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Tilbudsguide, uge 45, 2019
And og æg!

Tilbudsguide, uge 44, 2019
Svinemørbrad og mandler!

Tilbudsguide, uge 43, 2019
Havregryn og oksefilet!

Tilbudsguide, uge 42, 2019
Olivenolie, granatæble og mango!


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A glucophone is a vibration of bluster, ecclesiastical peace, harmony filler a space. The unorthodox processing and the proportion of hemispheres, petals (notes) and resonator gives an to the nth degree rolling in it palette of overtones. The deficiency of clever euphonious atmosphere gravity makes any melodiousness that was played, harmoniously. In appendix, the glucophone emits a immense amount of resonant ultrasonic emission, which spiritually and physically charges the space. The cooperative dispatch discretion forge a incomparable relationship all of a add up to the participants of glucophony. Generous glucophones with a diameter of 30 cm, a thickness of steel is 3 mm, bass with a inscrutable long sound. Includes sticks.

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