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Uge 2/Cyklus 1: Ben

5 x 45 kg
5 x 60 kg
3 x 70 kg
3 x 80 kg
3 x 95 kg
5 x 105 kg

Boring but big sets:

10 x 65 kg
10 x 65 kg
10 x 65 kg
10 x 65 kg
10 x 65 kg

Leg curls:
10 x 75 kg
10 x 75 kg
10 x 75 kg
10 x 75 kg

Cable free kicks (ved ikke om det er det det hedder, men sådan ser det ud):
12 x 23 kg på hvert ben
12 x 23 kg på hvert ben
12 x 23 kg på hvert ben
12 x 23 kg på hvert ben

Leg press:
10 x 93 kg
10 x 93 kg
10 x 93 kg
10 x 93 kg

Seated calf raises:
15 x 109 kg + 15 x 109 kg + 15 x 109 kg
15 x 109 kg + 15 x 109 kg + 15 x 109 kg
15 x 109 kg + 15 x 109 kg + 15 x 109 kg
Bodybuilding is the disciplin of overcoming failure, and once you no longer fear failure, anything is possible.

Log: vangm-log-t49823.html#p1289111
Reputation point: 5
Indlæg: 128
Tilmeldt: 7. feb 2011, 14:08
- Bænkpres: 120.00
- Squat: 165.00
- Dødløft: 190.00
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Vis kostplan

Uge 2/Cyklus1: Millitary press og mave

Millitary press :
5 x 20 kg
5 x 25 kg
3 x 30 kg
3 x 40 kg
3 x 45 kg
8 x 50 kg

Boring but big:

10 x 30 kg
10 x 30 kg
10 x 30 kg
10 x 30 kg
10 x 30 kg

Dumbell shoulderpress:
12 x 20 kg i hver hånd
12 x 20 kg i hver hånd
12 x 21 kg i hver hånd

Side lateral raises:
11 x 12,5 kg i hver hånd
10 x 11 kg
12 x 10 kg

Standing rear lateral raises:
12 x 25 kg
12 x 25 kg
12 x 25 kg

Reverse calbe flies:
12 x 9 kg
12 x 11 kg
12 x 11 kg


Sit ups:
13 x bw
13 x bw
13 x bw

Swizz ball side crunch:
13 x bw hver side
13 x bw hver side
13 x bw hver side

Ab bicycle:
20 x bw
12 x bw
12 x bw
Bodybuilding is the disciplin of overcoming failure, and once you no longer fear failure, anything is possible.

Log: vangm-log-t49823.html#p1289111
Reputation point: 5
Indlæg: 128
Tilmeldt: 7. feb 2011, 14:08
- Bænkpres: 120.00
- Squat: 165.00
- Dødløft: 190.00
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Vis kostplan

Uge2/Cyklus1: Ryg og biceps

5 x 50 kg
5 x 65 kg
3 x 75 kg
3 x 90 kg
3 x 100 kg
8 x 115 kg

Pull ups:
10 x bw (77,5 kg)
10 x bw (77,5 kg)
10 x bw (77,5 kg)
10 x bw (77,5 kg)

DD-grip pull downs:
10 x 50 kg
10 x 50 kg
10 x 50 kg

Cable rows:
12 x 77 kg
10 x 82 kg
10 x 82 kg

Strait arm pull down:
10 x 50 kg
10 x 50 kg
10 x 50 kg

12 x 23,5 kg
12 x 23,5 kg
12 x 23,5 kg


EZ curls:
12 x 30 kg
12 x 30 kg
12 x 30 kg

Hammer curls:
8 x 15 kg
8 x 15 kg
8 x 15 kg

Concentration curls:
13 x 8 kg
13 x 8 kg
13 x 8 kg
Bodybuilding is the disciplin of overcoming failure, and once you no longer fear failure, anything is possible.

Log: vangm-log-t49823.html#p1289111
Reputation point: 5
Indlæg: 128
Tilmeldt: 7. feb 2011, 14:08
- Bænkpres: 120.00
- Squat: 165.00
- Dødløft: 190.00
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Vis kostplan

Uge 2/Cyklus 1: Bryst og triceps:

5 x 35 kg
5 x 45 kg
3 x 55 kg
3 x 65 kg
3 x 70 kg
8 x 80 kg

Incline bænkpres:
10 x 55 kg
10 x 55 kg
10 x 55 kg
10 x 55 kg

Incline dumbell flies:
12 x 15 kg
12 x 15 kg
12 x 15 kg

Cable flies:
12 x 23 kg
12 x 23 kg
12 x 23 kg


Close grip benchpress:
12 x 40 kg
12 x 40 kg
12 x 40 kg

One hand cable extension:
12 x 11 kg
12 x 13 kg
12 x 13 kg

Cable extensions:
12 x 36 kg
12 x 36 kg
12 x 36 kg
Bodybuilding is the disciplin of overcoming failure, and once you no longer fear failure, anything is possible.

