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Hvem husker ikke de glade 90er og den vilde debat om farligheden af mobiltelefoner. Svaret på dette umiddelbart retoriske spørgsmål er demente samt unge der er født så sent at de gik glip af debatten. Noget så udbredt som mobiltelefoner vil qua populariteten opfattes som uskadeligt. Det meste af snakken i pressen går på om mobiltelefoner giver en øget risiko for cancer i hjernen. Hvad der imidlertid snakkes minadre om, og hvad måske (?) fortjener større opmærksomhed, er påvirkning af sædceller og kønshormoner, navnlig testosteron. Sidstnævnte har særlig stor relevans for bodybuildere, styrkeløftere og andre trænende folk. Uden et velfungerende, endokrint miljø, ingen resultater. Det mentale billede jeg ønsker du skal få er at du går rundt med et apparat i lommen som zapper dine testikler i stykker og kompromitterer dine træningsresultater.

Lidt forskning på forsøgskaniner og lidt om mennesker, er der. Men mængden ikke overvældende.

Der er bl.a. dette japanske studie: 

Effects of exposure to a mobile phone on testicular function and structure in adult rabbit.

Salama N, Kishimoto T, Kanayama HO


The accumulating effects of exposure to electromagnetic radiation emitted by a conventional mobile phone (standby position) on the testicular function and structure are not yet fully investigated. To study these effects longitudinally, a total of 24 adult male rabbits were randomly and equally divided into three groups. Rabbits in the first (phone) group were exposed, in specially designed cages, to radio frequency emitted from the mobile phone (800 MHz) in a standby position opposite to that of testes for 8 h daily for 12 weeks. The second group consisted of the stress controls which were kept in the same kind of cages to appreciate any cage-induced anxiety. The third group included the ordinary controls which were kept in the conventional roomy cages. Semen analysis and sperm function tests (viability, hypo-osmotic swelling and acridine orange) were conducted weekly. Histological testicular sections and serum total testosterone were also evaluated. A drop in the sperm concentration appeared in the phone group at week 6. This became statistically significant at week 8, compared with the two control (stress and ordinary) groups (133, 339 and 356 x 106/mL, respectively) and to the initial sperm count (341 x 106/mL) of this group. Motile sperm population showed similarity amongst the three study groups until week 10 when it declined significantly, and thereafter in the phone and stress control groups, with more significant decline in the phone animals (50, 61 and 72.4%, respectively). Histological examination showed also a significant decrease in the diameter of seminiferous tubules in the phone group vs. the stress and ordinary controls (191 microm vs. 206 and 226 microm, respectively). The other study points did not show any difference. In conclusion, low intensity pulsed radio frequency emitted by a conventional mobile phone kept in the standby position could affect the testicular function and structure in the adult rabbit.

Og fra Brasilien:

Effects of subchronic exposure to radio frequency from a conventional cellular telephone on testicular function in adult rats.


We investigated the effects of subchronic exposure to radio frequency emitted from a conventional cellular telephone on the testicular function in adult rats.


A total of 16 male Wistar rats at age 30 days were randomly divided into 2 groups, including experimental and control groups. The experimental group was exposed to radio frequency emitted from a conventional GSM (global system for mobile communications) cellular telephone (1,835 to 1,850 MHz) for 1 hour daily during 11 weeks. Rectal temperature was measured before and after the exposure period. Testicular and epididymal weight, lipid peroxidation levels in these organs, serum total testosterone and the epididymal sperm count were evaluated. Maturation phase spermatid retention at stage IX-X, interstitial infiltration, cellular vacuolation and multinucleate giant cells were among the qualitative testicular histopathological end points analyzed. Each rat had 10 consecutive round seminiferous tubules at stage VII-VIII evaluated for the mean seminiferous tubular diameter measurement, the crude histological count of round spermatids, pachytene spermatocytes and Sertoli's cells with evident nucleoli, and the true histological count (Abercrombie's correction factor) of round spermatids and pachytene spermatocytes.


Mean rectal temperature did not alter following exposure. There was no statistical difference between the control and experimental groups in any end points evaluated.


The current study shows that the low intensity pulsed radio frequency emitted by a conventional cellular telephone does not impair testicular function in adult rats.

Og fra Frankrig:

Influence of electromagnetic fields emitted by GSM-900 cellular telephones on the circadian patterns of gonadal, adrenal and pituitary hormones in men.

Djeridane Y, Touitou Y, de Seze R.


Faculté de Médecine Pierre et Marie Curie, Service de Biochimie Médicale et Biologie Moléculaire, INSERM U713, 75013, Paris, France.


