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Skuffet over Ronnie Coleman

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Ronnie Coleman sælger nu et eller andet slankeprodukt der hedder Shrinktoning, noget plaster af en slags man sætter på huden og så taber man sig angiveligt. Naturligvis et elendigt skodprodukt, hvilket han naturligvis godt ved. $$$

Er vi for venlige når det kommer til ikonerne i vores sport? Alle andre var da blevet udskammet, hvis de havde lagt navn til sådan noget BS... Skuffet over Ronnie der altid har virket som en reel fyr.

Reputation point: 260
Indlæg: 2523
Tilmeldt: 13. mar 2015, 12:36
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Gad vide om det var sådan han opnåede sin 0.33% BF som han fortalte om i Joe Rogans podcast. :o
Reputation point: 495
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Tilmeldt: 7. okt 2006, 13:55
Geografisk sted: Vejle
- Bænkpres: 165.00
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" Instead of feeling down and sometimes depressed, your mood is elevated. You have more energy than you've experienced in years. "

Grinnern! haha Taget fra shrinktoneings hjemmeside :lol:
Reputation point: 35
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Tilmeldt: 20. dec 2012, 21:01
- Bænkpres: 125.00
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Coleman er ikke den skarpeste kniv i skuffen, og ej heller en mand der er finansielt set for life. At der er plattenslagere der vælger at drage nytte af hans legacy til fordel for at han kan få tilværelsen til at løbe rundt er jo ikke chokerende for nogen. Coleman er et ikon på grund af hvad han udførte i sin tid, ikke for hvad han gør i dag. Dertil tror jeg ikke Colemans moralske framework strækker sig meget længere end at være en hyggelig og simpel mand, hvilket også er ok.
Reputation point: 160
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Tilmeldt: 18. jun 2008, 14:43
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Alle andre var da blevet udskammet,

Var de det? Der er (danske) SoMe-aktører (i fitness fåreklæder) der "lever" af at "buste bullshit" og som i den forbindelse massegenererer bullshit. De har sjovt nok fået ryet som værende de "reelle".

Ronnie har paid his dues. At købe whatever produkt han sælger, om det er en slankecreme, luft på dose eller proteinpulver, er ligeså meget at sende en tak i hans retning og en anerkendelse. Derudover skal man ikke underkende at der ER mange der tror på det de sælger. De færreste kommer fra et videnskabeligt kritisk udgangspunkt. Mennesket er ikke en rationel aktør, og den slags køb handler ikke om et rationelt resultat men om oplevelsen: emballage, indpakning, forventning og hygge. Det gælder kæresters hårprodukter, det gælder også alle andre med andre ting. Havregryn med hyggelig emballage på, mælk som i de gode, gamle dage fra gården, and what have you.

Bodybuilding er ikke nogen dans på roser. Hvad end han har fået i stævnepræmier er utvivlsomt blevet ædt af af massive omkostninger til sporten og hans 342 forskellige kæmpe ortoindgreb og voksende forsikringspræmier.

You can put 10 pounds of muscle a year on, so when I'm 50 I'll weigh 500 pounds. I'll be the freak of the week.
Reputation point: 2314
Indlæg: 7369
Tilmeldt: 10. jan 2009, 15:25
Geografisk sted: Island of Simonia
- Bænkpres: 82.50
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SandyFrink skrev:
Alle andre var da blevet udskammet,

Var de det? Der er (danske) SoMe-aktører (i fitness fåreklæder) der "lever" af at "buste bullshit" og som i den forbindelse massegenererer bullshit. De har sjovt nok fået ryet som værende de "reelle".

Du har desværre nok ret. Vi lever i en tid, hvor man kan slippe afsted med rigtig meget skrald, måske især i fitnessbranchen. Når jeg reagerer og ligefrem opretter en tråd, skyldes det at vi lige netop har med Ronnie Coleman at gøre. Jeg har det mindre stramt med at en eller anden semi-kendt SoMe-aktør forsøger at sælge et tvivlsomt produkt, end når Ronnie Coleman gør det samme. Hvis man har vundet Mr. Olympia – endda 8 gange – synes jeg at man er en ambassadør for sporten og derfor bør tænke over hvad man går med til, især kommercielt. Men igen, Ronnie har også brug for pengene og måske kassen er ved at være tom, men jeg synes det er trist, at han på den måde sælger et lille stykke af sin sjæl for ussel mammon. (I min optik)
Reputation point: 260
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Tilmeldt: 13. mar 2015, 12:36
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iRoN_wArrioR93 skrev:Coleman er ikke den skarpeste kniv i skuffen

Sandt. Der er faktisk en vis sandsynlighed for, at han selv tror på det virker. :D De har måske fyret en masse videnskabelige termer i hovedet på ham som han ikke har forstået, men som lød fancy. Det kan ikke udelukkes, men jeg hælder nu mest til, at Ronnie er blevet betalt fedt og har ladet sig forføre.
Reputation point: 260
Indlæg: 2523
Tilmeldt: 13. mar 2015, 12:36
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Din synsning den ene eller anden vej sender ikke mere mad eller forsikringer i hans retning. Den moderne økonomi belønner bullshit, og det er kun blevet værre. SoMe har potenseret den udvikling big time.

Her er en mail fra Tom Platz fra 2008, gengivet her med visse undladelser:

Hello, Everyone,

Firstly, I personally want to thank each and every one of you who invested in the PlatZinum, Titanium or Iron Memberships. My intention was to use the DVDs and Vintage photos as educational tools for the future of pro bodybuilding and for those who have a true love for the sport. Also, I wanted to still draw some sort of income in my retirement years - hoping what I had done for bodybuilding, that I could still reap some sort of benefit for life.

