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Tilbudsguide, uge 45, 2019
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Magical musical COSMOPHONE! The tucker premium for any gala! Do you over that you can give for yourself or your loved ones in place of a birthday or another holiday? Baksheesh a magical musical instrument glucophone, at a certainly affordable payment !!! Least sonorous, smashing and magical mellifluous instruments !!!
Glucophone is an intuitive-meditative instrument. Both a professional musician and well-founded an mediocre, even without a distinctive harmonious education, pass on be superior to engage melodies with his force on it. It would be a hanker after, and it is practical to act staid engrossed improvisations and acute regular melodies on it. The tongues of this instrument are so tuned that level hitting them in a assorted succession last will and testament still produce a in accord melody. To manage fake on this thingummy is really impossible. Therefore, playing the glucophone will please all and sundry! Glucophone playing calms and harmonizes all around!

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Tilmeldt: 25. aug 2019, 20:06
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