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Olivenolie, granatæble og mango!


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Havde ikke den store tiltro til en særlig vellykket træning i dag, da jeg både havde lidt travlt, var træt og mit headset var løbet tør for strøm. MEN det endte med at blive en ganske hæderlig en af slagsen! :)
If you hit an oak tree one thousand times in one thousand different places, what’s going to happen? Absolutely nothing. But if you hit an oak tree one thousand times in the exact same spot, what’s going to happen is you are going to knock it down.
Reputation point: 275
Indlæg: 3411
Tilmeldt: 13. apr 2012, 19:31
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Baaaack in da gyyyym


God træning i dag!
If you hit an oak tree one thousand times in one thousand different places, what’s going to happen? Absolutely nothing. But if you hit an oak tree one thousand times in the exact same spot, what’s going to happen is you are going to knock it down.
Reputation point: 275
Indlæg: 3411
Tilmeldt: 13. apr 2012, 19:31
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If you hit an oak tree one thousand times in one thousand different places, what’s going to happen? Absolutely nothing. But if you hit an oak tree one thousand times in the exact same spot, what’s going to happen is you are going to knock it down.
Reputation point: 275
Indlæg: 3411
Tilmeldt: 13. apr 2012, 19:31
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If you hit an oak tree one thousand times in one thousand different places, what’s going to happen? Absolutely nothing. But if you hit an oak tree one thousand times in the exact same spot, what’s going to happen is you are going to knock it down.
Reputation point: 275
Indlæg: 3411
Tilmeldt: 13. apr 2012, 19:31
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If you hit an oak tree one thousand times in one thousand different places, what’s going to happen? Absolutely nothing. But if you hit an oak tree one thousand times in the exact same spot, what’s going to happen is you are going to knock it down.
Reputation point: 275
Indlæg: 3411
Tilmeldt: 13. apr 2012, 19:31
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If you hit an oak tree one thousand times in one thousand different places, what’s going to happen? Absolutely nothing. But if you hit an oak tree one thousand times in the exact same spot, what’s going to happen is you are going to knock it down.
Reputation point: 275
Indlæg: 3411
Tilmeldt: 13. apr 2012, 19:31
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If you hit an oak tree one thousand times in one thousand different places, what’s going to happen? Absolutely nothing. But if you hit an oak tree one thousand times in the exact same spot, what’s going to happen is you are going to knock it down.
Reputation point: 275
Indlæg: 3411
Tilmeldt: 13. apr 2012, 19:31
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Har besluttet mig for at sætte lidt mere struktur på mine "AMRAP" sæt, således, at jeg i uge 1 / 5-rep-ugen kører (max) 10 reps i min AMRAP. Uge 3 køres der (max) 6 reps og uge 3 køres der full blown AMRAP :) dette for at mindske akkumuleret træthed op til den sidste uge, hvor jeg vil gå efter at sætte mine PRs.
Samtidig bytter jeg DB inc BP ud med alm. bænk for at øge frekvensen der.
If you hit an oak tree one thousand times in one thousand different places, what’s going to happen? Absolutely nothing. But if you hit an oak tree one thousand times in the exact same spot, what’s going to happen is you are going to knock it down.
Reputation point: 275
Indlæg: 3411
Tilmeldt: 13. apr 2012, 19:31
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If you hit an oak tree one thousand times in one thousand different places, what’s going to happen? Absolutely nothing. But if you hit an oak tree one thousand times in the exact same spot, what’s going to happen is you are going to knock it down.
Reputation point: 275
Indlæg: 3411
Tilmeldt: 13. apr 2012, 19:31
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If you hit an oak tree one thousand times in one thousand different places, what’s going to happen? Absolutely nothing. But if you hit an oak tree one thousand times in the exact same spot, what’s going to happen is you are going to knock it down.
Reputation point: 275
Indlæg: 3411
Tilmeldt: 13. apr 2012, 19:31
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If you hit an oak tree one thousand times in one thousand different places, what’s going to happen? Absolutely nothing. But if you hit an oak tree one thousand times in the exact same spot, what’s going to happen is you are going to knock it down.
Reputation point: 275
Indlæg: 3411
Tilmeldt: 13. apr 2012, 19:31
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Deload week = ingen updates
If you hit an oak tree one thousand times in one thousand different places, what’s going to happen? Absolutely nothing. But if you hit an oak tree one thousand times in the exact same spot, what’s going to happen is you are going to knock it down.
Reputation point: 275
Indlæg: 3411
Tilmeldt: 13. apr 2012, 19:31
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Back in da bizz med en ny OHP PR