Log: vangm-log-t49823.html#p1289111
Reputation point: 5
Indlæg: 128
Tilmeldt: 7. feb 2011, 14:08
- Bænkpres: 120.00
- Squat: 165.00
- Dødløft: 190.00
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Vis kostplan

Uge 3/Cyklus 1: Ben og mave

5 x 50 kg
5 x 65 kg
3 x 75 kg
5 x 95 kg
3 x 105 kg
3 x 120 kg

Boring but big sets:

10 x 65 kg
10 x 65 kg
10 x 65 kg
10 x 65 kg
10 x 65 kg

Leg curls:
12 x 80 kg
12 x 80 kg
12 x 80 kg

Leg press:
12 x 109 kg

Seated calf raises:
15 x 109 kg + 15 x 109 kg + 15 x 109 kg
15 x 109 kg + 15 x 109 kg + 15 x 109 kg
15 x 109 kg + 15 x 109 kg + 15 x 109 kg


Strait legged sit ups:
14 x bw + 2,5 kg
14 x bw + 2,5 kg
14 x bw + 2,5 kg

Swizz ball side crunches:
14 x bw hver side
14 x bw hver side
14 x bw hver side
Bodybuilding is the disciplin of overcoming failure, and once you no longer fear failure, anything is possible.

Log: vangm-log-t49823.html#p1289111
Reputation point: 5
Indlæg: 128
Tilmeldt: 7. feb 2011, 14:08
- Bænkpres: 120.00
- Squat: 165.00
- Dødløft: 190.00
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Vis kostplan

Uge 3/Cyklus1: Skuldre og mave

Millitary press:
5 x 20 kg
5 x 25 kg
3 x 30 kg
5 x 40 kg
3 x 45 kg
9 x 50 kg

Boring but big:

10 x 32,5 kg
10 x 32,5 kg
10 x 32,5 kg
10 x 32,5 kg
10 x 32,5 kg

Dumbell shoulderpress:
12 x 21 kg i hver hånd
10 x 21 kg i hver hånd
10 x 21 kg i hver hånd

Side lateral raises:
10 x 12,5 kg i hver hånd
12 x 11 kg
12 x 11 kg
12 x 10 kg

Reverse calbe flies:
12 x 14 kg
12 x 14 kg
12 x 14 kg


Strait legged sit ups:
14 x bw
14 x bw
14 x bw

Swizz ball side crunch:
14 x bw hver side
14 x bw hver side
14 x bw hver side
Bodybuilding is the disciplin of overcoming failure, and once you no longer fear failure, anything is possible.

Log: vangm-log-t49823.html#p1289111
Reputation point: 5
Indlæg: 128
Tilmeldt: 7. feb 2011, 14:08
- Bænkpres: 120.00
- Squat: 165.00
- Dødløft: 190.00
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Vis kostplan

Uge 3/Cyklus 1: Ryg og biceps

5 x 50 kg
5 x 65 kg
3 x 75 kg
5 x 95 kg
3 x 105 kg
7 x 120 kg

Pull ups:
10 x bw (77,8 kg)
10 x bw (77,8 kg)
10 x bw (77,8 kg)
10 x bw (77,8 kg)

DD-grip pull downs:12 x 50 kg
12 x 50 kg
12 x 50 kg
12 x 50 kg

Cable rows:
12 x 77 kg
10 x 82 kg
10 x 82 kg


Seated calf raises:
15 + 15 + 15 x 117 kg
15 + 15 + 15 x 117 kg
15 + 15 + 15 x 117 kg

Strait arm pull down:
12 x 50 kg
12 x 50 kg
12 x 50 kg

Shrugs:12 x 25 kg
12 x 25 kg
12 x 25 kg
12 x 22,5 kg


EZ curls:
12 x 30 kg
12 x 30 kg
12 x 30 kg

Hammer curls:
6 x 15 kg
10 x 12,5 kg
10 x 12,5 kg

Concentration curls:
13 x 8 kg
13 x 8 kg
13 x 8 kg
20 x 6 kg
Bodybuilding is the disciplin of overcoming failure, and once you no longer fear failure, anything is possible.