Most believe you retire a rich man and what most do not know, when you retire from bodybuilding, all you have left to live on is selling photos, DVDs, old memorabilia, education, etc. no matter how many To bring all of you up to date and bring you to reality of what happens to retired pros, I am taking this time to inform you of some things which I think you should know. Maybe, it will even enlighten you on the dark side of being a retired pro bodybuilder - and maybe even give you more insight on the pro career of a bodybuilder.

The magazines stop paying you when you stop posing for photos, but do continue to use your likeness and image to make money. I have been asked so many times to do interviews to sell magazines, and yet the publications do not see where they should reward the retired athlete. They believe by just keeping the image in the public's view - they think the reward of recognition is enough. Unfortunately, recognition does not take care of the bills and living expenses. This is the reality of the bodybuilding business, so the athletes have to go out and think of other ways to make a living. There are also those people who steal photos and sell them in any way they can - do you think they send the athlete a check?

After seeing several of my peers at the Classic, Lou, Kevin, Ed, Dorian, Flex - all at booths, selling photos, DVDs and autographs - I just realized, this is all we have left to get by and live on unless we go into another career like I have - teaching, making commercials and the car business. But how many shows are there a year? How well do they do at these shows, when most come to see what they can get for free? Most believe when they buy a magazine, the athletes get a piece of that action. I am here to tell you, I have not received a monthly residual check from any magazine since I stopped writing for MD back in the mid-90's nor do I receive a residual for photos that are periodically used. This is the reality of it all - you should ask yourself, then how are others doing? I think about all the guys I know, wondering how they are doing? Most I know are not doing well as most only know bodybuilding. You might say, I was one of the lucky ones.

What made me most sad was to see Sergio Olivia on the side wall at the Classic, trying to sell photos as well. Someone had moved his table the 2nd day, and he spent three hours looking for his photos and items, wasting most of Saturday. We went by and saw him every day to make sure he was doing okay. Serge is a true legend as was Reg - how did these two legends make a living? How are they doing? How did Reg do before he passed? Does anyone care?

Not really understanding the computer that much, I found myself very disappointed upon learning the cost to produce DVDs in the U.S. (and not in China or India). Cha was spending an average of 21 days per 60-minute DVD, pulling clips from 200 VHS tapes, Magic's DV tape, also shooting new footage, and then clipping them altogether. Her first DVD proved to be of great quality, but then the U.S. production company decided they wanted to charge more. After having to pay everyone else involved, I found we were actually losing significant money with each DVD, but we still wanted to get them out to you, the loyal followers. We will continue this as it is very important to Cha and myself.

Since my wife, Cha, had come on down with a severe virus after we returned from the Arnold Classic, she had lost her eyesight during the illness and near 10% of her weight. She is still recovering after a month of this illness. Viewing the computer screen has been too difficult so she was unable to do any computer work. When we left for the event and after having to redo the Winter DVD three times over, she was to finish up with the final touches upon our return March 2nd. Unfortunately, the virus took over from there. Cha is feeling better these last few days and intends to finish the Winter and Leg Part I DVD. I am asking for your continued patience.

What is also disappointing, only three members actually took advantage or showed interest in The Que University; we had invested quite a bit of time and money to have 'live' seminars. I guess we live in a world of 'Free Stuff; not much else has much value. To those who did participate, it is good to hear that your lives have changed for the better; we are very grateful to hear such news. We ask that you continue to send your positive reports.

As for the ePlatzForum, there will be some major changes on what I want to offer today to my fans, followers and their families. These changes will occur in April/May. Thank you to those who have continued to participate in the Forum; you have no idea how much that means to me. You are the 'true' fans and followers of pro bodybuilding and what it was in my day; I am honored.

I will be participating more in the new Forum as I have finally come to realize what needs to take place online. The new Forum will not be about hardcore anything, but will delve into 'smart' training based on my personal experience. My decision is make the Forum for families, for those who want a quality life and still pursue the sport of bodybuilding. There are so many other bodybuilding forums who insist on hardcore and controversy; go there if that makes your life complete.

ALL PENDING ORDERS for other items are being shipped this week. Again, I apologize for the delay.

Thank you all so very much for your patience and for the cards which were sent. Cha is now reading some of the email, a little each day. These cards have truly cheered her up. We are very grateful. I apologize this email did not go out before now, but my main focus has been and is Cha and getting her back to normal.

Just to let you know, the virus that Cha contracted has actually cause some deaths, worldwide. Many have not recovered yet. (I personally had it for 2.5 weeks, also missing work.) Since she is from the natural health industry, all of her treatments were made from foods. Her clients are doing well. While we were away, four people we knew had passed during a stay in the hospital. We are also working through out losses.

Thank you for taking the time to read this long overdue email. I hope that you will continue to be patient and still come, visit and post in the ePlatzForum. And please, do not misunderstand me. Bodybuilding has been very good to me in many ways, especially back in the '80s and '90s; I have no regrets. Hopefully, it will continue to be good to me in the 21st century.

Kind regards,
Tom Platz

Lidt fjernt fra det normale positive thinking image, ikke sandt? Jeg er den første til at sige at integritet, den kan du kun miste én gang.

Men selv den pureste aktør må,i fravær af mæcenat, nødvendigvis også agere kommercielt i den kapitalistiske økonomi han eller hun er tvunget ind i.
You can put 10 pounds of muscle a year on, so when I'm 50 I'll weigh 500 pounds. I'll be the freak of the week.
Reputation point: 2314
Indlæg: 7369
Tilmeldt: 10. jan 2009, 15:25
Geografisk sted: Island of Simonia
- Bænkpres: 82.50
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