If you hit an oak tree one thousand times in one thousand different places, what’s going to happen? Absolutely nothing. But if you hit an oak tree one thousand times in the exact same spot, what’s going to happen is you are going to knock it down.
Reputation point: 275
Indlæg: 3411
Tilmeldt: 13. apr 2012, 19:31
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If you hit an oak tree one thousand times in one thousand different places, what’s going to happen? Absolutely nothing. But if you hit an oak tree one thousand times in the exact same spot, what’s going to happen is you are going to knock it down.
Reputation point: 275
Indlæg: 3411
Tilmeldt: 13. apr 2012, 19:31
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If you hit an oak tree one thousand times in one thousand different places, what’s going to happen? Absolutely nothing. But if you hit an oak tree one thousand times in the exact same spot, what’s going to happen is you are going to knock it down.
Reputation point: 275
Indlæg: 3411
Tilmeldt: 13. apr 2012, 19:31
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If you hit an oak tree one thousand times in one thousand different places, what’s going to happen? Absolutely nothing. But if you hit an oak tree one thousand times in the exact same spot, what’s going to happen is you are going to knock it down.
Reputation point: 275
Indlæg: 3411
Tilmeldt: 13. apr 2012, 19:31
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Træningsugen starter tidligt, da jeg ikke får tid mandag og tirsdag samt tømmermænd torsdag

If you hit an oak tree one thousand times in one thousand different places, what’s going to happen? Absolutely nothing. But if you hit an oak tree one thousand times in the exact same spot, what’s going to happen is you are going to knock it down.
Reputation point: 275
Indlæg: 3411
Tilmeldt: 13. apr 2012, 19:31
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Hvis du gerne vil ha' fler followers, end kun mig, så skal du altså diske op med lidt flere historier, i stedet for at logge så meget :roll:
Reputation point: 255
Indlæg: 1564
Tilmeldt: 2. jun 2013, 21:49
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Lucas1994 skrev:Hvis du gerne vil ha' fler followers, end kun mig, så skal du altså diske op med lidt flere historier, i stedet for at logge så meget :roll:

Jeg finder også en vis meditativ ro i at skimme Wendler cyklus tallene igennem. De lejlighedsvise supplerende bemærkninger/smilies er rigeligt krydderi.
Reputation point: 110
Indlæg: 884
Tilmeldt: 31. mar 2011, 21:15
- Bænkpres: 95.00
- Squat: 122.50
- Dødløft: 165.00
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Haha, det er noteret, Lucas. Skal se, om jeg kan finde nogle gode hverdagshistorier frem.

henrDK: jeg er glad for, du kan lide mine smileys!

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If you hit an oak tree one thousand times in one thousand different places, what’s going to happen? Absolutely nothing. But if you hit an oak tree one thousand times in the exact same spot, what’s going to happen is you are going to knock it down.
Reputation point: 275
Indlæg: 3411
Tilmeldt: 13. apr 2012, 19:31
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Halleluja! Jeg fik tidligt fri fra job i dag, så jeg når alligevel en træning :D Dejligt!
If you hit an oak tree one thousand times in one thousand different places, what’s going to happen? Absolutely nothing. But if you hit an oak tree one thousand times in the exact same spot, what’s going to happen is you are going to knock it down.
Reputation point: 275
Indlæg: 3411
Tilmeldt: 13. apr 2012, 19:31
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snus skrev:Halleluja! Jeg fik tidligt fri fra job i dag, så jeg når alligevel en træning :D Dejligt!