Log: vangm-log-t49823.html#p1289111
Reputation point: 5
Indlæg: 128
Tilmeldt: 7. feb 2011, 14:08
- Bænkpres: 120.00
- Squat: 165.00
- Dødløft: 190.00
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Vis kostplan

Uge 3/Cyklus 1: Bryst og triceps:

5 x 35 kg
5 x 45 kg
3 x 55 kg
5 x 70 kg
3 x 75 kg
6 x 85 kg

Incline bænkpres:
12 x 55 kg
10 x 55 kg
10 x 55 kg
10 x 55 kg

Incline dumbell flies:
12 x 16 kg
12 x 16 kg
12 x 16 kg

Cable flies:
12 x 23 kg
12 x 23 kg
12 x 23 kg


Close grip benchpress:
12 x 40 kg
12 x 40 kg
12 x 40 kg

One hand cable extension:
15 x 11 kg
15 x 14 kg
15 x 14 kg
12 x 16 kg

Cable rope pushdowns:
12 x 36 kg
12 x 36 kg
12 x 36 kg
Bodybuilding is the disciplin of overcoming failure, and once you no longer fear failure, anything is possible.

Log: vangm-log-t49823.html#p1289111
Reputation point: 5
Indlæg: 128
Tilmeldt: 7. feb 2011, 14:08
- Bænkpres: 120.00
- Squat: 165.00
- Dødløft: 190.00
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Vis kostplan

Uge 1/Cyklus 2: Ben og mave

5 x 50 kg
5 x 60 kg
3 x 70 kg
5 x 75 kg
5 x 90 kg
10 x 100 kg

Boring but big sets:

10 x 65 kg
10 x 65 kg
10 x 65 kg
10 x 65 kg
10 x 65 kg

Leg curls:
12 x 80 kg
12 x 80 kg
12 x 80 kg

Leg press:
10 x 109 kg
10 x 109 kg
10 x 109 kg

Seated calf raises:
15 x 125 kg + 15 x 125 kg + 15 x 125 kg
15 x 125 kg + 15 x 125 kg + 15 x 125 kg
15 x 125 kg + 15 x 125 kg + 15 x 125 kg


Strait legged sit ups:
14 x bw + 2,5 kg
14 x bw + 2,5 kg
14 x bw + 2,5 kg

Swizz ball side crunches:
14 x bw hver side
14 x bw hver side
14 x bw hver side
Bodybuilding is the disciplin of overcoming failure, and once you no longer fear failure, anything is possible.

Log: vangm-log-t49823.html#p1289111
Reputation point: 5
Indlæg: 128
Tilmeldt: 7. feb 2011, 14:08
- Bænkpres: 120.00
- Squat: 165.00
- Dødløft: 190.00
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Vis kostplan

Uge 1/Cyklus 2: Skuldre

Millitary press:
5 x 20 kg
5 x 25 kg
3 x 30 kg
5 x 40 kg
5 x 45 kg
9 x 50 kg

Boring but big:

10 x 35 kg
10 x 35 kg
10 x 35 kg
10 x 35 kg
10 x 35 kg

Dumbell shoulderpress:
12 x 20 kg i hver hånd
12 x 20 kg i hver hånd
12 x 20 kg i hver hånd

Side lateral raises:
12 x 12,5 kg i hver hånd
12 x 11 kg
12 x 11 kg
12 x 10 kg
12 x 10 kg

Reverse dumbell flies:
12 x 5 kg
12 x 7 kg
12 x 6 kg
12 x 6 kg

Reverse calbe flies:
12 x 11 kg
12 x 11 kg
12 x 11 kg
Bodybuilding is the disciplin of overcoming failure, and once you no longer fear failure, anything is possible.