The potential health risks of radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (RF EMFs) emitted by mobile phones are currently of considerable public interest. The present study investigated the effect of exposure to 900 MHz GSM radiofrequency radiation on steroid (cortisol and testosterone) and pituitary (thyroid-stimulating hormone, growth hormone, prolactin and adrenocorticotropin) hormone levels in 20 healthy male volunteers. Each subject was exposed to RF EMFs through the use of a cellular phone for 2 h/day, 5 days/ week, for 4 weeks. Blood samples were collected hourly during the night and every 3 h during the day. Four sampling sessions were performed at 15-day intervals: before the beginning of the exposure period, at the middle and the end of the exposure period, and 15 days later. Parameters evaluated included the maximum serum concentration, the time of this maximum, and the area under the curve for hormone circadian patterns. Each individual's pre-exposure hormone concentration was used as his control. All hormone concentrations remained within normal physiological ranges. The circadian profiles of prolactin, thyroid-stimulating hormone, adrenocorticotropin and testosterone were not disrupted by RF EMFs emitted by mobile phones. For growth hormone and cortisol, there were significant decreases of about 28% and 12%, respectively, in the maximum levels when comparing the 2-week (for growth hormone and cortisol) and 4-week (for growth hormone) exposure periods to the pre-exposure period, but no difference persisted in the postexposure period. Our data show that the 900 MHz EMF exposure, at least under our experimental conditions, does not appear to affect endocrine functions in men.

Japanerne på banen igen:

Effects of exposure to a mobile phone on sexual behavior in adult male rabbit: an observational study.

Salama N, Kishimoto T, Kanayama HO, Kagawa S.


Departments of Urology, Tokushima School of Medicine, Tokushima City, Japan.


The accumulating effects of exposure to electromagnetic radiation emitted by a conventional mobile phone (MP) on male sexual behaviour have not yet been analyzed. Therefore, we studied these effects in 18 male rabbits that were randomly divided into phone and control groups. Six female teasers were taken successively to the male's cage and the copulatory behavior was recorded. Serum total testosterone, dopamine and cortisol were evaluated. The animals of the phone group were exposed to MPs (800 MHz) in a standby position for 8 h daily for 12 weeks. At the end of the study, the copulatory behavior and hormonal assays were re-evaluated. Mounts without ejaculation were the main mounts in the phone group and its duration and frequency increased significantly compared with the controls, whereas the reverse was observed in its mounts with ejaculation. Ejaculation frequency dropped significantly, biting/grasping against teasers increased notably and mounting latency in accumulated means from the first to the fourth teasers were noted in the phone group. The hormonal assays did not show any significant differences between the study groups. Therefore, the pulsed radiofrequency emitted by a conventional MP, which was kept on a standby position, could affect the sexual behavior in the rabbit.

Fra Østrig

Impact of cell phone use on men's semen parameters.

Gutschi T, Mohamad Al-Ali B, Shamloul R, Pummer K, Trummer H.


Medical University of Graz, Austria.


The objective of the present retrospective study was to report our experience concerning the effects of cell phone usage on semen parameters. We examined 2110 men attending our infertility clinic from 1993 to October 2007. Semen analysis was performed in all patients. Serum free testosterone (T), follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinising hormone (LH) and prolactin (PRL) were collected from all patients. The information on cell phone use of the patients was recorded and the subjects were divided into two groups according to their cell phone use: group A: cell phone use (n = 991); group B: no use (n = 1119). Significant difference was observed in sperm morphology between the two groups. In the patients of group A, 68.0% of the spermatozoa featured a pathological morphology compared to only 58.1% in the subjects of group B. Patients with cell phone usage showed significantly higher T and lower LH levels than those who did not use cell phone. No significant difference between the two groups was observed regarding FSH and PRL values. Our results showed that cell phone use negatively affects sperm quality in men. Further studies with a careful design are needed to determine the effect of cell phone use on male fertility.

Og fra Saudi Arabien:

Effects of mobile phone radiation on serum testosterone in Wistar albino rats.

Meo SA, Al-Drees AM, Husain S, Khan MM, Imran MB.


Department of Physiology, College of Medicine, King Saud University, PO Box 2925, Riyadh 11461, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.



To investigate the effects of electromagnetic field radiation generated by mobile phones on serum testosterone levels in Wistar albino rats.


This experimental interventional control study was conducted in the Department of Physiology, College of Medicine, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia during the period December 2006 to April 2008. A total of 34 male Albino rats [Wistar strain], 2 months of age, weighing 150-160 gm were used for the experiment. These animals were divided into 3 groups. The first group containing 6 rats was assigned as a control group. The second group containing 14 rats was exposed to mobile phone radiation for 30 minutes daily and the third group containing 14 rats was exposed to mobile phone radiation for 60 minutes daily for the total period of 3 months. At the end of experimental period, blood was collected into the container, and serum testosterone was analyzed using double-antibody radioimmunoassay method by Coat-A-Count.


Exposure to mobile phone radiation for 60 minutes/day for the total period of 3 months significantly decrease the serum testosterone level [p=0.028] in Wistar Albino rats compared to their matched control.


Long-term exposure to mobile phone radiation leads to reduction in serum testosterone levels. Testosterone is a primary male gender hormone and any change in the normal levels may be devastating for reproductive and general health.

Fra Ungarn:

Effects of exposure to a mobile phone on testicular function and structure in adult rabbit.


