from people that have enough nerve to actually ask me a personal or broad question. That may sound as if I'm being defensive, but I'm not. Who in the fuck are you? You ask me about my personal business or my friends? I mean really, do I ask a stranger at their place of business or if they had a work information forum, how much weed do you smoke, or how often do drink or how much porn do you watch? No, of course not, because it's rude!
So why do people feel it's ok to ask a pro bodybuilder or someone who looks like a big dude, how much Test we take?

Well I know people want to know, because they're curious. Since there are too many idiots claiming to know what every IFBB Pro take, all the while they hardly workout or better yet, "My buddy knows this pro and he says everyone in the IFBB takes ass loads of gear." I want to answer this question if only to help dismiss the urban gym myth that all IFBB Pros take outragious amounts of steroids. I also want to prevent people from following these forum guru's and their bad advice and hurting themselves for no reason. So back to the question...How much drugs do pros take?

This is a very general question, so I will put what I think is an average to low amount to start.MichaelLiberatore-eMM-PaulBuceta-806JJ


These are the amounts of these specific drugs. Not all are taken at the same time. Test is combined with Tren a lot just for the fact it's the strongest combo. EQ and Deca are added in and usually swapped for each other after 8 weeks. Orals obviously add size very quick - especially dbol or abombs. Many guys like orals, but some feel like they kill appetite too much and add too much stress onto the kidneys and liver.

Remember offseason is supposed to be lighter on the body then pre-contest. Pre-contest has more combo stacks and you are pushing hard all the way around – picture burning the candle at both ends. This is why you have to stop dieting and clean out. Your body will burn its self out and you will only get worse.

Here are some doses OFF SEASON:

Total Milligrams for Most - 2000-3000mg and higher amounts for some athletes – some even go as high as 4000mg per week!

Test (Enanthate or Cypionate) 1000-1500mg

Deca – 600mg I think everyone does this amount. Deca helps my joints. I really don't like Deca that much. It raises prolactin too much which can give you...wait for it...Deca dick LOL. Tren does the same so that's a good reason not to mix the two. Most people and pros, I'd say 90% or more, don't take anti-prolactin drugs (prami or caber). Side effects are comparable to too much estrogen and both affect each other.

Deca at 600mg/week – taking more doesn't do much except clop receptors.

Tren Enanthate at 600mg/week is good to go.

800 Equipoise is the sweet spot, but 1200-1500mg is on the high end.

50 mg Dbol or 50 Anadrol

GH – 5 to 18ius for HUMAN GRADE – Humatrope or Serostim ...the generic stuff doesn't work!


Just like offseason, not all are combined at the same time Not all are used, everyone is different, and like different combo's. I like Suspension/Test Prop with Tren Ace and Masteron Propionate all together the last 6 weeks - All of the above at 600mg per week. I added Super DMZ the last 3 weeks at 4 caps day. Super DMZ is a great for muscle hardness. Although unless you are peeled all the DMZ in the world won't give you the granite look everyone looks to achieve

Here is a typical pre-contest: (injectables per week - orals per day)

800-1000mg Test Prop or Test Suspension
600-800mg Tren Acetate
600-800mg Masteron Propionate
600-800 Primobolan
50mg Dbol-Anadrol
30mg Halotestin/Super DMZ or Winstrol 50mg to 200mg per day – three options
5iu HGH – HUMAN – Max 18IU – If affordable

Question #2: "If I take that much drugs, could I be a pro?"

Mike Liberatore: Hell NO!!!
Drugs do not make a person be an IFBB Pro. It's determined at the point of the sperm meeting the egg. Here is a saying that I've heard before. "NPC is the battle of genetics, the IFBB is a battle of smarter chemistry and MONEY. Everyone in the IFBB is gifted even the worst guy in the league. Even top NPC national competitors are way above the curve when it comes to genetically gifted for bodybuilding. Unfortunately, not everyone in the IFBB has Phil Heath's muscle shape and no amount of money or drugs will change someone to look like him. So if you think you can be a pro if you take a lot of drugs, then you are most likely wrong unless you are genetically gifted already.

I tell people if it takes a person to use top pro amounts to win your pro card then you won't be moving up in the IFBB. Where do you go when you use so much that using more is foolish and or dangerous? Remember, use less and train hard. If people don't believe you only take 600mg of Test because you look 2x the size of the guy in the gym who takes 1500mg, then bodybuilding is something you are good at!!! tumblr muwzpoyX9i1rs4ej4o1 500

Question #3: "Why don't pros talk about the amount of drugs they take? Why do they keep all the secrets to themselves?"

Mike Liberatore: Most pros don't talk about their drug use for the fact that drugs are illegal. Why should someone openly share their secrets? After all, information is power and money; if you don't know the way to the top, that's one less guy to worry about.

Steroids are illegal and today's society thinks that bodybuilders are a bunch of dumb meatheads with attitude problems. Well, there are those assholes out there that take gear to be the biggest guy at their bar or gym. Guess what, there is always someone bigger or badder. If you need steroids to define you then you have a problem.

Plus, supplement companies do not want their athletes admitting that they take drugs to get them ready for a show. No amount of N.O., amino drink, fat burner, or even protein drinks have anything to do with their superstar looking the way they do. These companies want gym rats to really think that they are spending tens of thousands on each month in our top magazines claiming N.O. Beastmode added 10lbs of muscle in just 10 weeks!

Remember everything people ask is usually private and illegal. People do not usually tell the truth about their use for the simple fact they don't want to be judged. If you say too little then you are a liar, if you say too much then your genetics suck. It's a lose-lose question.

Lyder det realistisk?

Hvorfor er det så vigtigt at vide om det er realistisk ? skal du starte på kur i morgen eller hvad ?
Døde fisk, flyder med strømmen
Reputation point: 0
Indlæg: 563
Tilmeldt: 12. feb 2013, 16:17
- Bænkpres: 254.00
- Squat: 1124.00
- Dødløft: 427.00
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Backtonature skrev:Hvorfor er det så vigtigt at vide om det er realistisk ? skal du starte på kur i morgen eller hvad ?

Hvad rager det dig? Skal du ikke ud og finde Kongkent?
Reputation point: 245
Indlæg: 4163
Tilmeldt: 25. nov 2008, 15:14
Træner her: The Gym
- Bænkpres: 165.00
- Squat: 210.00
- Dødløft: 215.00
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Hvorfor er det så vigtigt at vide om det er realistisk ? skal du starte på kur i morgen eller hvad ?

Ja, jeg regner med at begynde på denne kur i morgen. Tror du så, jeg får en fysik som Mike? Og synes du, den ser god ud?
Månedens skribent: Maj 2010
Reputation point: 573
Indlæg: 22937
Tilmeldt: 26. jun 2005, 20:35
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Helt sikkert, din form vil blive meget bedre, med din genetik, er der uanede muligheder, især hvis du supplere med fiskeolie.
Døde fisk, flyder med strømmen
Reputation point: 0
Indlæg: 563
Tilmeldt: 12. feb 2013, 16:17
- Bænkpres: 254.00
- Squat: 1124.00
- Dødløft: 427.00
Logbog: Ingen logbog
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Kostplan: Ingen kostplan

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