Log: vangm-log-t49823.html#p1289111
Reputation point: 5
Indlæg: 128
Tilmeldt: 7. feb 2011, 14:08
- Bænkpres: 120.00
- Squat: 165.00
- Dødløft: 190.00
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Vis kostplan

Uge 2/Cyklus 2: Ben og mave
5 x 50 kg
5 x 60 kg
3 x 70 kg
5 x 75 kg
5 x 90 kg
9 x 105 kg

Boring but big sets:

10 x 65 kg
10 x 65 kg
10 x 65 kg
10 x 65 kg
10 x 65 kg

Leg curls:
12 x 85 kg
10 x 85 kg
10 x 85 kg

Leg press:
10 x 109 kg
10 x 109 kg
10 x 109 kg

Seated calf raises:
15 x 125 kg + 15 x 125 kg + 15 x 125 kg
15 x 125 kg + 15 x 125 kg + 15 x 125 kg
15 x 125 kg + 15 x 125 kg + 15 x 125 kg

Strait legged sit ups:
14 x bw + 2,5 kg
14 x bw + 2,5 kg
14 x bw + 2,5 kg

Swizz ball side crunches:
14 x bw hver side
14 x bw hver side
14 x bw hver side

Ab bicycle:
16 x bw
16 x bw
16 x bw
Bodybuilding is the disciplin of overcoming failure, and once you no longer fear failure, anything is possible.

Log: vangm-log-t49823.html#p1289111
Reputation point: 5
Indlæg: 128
Tilmeldt: 7. feb 2011, 14:08
- Bænkpres: 120.00
- Squat: 165.00
- Dødløft: 190.00
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Vis kostplan

Uge 2/Cyklus 2: Skuldre

Millitary press:
5 x 20 kg
5 x 25 kg
3 x 30 kg
5 x 40 kg
5 x 45 kg
6 x 55 kg

Boring but big:

10 x 35 kg
10 x 35 kg
10 x 35 kg
10 x 35 kg
10 x 35 kg

Dumbell shoulderpress:
12 x 20 kg i hver hånd
12 x 20 kg i hver hånd
12 x 20 kg i hver hånd

Side lateral raises:
12 x 12,5 kg i hver hånd
12 x 12,5 kg
12 x 11 kg
12 x 11 kg

Reverse dumbell flies:
12 x 6 kg
12 x 6 kg
12 x 6 kg
12 x 6 kg

Reverse calbe flies:
12 x 11 kg
12 x 11 kg
12 x 11 kg
Bodybuilding is the disciplin of overcoming failure, and once you no longer fear failure, anything is possible.

Log: vangm-log-t49823.html#p1289111
Reputation point: 5
Indlæg: 128
Tilmeldt: 7. feb 2011, 14:08
- Bænkpres: 120.00
- Squat: 165.00
- Dødløft: 190.00
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Vis kostplan

Uge 2/Cyklus 2: Ryg og biceps

5 x 55 kg
5 x 70 kg
3 x 80 kg
3 x 95 kg
3 x 110 kg
8 x 120 kg

Pull downs:
12 x 75 kg
12 x 60 kg
12 x 60 kg
12 x 60 kg

DD-grip pull downs:12 x 50 kg
12 x 50 kg
12 x 50 kg
12 x 50 kg

Cable rows:
12 x 82 kg
12 x 82 kg
12 x 82 kg

Strait arm pull down:
12 x 50 kg
12 x 50 kg
12 x 50 kg

Shrugs:15 x 22,5 kg
15 x 22,5 kg
15 x 22,5 kg
15 x 22,5 kg


EZ curls:
15 x 30 kg
12 x 30 kg
12 x 30 kg

Hammer curls:
9 x 12,5 kg
9 x 12,5 kg
9 x 12,5 kg

Concentration curls:
15 x 8 kg
15 x 8 kg
15 x 8 kg
Bodybuilding is the disciplin of overcoming failure, and once you no longer fear failure, anything is possible.

Log: vangm-log-t49823.html#p1289111
Reputation point: 5
Indlæg: 128
Tilmeldt: 7. feb 2011, 14:08
- Bænkpres: 120.00
- Squat: 165.00
- Dødløft: 190.00
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Vis kostplan

Uge 2/Cyklus 2: Bryst og triceps:

5 x 35 kg
5 x 45 kg
3 x 55 kg
3 x 65 kg
3 x 75 kg
6 x 85 kg

Incline bænkpres:
12 x 55 kg
12 x 55 kg
12 x 55 kg
12 x 55 kg
12 x 55 kg

Incline dumbell flies:
15 x 16 kg
12 x 16 kg
12 x 16 kg

Cable flies:
12 x 23 kg
12 x 23 kg
12 x 25 kg


Close grip benchpress:
12 x 42,5 kg
12 x 42,5 kg
12 x 42,5 kg

One hand cable extension:
15 x 16 kg
15 x 16 kg
12 x 16 kg
12 x 16 kg

Cable rope pushdowns:
15 x 36 kg
12 x 36 kg
12 x 36 kg
Bodybuilding is the disciplin of overcoming failure, and once you no longer fear failure, anything is possible.