The accumulating effects of exposure to electromagnetic radiation emitted by a conventional mobile phone (standby position) on the testicular function and structure are not yet fully investigated. To study these effects longitudinally, a total of 24 adult male rabbits were randomly and equally divided into three groups. Rabbits in the first (phone) group were exposed, in specially designed cages, to radio frequency emitted from the mobile phone (800 MHz) in a standby position opposite to that of testes for 8 h daily for 12 weeks. The second group consisted of the stress controls which were kept in the same kind of cages to appreciate any cage-induced anxiety. The third group included the ordinary controls which were kept in the conventional roomy cages. Semen analysis and sperm function tests (viability, hypo-osmotic swelling and acridine orange) were conducted weekly. Histological testicular sections and serum total testosterone were also evaluated. A drop in the sperm concentration appeared in the phone group at week 6. This became statistically significant at week 8, compared with the two control (stress and ordinary) groups (133, 339 and 356 x 106/mL, respectively) and to the initial sperm count (341 x 106/mL) of this group. Motile sperm population showed similarity amongst the three study groups until week 10 when it declined significantly, and thereafter in the phone and stress control groups, with more significant decline in the phone animals (50, 61 and 72.4%, respectively). Histological examination showed also a significant decrease in the diameter of seminiferous tubules in the phone group vs. the stress and ordinary controls (191 microm vs. 206 and 226 microm, respectively). The other study points did not show any difference. In conclusion, low intensity pulsed radio frequency emitted by a conventional mobile phone kept in the standby position could affect the testicular function and structure in the adult rabbit.

Mildt alarmerende. Mobiltelefoner er en realitet, og for mange en nødvendighed for at deltage i samfundet og fungere i hverdagen. At droppe mobiltelefonen forekommer en radikal løsning givet de sociale og arbejdsmæssige omkostninger og praktiske problemer forbundet hermed.

Imidlertid kan man gøre noget væsentligt mindre drastisk men måske ganske væsentligt: Undgå at have mobilen i lommen eller i umiddelbar nærhed af kroppen når man alligevel blot er hjemme eller hos venner og familie, osv.  Og undgå at have mobilen i nærheden når man alligevel ligger og sover. Bruges mobilen som alarmfunktion, så hav mobilen på god afstand fra sengen så den ikke ligger hele natten og zapper dine testikler.

Apropos at udsende støj, så skriver Charles Poliquin:

One study showed that just wearing your cell phone on your hip lowers androgen levels by 31% due to what's probably a combination of stress and low-level radiation... and cell phones weren't as popular when that study came out.

Charles har godt nok en høj støjratio, da han ofte siger en del overdrevne ting, men pointen om kombinationen af stres og stråling er ganske væsentlig, da et stresfrit miljø uden for træning fordrer restitution hvorimod et miljø fyldt med parforholdsproblemer, familieproblemer, tåbelige mennesker og ævl og bævl ikke gør. Og under alle omstændigheder gør din mobiltelefons zappen af dine testikler næppe noget godt for din træning. At undlade at slæbe rundt på sin mobiltelefon mere end nødvendigt er noget der er forbundet med beskeden omkostning og mulig vigtig gevinst.


Cliffs notes:

- Mobiltelefoner påvirker måske din træning negativt
- undgå mobiltelefoner i det omfang det er praktisk muligt og ikke volder uforholdsmæssige vanskeligheder

Farer lurer alle vegne, venner.


Synspunkterne der præsenteres i dette indlæg tilhører forfatteren og afspejler ikke nødvendigvis synspunkter tilhørende


Er der noget om snakken tror i - er debatten om mobiler er skadelige ikke overstået?
Indlæg: 10579
Tilmeldt: 3. maj 2007, 01:14
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Få styr på dit liv, dernæst din telefon. Og i øvrigt fed apropos :)
Indlæg: 4149
Tilmeldt: 3. jun 2009, 15:08
Geografisk sted: København
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Du glemte stort 'I' Svane.
Indlæg: 1752
Tilmeldt: 24. jul 2008, 16:20
Geografisk sted: 2300 Kebab
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Jeg har altid sovet ved siden af min telefon da jeg bruger den som vækkeur og har det mest "trygt" ved at den er lige i nærheden. Har jeg mere testosteron tilbage nu :(?
Indlæg: 2707
Tilmeldt: 25. feb 2011, 01:23
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Det er kun et spørgsmål om tid før en spørger "Hvorfor lægger du din tlf der?" hvor til jeg svarer "Det er så den ikke zapper mine testikler"
Indlæg: 67
Tilmeldt: 2. apr 2010, 23:01
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Pulserende mikrobølger er noget farligt skidt. Hvis det så bare var en gang i mellem vi blev udsat for strålingen. Men nu beskydes vi døgnet rundt fra master med 3G 4G osv. Det kan simpelthen ikke være sundt.
Indlæg: 27
Tilmeldt: 17. jul 2012, 19:59
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tror ikke der er så meget at gøre... men det hele handler om at minimere skader, så fedt du skrev om det (:
Indlæg: 1432
Tilmeldt: 29. maj 2011, 17:48
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