Praise the lord! Hvad står den på i dag?
Skal benene tæskes igennem, så du kun kan danse akavede dansetrin nyårsaften? :mrgreen:
Reputation point: 255
Indlæg: 1564
Tilmeldt: 2. jun 2013, 21:49
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Lige præcis, Lucas! De fik tæv, så nu har jeg en undskyldning for at blive siddende ved bordet og drikke mig lam(mere) ;)

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If you hit an oak tree one thousand times in one thousand different places, what’s going to happen? Absolutely nothing. But if you hit an oak tree one thousand times in the exact same spot, what’s going to happen is you are going to knock it down.
Reputation point: 275
Indlæg: 3411
Tilmeldt: 13. apr 2012, 19:31
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Forresten: du skal ikke tro, du kan klage over indholdet i min log uden overhovedet selv at have oprettet én! Kom igang :lol:
If you hit an oak tree one thousand times in one thousand different places, what’s going to happen? Absolutely nothing. But if you hit an oak tree one thousand times in the exact same spot, what’s going to happen is you are going to knock it down.
Reputation point: 275
Indlæg: 3411
Tilmeldt: 13. apr 2012, 19:31
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Det var sgu en hård omgang i dag. Underlig træning, hvor styrken egentlig var ganske fin, men jeg gik og gabte hele træningen fordi jeg var så træt. Sov heller ikke specielt godt i nat, så det er nok der den ligger.

Skal lige ha årets sidste træning med i morgen, og så igen lørdag.

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If you hit an oak tree one thousand times in one thousand different places, what’s going to happen? Absolutely nothing. But if you hit an oak tree one thousand times in the exact same spot, what’s going to happen is you are going to knock it down.
Reputation point: 275
Indlæg: 3411
Tilmeldt: 13. apr 2012, 19:31
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snus skrev:Forresten: du skal ikke tro, du kan klage over indholdet i min log uden overhovedet selv at have oprettet én! Kom igang :lol:

Min log ville jo nok være lidt anderledes end standarden på
Jeg styrketræner yderst sjældent i øjeblikket.
Man er sgu træt som rekrut, når man kommer hjem i weekenden, og så er det primært karaten jeg har fokus på.
Så er lidt bange for at min logbog ville være lutter historier og anekdoter fra karate og hverdag.
Og ikke så meget en vægttræningslog :lol:
Reputation point: 255
Indlæg: 1564
Tilmeldt: 2. jun 2013, 21:49
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Træning i onsdags


I dag


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If you hit an oak tree one thousand times in one thousand different places, what’s going to happen? Absolutely nothing. But if you hit an oak tree one thousand times in the exact same spot, what’s going to happen is you are going to knock it down.
Reputation point: 275
Indlæg: 3411
Tilmeldt: 13. apr 2012, 19:31
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Lucas1994 skrev:
snus skrev:Forresten: du skal ikke tro, du kan klage over indholdet i min log uden overhovedet selv at have oprettet én! Kom igang :lol:

Min log ville jo nok være lidt anderledes end standarden på
Jeg styrketræner yderst sjældent i øjeblikket.
Man er sgu træt som rekrut, når man kommer hjem i weekenden, og så er det primært karaten jeg har fokus på.
Så er lidt bange for at min logbog ville være lutter historier og anekdoter fra karate og hverdag.
Og ikke så meget en vægttræningslog :lol:

Haha, ja okay, det kan jeg godt se. Hvor lang tid har du igen som rekrut?
Selvom en karatelogbog helt sikkert ville være spændende!
If you hit an oak tree one thousand times in one thousand different places, what’s going to happen? Absolutely nothing. But if you hit an oak tree one thousand times in the exact same spot, what’s going to happen is you are going to knock it down.
Reputation point: 275
Indlæg: 3411
Tilmeldt: 13. apr 2012, 19:31
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Vis kostplan

Træning i går


Træning i dag


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If you hit an oak tree one thousand times in one thousand different places, what’s going to happen? Absolutely nothing. But if you hit an oak tree one thousand times in the exact same spot, what’s going to happen is you are going to knock it down.
Reputation point: 275
Indlæg: 3411
Tilmeldt: 13. apr 2012, 19:31
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Allerede doms i ben. Fucking paused sqauts :mrgreen: især inderlårene af en eller anden årsag

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If you hit an oak tree one thousand times in one thousand different places, what’s going to happen? Absolutely nothing. But if you hit an oak tree one thousand times in the exact same spot, what’s going to happen is you are going to knock it down.
Reputation point: 275
Indlæg: 3411
Tilmeldt: 13. apr 2012, 19:31
Logbog: Vis logbog
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