Log: vangm-log-t49823.html#p1289111
Reputation point: 5
Indlæg: 128
Tilmeldt: 7. feb 2011, 14:08
- Bænkpres: 120.00
- Squat: 165.00
- Dødløft: 190.00
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Vis kostplan

Styrke - overkrop

3 x 90 kg
3 x 90 kg
3 x 90 kg
3 x 90 kg
2 x 90 kg

Push presses:
5 x 25 kg
5 x 30 kg
3 x 35 kg
5 x 40 kg
5 x 45 kg
7 x 50 kg

Cable flyes:
12 x 21 kg
12 x 21 kg

Bent over side laterals:
15 x 12,5 kg
15 x 12,5 kg

Bent over barbell rows:
5 x 90 kg
5 x 90 kg
5 x 90 kg
5 x 90 kg
5 x 90 kg

Chin ups:
10 x bw (79 kg)
10 x bw

EZ-bar curls:
6 x 40 kg
6 x 40 kg
6 x 40 kg

Skull crushers:
8 x 40 kg
8 x 40 kg
8 x 40 kg
Bodybuilding is the disciplin of overcoming failure, and once you no longer fear failure, anything is possible.

Log: vangm-log-t49823.html#p1289111
Reputation point: 5
Indlæg: 128
Tilmeldt: 7. feb 2011, 14:08
- Bænkpres: 120.00
- Squat: 165.00
- Dødløft: 190.00
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Vis kostplan

Styrke - Ben

5 x 50 kg
5 x 60 kg
3 x 75 kg
5 x 80 kg
5 x 95 kg
5 x 105 kg

5 x 60 kg
5 x 75 kg
3 x 90 kg
5 x 95 kg
5 x 110 kg
5 x 125 kg

16 x 30 kg + bw
16 x 30 kg + bw

Seated leg curls:
8 x 85 kg
8 x 85 kg
8 x 85 kg

Seated calf raises:
45 x 133 kg
45 x 133 kg
45 x 133 kg

Reversed crunches:
15 x bw
15 x bw

Swizz Ball side crunches:
15 x bw (hver side)
15 x bw
Bodybuilding is the disciplin of overcoming failure, and once you no longer fear failure, anything is possible.

Log: vangm-log-t49823.html#p1289111
Reputation point: 5
Indlæg: 128
Tilmeldt: 7. feb 2011, 14:08
- Bænkpres: 120.00
- Squat: 165.00
- Dødløft: 190.00
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Vis kostplan

Hypertrofi - Ryg og biceps

Bent over barbell rows:
12 x 70 kg
12 x 70 kg
12 x 70 kg
12 x 70 kg

Chin ups:
10 x bw (78 kg)
10 x bw
10 x bw
8 x bw

Barbell shrugs:
15 x 70 kg
15 x 70 kg
15 x 70 kg
15 x 70 kg

DD-grip pull downs:
12 x 55 kg
12 x 55 kg
12 x 55 kg

Shoulder adductions:
12 x 21 kg (hver side)
12 x 21 kg

Straight arm pull downs:
12 x 46 kg
12 x 46 kg


Dumbell curls:
12 x 15 kg (hver hånd)
10 x 15 kg
10 x 15 kg

Barbell curls:
12 x 25 kg
12 x 25 kg
12 x 25 kg

Hammer curls:
6 x 17,5 kg (hver hånd)
6 x 17,5 kg
6 x 17,5 kg

Concentration curls:
10 x 12,5 kg (hver hånd)
10 x 10 kg
12 x 8 kg
15 x 8 kg
Bodybuilding is the disciplin of overcoming failure, and once you no longer fear failure, anything is possible.

