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Spar 50 % på BCAA

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Bodyman har lige nu 50 % på flere af deres BCAA varianter.

Reputation point: 405
Indlæg: 4715
Tilmeldt: 19. maj 2011, 06:53
Træner her: SPH GYM
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"BCAAs are three amino acids namely Leucine, Isoleucine and Valine which have a tremendous role to play in muscle protein synthesis particularly Leucine. And unlike the other supplements mentioned in this list so far; BCAAs actually, technically, “WORK”.

HOWEVER, just like Glutamine, pretty much all of one’s BCAA needs will be met if their protein intake is adequate because actual dietary protein contains all 3 BCAAs and many other amino acids.

The only case where BCAAs are truly effective is when your protein intake isn’t adequate. But if that’s the case, FIX YOUR PROTEIN INTAKE! That is what you should be doing in the first place instead of trying to do patch work by adding in BCAAs.

Not just that, it’s a LOT cheaper to consume protein than to supplement with BCAAs. So it literally makes NO SENSE to spend money on this product. AT ALL."

Reputation point: 55
Indlæg: 1459
Tilmeldt: 30. jun 2008, 13:07
Geografisk sted: Sydsjælland
Træner her: DTU fitness
Alcons Fitness
Performance Gym
- Bænkpres: 1.00
- Squat: 2.00
- Dødløft: 3.00
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