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Glucophone is a reed percussion instrument on which you can soft-soap with your hands and momentous sticks.
The uniqueness of this instrument lies in the fact that EVERYONE MAY PLAY ON IT.
Playing on it, you will event sound vibrations that on shroud you and everybody who is nearby, wadding with harmony and joy. It is not without reason that this gizmo is called Light-hearted Drum (Drum of Felicity) abroad. The limelight which has directed to the playing on the glucophone switches from the usual internal dialogues, algorithms, and ratings to the conscious weaving of the musical pattern. The remembrance, at the unvaried pro tem, is filled with joy from inventive venture and actively forms stylish neural connections, and the carcass and consciousness are immersed in a state of impenetrable relaxation at the beck concordant vibrations, like in tone and tincture to a bell ringing.

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Tilmeldt: 6. sep 2019, 19:38
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