Log: vangm-log-t49823.html#p1289111
Reputation point: 5
Indlæg: 128
Tilmeldt: 7. feb 2011, 14:08
- Bænkpres: 120.00
- Squat: 165.00
- Dødløft: 190.00
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Vis kostplan

Hypertrofi - Bryst, skuldrer og triceps

5 x 85 kg
5 x 85 kg
5 x 85 kg
4 x 85 kg

Incline bænkpres:
12 x 60 kg
9 x 65 kg
11 x 60 kg

Cable flies:
12 x 18 kg (hver hånd)
12 x 18 kg
12 x 18 kg

Seated dumbell shoulder press:
10 x 20 kg
10 x 20 kg
10 x 20 kg

Push ups:
12 x bw
12 x bw

Front lateral raises:
15 x 10 kg (hver hånd)
15 x 10 kg
15 x 10 kg

Bent over side laterals:
15 x 12,5 kg
12 x 12,5 kg
12 x 12,5 kg

Reversed cabel flies:
12 x 11 kg (hver hånd)
12 x 9 kg
12 x 9 kg

Uprigt barbell rows:
12 x 50 kg
12 x 50 kg
12 x 50 kg


One arm overhead extensions:
10 x 7 kg (hver side)
10 x 7 kg
10 x 7 kg

Push downs:
10 x 50 kg
12 x 46 kg
12 x 46 kg

Reversed grip one arm pushdowns:
12 x 14 kg (hver side)
12 x 14 kg
12 x 14 kg

Cable push downs:
10 x 36 kg
10 x 36 kg
10 x 36 kg
Bodybuilding is the disciplin of overcoming failure, and once you no longer fear failure, anything is possible.

Log: vangm-log-t49823.html#p1289111
Reputation point: 5
Indlæg: 128
Tilmeldt: 7. feb 2011, 14:08
- Bænkpres: 120.00
- Squat: 165.00
- Dødløft: 190.00
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Vis kostplan

2 træninger om dagen, nah hvorfor ikke 3 :P
Reputation point: 140
Indlæg: 2375
Tilmeldt: 24. jun 2010, 16:01
Geografisk sted: Fyn
- Bænkpres: 134.20
- Squat: 155.40
- Dødløft: 206.60
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Vis kostplan

Styrke - overkrop

4 x 90 kg
4 x 90 kg
3 x 90 kg
3 x 90 kg
3 x 90 kg

Cable flyes:
15 x 25 kg
15 x 25 kg

Reversed cable flyes:
15 x 11 kg
15 x 11 kg
15 x 11 kg

Bent over side laterals:
15 x 12,5 kg
12 x 15 kg
12 x 15 kg

Plate front raises:
12 x 15 kg
12 x 15 kg
12 x 10 kg

Bent over barbell rows:
5 x 90 kg
5 x 90 kg
5 x 90 kg
5 x 90 kg
5 x 90 kg

EZ-bar curls:
8 x 40 kg
7 x 40 kg
6 x 40 kg

Skull crushers:
8 x 40 kg
8 x 40 kg
8 x 40 kg

Mave og underarme
Bodybuilding is the disciplin of overcoming failure, and once you no longer fear failure, anything is possible.

Log: vangm-log-t49823.html#p1289111
Reputation point: 5
Indlæg: 128
Tilmeldt: 7. feb 2011, 14:08
- Bænkpres: 120.00
- Squat: 165.00
- Dødløft: 190.00
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Vis kostplan

Styrke -ben

5 x 50 kg
5 x 60 kg
3 x 75 kg
5 x 95 kg
5 x 105 kg
1 x 120 kg

Seated leg curls:
10 x 90 kg
10 x 90 kg
10 x 90 kg
10 x 90 kg

Jump squats:
10 x bw + 10kg

Seated calf raises:
15 + 15 + 15 x 149 kg
15 + 15 + 15 x 149 kg
15 + 15 + 15 x 149 kg

Bodybuilding is the disciplin of overcoming failure, and once you no longer fear failure, anything is possible.

Log: vangm-log-t49823.html#p1289111
Reputation point: 5
Indlæg: 128
Tilmeldt: 7. feb 2011, 14:08
- Bænkpres: 120.00
- Squat: 165.00
- Dødløft: 190.00
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Hypertrofi - Bryst, skuldre og triceps

Push presses
5/3/1 op til 2 x 60 kg

Side laterals
12 x 15 kg
12 x 15 kg
12 x 15 kg

Incline benchpress
m. stop på brystet
10 x 60 kg
10 x 60 kg
10 x 60 kg
10 x 60 kg

Incline dumbell flyes
12 x 15 kg
12 x 15 kg
12 x 15 kg

Cable crossover:
15 x 25 kg
15 x 25 kg
15 x 25 kg

One arm overhead extensions

Reversed grip pull down

Cable push down
Bodybuilding is the disciplin of overcoming failure, and once you no longer fear failure, anything is possible.

Log: vangm-log-t49823.html#p1289111
Reputation point: 5
Indlæg: 128
Tilmeldt: 7. feb 2011, 14:08
- Bænkpres: 120.00
- Squat: 165.00
- Dødløft: 190.00
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Styrke - overkrop

Endelig ny PR i bænk:
5 x 90 kg
3 x 90 kg
3 x 90 kg
2 x 90 kg

Cable flyes:
15 x 27 kg
15 x 27 kg
15 x 27 kg

Unilateral front raises
15 x 9 kg
15 x 9 kg
15 x 9 kg

Superset med

Plate front raises
12 x 10 kg
12 x 10 kg
12 x 10 kg

Incline bent over side laterals:
15 x 10 kg
15 x 10 kg
15 x 10 kg

Upright row
15 x 30 kg
15 x 30 kg
15 x 30 kg

Bent over reversed flyes
12 x 10 kg
12 x 10 kg
12 x 10 kg

Ryggen var lidt smadret, så jeg undlod BOB's i dag, til gengæld for dødløft på torsdag.

EZ-bar curls:
8 x 40 kg
8 x 40 kg
8 x 40 kg

Skull crushers:
10 x 40 kg
10 x 40 kg
10 x 40 kg
Bodybuilding is the disciplin of overcoming failure, and once you no longer fear failure, anything is possible.

Log: vangm-log-t49823.html#p1289111
Reputation point: 5
Indlæg: 128
Tilmeldt: 7. feb 2011, 14:08
- Bænkpres: 120.00
- Squat: 165.00
- Dødløft: 190.00
Logbog: Vis logbog
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Ben - styrke

5 x 50 kg
5 x 60 kg
3 x 75 kg
5 x 80 kg
5 x 95 kg
7 x 105 kg

10 x 80 kg
10 x 80 kg
10 x 80 kg

Rectus femoris isoltation
12 x 9 kg (hvert ben)
12 x 11 kg
12 x 14 kg

1 x 245 kg (PR)
15 x 149 kg

Strait legged deadlifts
15 x 42,5 kg
15 x 42,5 kg

Leg curls (et ben af gangen)
12 x 40 kg
12 x 40 kg

Calf raises
20 x 157 kg
20 x 157 kg
Bodybuilding is the disciplin of overcoming failure, and once you no longer fear failure, anything is possible.

Log: vangm-log-t49823.html#p1289111
Reputation point: 5
Indlæg: 128
Tilmeldt: 7. feb 2011, 14:08
- Bænkpres: 120.00
- Squat: 165.00
- Dødløft: 190.00
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Vis kostplan

No more bullshit


Dumbell benchpress:
10 x 34 kg
10 x 34 kg
8 x 34 kg
8 x 34 kg

Incline benchpress:
10 x 60 kg
10 x 60 kg
10 x 60 kg

Standing dumbell shoulder press:
10 x 16 kg
10 x 16 kg
10 x 16 kg

Incline flies:

8 x bw (81,5 kg)
8 x bw
8 x bw

Push downs:
Bodybuilding is the disciplin of overcoming failure, and once you no longer fear failure, anything is possible.

Log: vangm-log-t49823.html#p1289111
Reputation point: 5
Indlæg: 128
Tilmeldt: 7. feb 2011, 14:08
- Bænkpres: 120.00
- Squat: 165.00
- Dødløft: 190.00
Logbog: Vis logbog
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Kostplan: Vis kostplan

Bendag med fokus på dødløft:

5/3/1 med et defineret maks på 185. Op til 140 kg x 5 (langt fra PR).

Lying leg curls:
15 x 50 kg 15 x 50 kg 12 x 50 kg

15 x 110 kg 15 x 110 kg 15 x 110 kg

Leg extensions:
12 x 54 kg 12 x 54 kg

Standing calf raises:
15 x 200 kg 15 x 200 kg 12 x 200 kg
Bodybuilding is the disciplin of overcoming failure, and once you no longer fear failure, anything is possible.

Log: vangm-log-t49823.html#p1289111
Reputation point: 5
Indlæg: 128
Tilmeldt: 7. feb 2011, 14:08
- Bænkpres: 120.00
- Squat: 165.00
- Dødløft: 190.00
Logbog: Vis logbog
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Kostplan: Vis kostplan

Jeg bliver sku lige nødt til at følge din log, du har en vild form!
Reputation point: 134
Indlæg: 7407
Tilmeldt: 29. mar 2011, 23:18
Træner her: FitnessDK Vallensbæk
Fjerritslev Motioncenter
The Gym
- Bænkpres: 104.50
- Squat: 132.50
- Dødløft: 167.50
Logbog: Vis logbog
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toto_G4M3R skrev:Jeg bliver sku lige nødt til at følge din log, du har en vild form!

Tak! Du skal være velkommen :D Så må jeg også hellere få den sparket i gang igen!
Bodybuilding is the disciplin of overcoming failure, and once you no longer fear failure, anything is possible.

Log: vangm-log-t49823.html#p1289111
Reputation point: 5
Indlæg: 128
Tilmeldt: 7. feb 2011, 14:08
- Bænkpres: 120.00
- Squat: 165.00
- Dødløft: 190.00
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Vis kostplan

Push day i EIK Motion:

Generel info:
Bw: 74 kg
Kcal: 2250
Havde en god fornemmelse igennem hele træningen, var frisk og oplagt og god energi.

Indtog 1 stk. bodylab koffeinpille før træning, efter en stor kulhydratrig aftensmad.
Indtog 40 g. bodylab whey 100 samt en banan umiddelbart efter træningen.

3 x 90 kg (Kunne have presset den lidt mere, men havde ingen spotter)
5 x 85 kg
5 x 80 kg
5 x 80 kg
5 x 80 kg

Incline dumbell benchpress:
10 x 25 kg i hver hånd (burde være 12 x)
12 x 25 kg
12 x 25 kg

Cable flyes:
12 x 32 pounds (går ud fra det er pounds, maskinen har mærkelige betegnelser)
10 x 36
8 x 36
8 x 36

Standing dumbell shoulder press:
10 x 17,5 kg
6 x 20 kg
8 x 17,5 kg
8 x 17,5 kg

Plate front raises:
10 x 15 kg
8 x 15 kg
8 x 15 kg

10 x bw (74 kg)
10 x bw
9 x bw

Close grip benchpress:
10 x 40 kg
10 x 40 kg
10 x 40 kg

Triceps extensions superset:
Vægten er gået tabt i hukommelsen..


Swizz ball crunches supersettet med twists:
12 x bw + 12 twists til hver side
12 x bw + 12 twists til hver side
12 x bw + 12 twists til hver side
Bodybuilding is the disciplin of overcoming failure, and once you no longer fear failure, anything is possible.

Log: vangm-log-t49823.html#p1289111
Reputation point: 5
Indlæg: 128
Tilmeldt: 7. feb 2011, 14:08
- Bænkpres: 120.00
- Squat: 165.00
- Dødløft: 190.00
Logbog: Vis logbog
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Kostplan: Vis kostplan

Pull day i FW Middelfart

Generel info:
Bw: 74 kg
Kcal: 2250
Lidt sløv opstart, men der kom godt gang i træningen senere hen. Droppede shrugs til fordel for de to andre trapezius øvelser (øm allerede 2 timer efter) (Y)
Pauserne mellem hvert sæt lå på 1 min. bortset fra under BOB.

Indtog 40 g. bodylab whey 100 samt en banan umiddelbart efter træningen.

Bent over barbell row:
5 x 95 kg
5 x 95 kg
5 x 95 kg
5 x 95 kg
5 x 95 kg

Pull downs:
8 x 85 kg
6 x 85 kg
6 x 85 kg
6 x 85 kg

Dumbell row:
10 x 32 kg
10 x 32 kg
10 x 32 kg

Pull downs med fokus på nedre trapezius:
12 x 35 kg
12 x 40 kg
12 x 40 kg

Seated row med fokus på øvre trapezius:
12 x 40 kg
12 x 40 kg
12 x 40 kg

Seated lateral raises:
12 x 8 kg i hver hånd
12 x 8 kg
12 x 8 kg
12 x 8 kg

Reverse dumbell flyes:
12 x 8 kg
10 x 8 kg
10 x 8 kg
10 x 8 kg

Preacher curls:
12 x 30 kg
8 x 35 kg
8 x 35 kg

Cable curls:
8 x 10 kg
10 x 7,5 kg
10 x 7,5 kg

Cable hammer curls
10 x 5 kg
10 x 5 kg
10 x 5 kg
Bodybuilding is the disciplin of overcoming failure, and once you no longer fear failure, anything is possible.

Log: vangm-log-t49823.html#p1289111
Reputation point: 5
Indlæg: 128
Tilmeldt: 7. feb 2011, 14:08
- Bænkpres: 120.00
- Squat: 165.00
- Dødløft: 190.00
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Vis kostplan


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