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Bulletproof Athlete

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Wave 1:


Quad Dominant & cleans

Bulletproofing, MSE, Balance & Grip

Explosive Work:
A1: Legpress 5x3, 30s rest
1:130 - 2:130 - 3:130 - 4:130 - 5:132.5

A2: Medium level squat jump 5x3, 120s rest, mobility: Overhead broomstick dislocations x 10
1:bw - 2:bw - 3:bw - 4:bw - 5:bw

B: High block cleans 5x3+F, 90s rest, mobility: Weighted side lying thoracic twist x 10
1:50 - 2:50 - 3:50 - 4:52.5 - 5:52.5 - F:42.5kg x1 every 10s x 5min
Feeder set is done explosively as well
- Min teknik er ikke bestemt ikke dårlig, men heller ikke blandt verdens eliten. Pt arbejder jeg på min tripple extension, som er blevet markant bedre det sidste halve år og forsat bliver bedre fra gang til gang. Der er dog stadig masser af plads til forbedring da kun rammer 3 måske 4 virkelig gode cleans pr gang.

Standing neck extensions 7 & 8 rep combi for max rounds with 30s rest between rounds
16kg x 8 reps & 20kg x 7 reps
6 rounds
- Nakken er begyndt at være træt generelt, så jeg tager en pause fra neck extensions og går igang med statisk arbejde. Min øvre traps er iøvrigt vokset en del den sidste måned, hvilket absolut ikke gør mig noget.

Bosu squat 3x10-20, 90s rest, mobility: Iron cross x 10
1:10 - 2:10 - 3:11
- Første sæt er begyndene svært hen imod de sidste par reps da min venstre ankel begynder at krampe voldsomt.

MSE & Balance:
Turkish get up to single leg front balance, 90s rest, mobility: Glute/ham stretch x 30s
16kgx5 x5s front leg balance

Lying biceps armbar resist 3x20s x 3 positioner, 90s rest, mobility: hip circles x 10
1:Arm Bent x 3 - 2:arm 90 degrees x 3 - 3:Arm almost stretched x 3
- Jeg får løbende nye ideer til øvelser, som selvfølgelig skal afprøves så hvorvidt det er en keeper er stadig uvist. Jeg synes dog den er ret god.

Grip Work:
Plate flip 25kg x 5 flips hver 60s
10 runder
note: Double grip catch
I'm the stuff nightmares are made of for people like you!
Reputation point: 100
Indlæg: 1211
Tilmeldt: 15. aug 2015, 21:08
Geografisk sted: Pandoras Box
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Ingen kostplan

Wave 2


Pull & cleans

Pull: 3 position static pull up 10x10s, 90s rest, mobility: iron cross x 10
A1: Chin above bar
1:Bw - 2:Bw - 3:Bw - 4:Bw - 5:Bw - 6:Bw - 7:Bw - 8:Bw - 9:Bw - 10:Bw

A2: 90 degree angle
1:Bw - 2:Bw - 3:Bw - 4:Bw - 5:Bw - 6:Bw - 7:Bw - 8:Bw - 9:Bw - 10:Bw

A3: 120 degree angle
1:Bw - 2:Bw - 3:Bw - 4:Bw - 5:Bw - 6:Bw - 7:Bw - 8:Bw - 9:Bw - 10:Bw

Clean: two position static clean 10x10s, 60--20s rest, mobility: side Lying thoracic twist x 10
A1: trap bar Shrug
1:20kg - 2:20kg - 3:20kg - 4:20kg - 5:20kg - 6:20kg - 7:20kg - 8:20kg - 9:20kg - 10:20kg

A2: High pull
1:10kg - 2:10kg - 3:10kg - 4:10kg - 5:10kg - 6:10kg - 7:10kg - 8:10kg - 9:10kg - 10:10kg
Note: bar at Chin level. Kids BB.
I'm the stuff nightmares are made of for people like you!
Reputation point: 100
Indlæg: 1211
Tilmeldt: 15. aug 2015, 21:08
Geografisk sted: Pandoras Box
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Ingen kostplan

Wave 2


Pull & cleans

Bulletproofing & Grip

Pull: 3 position static pull up 10x10s, 90s rest, mobility: iron cross x 10
A1: Chin above bar
1:5kg - 2:5kg - 3:5kg - 4:5kg - 5:5kg - 6:5kg - 7:5kg - 8:5kg - 9:5kg - 10:kg

A2: 90 degree angle
1:5kg - 2:5kg - 3:5kg - 4:5kg - 5:5kg - 6:10kg - 7:10kg - 8:10kg - 9:10kg - 10:10kg

A3: 120 degree angle
1:5kg - 2:5kg - 3:5kg - 4:5kg - 5:5kg - 6:5kg - 7:5kg - 8:10kg - 9:10kg - 10:10kg

Clean: two position static clean 10x10s, 60-120s rest, mobility: side Lying thoracic twist x 10
A1: trap bar Shrug
1:30kg - 2:30kg - 3:30kg - 4:30kg - 5:30kg - 6:30kg - 7:30kg - 8:30kg - 9:30kg - 10:30kg

A2: High pull
1:10kg - 2:10kg - 3:10kg - 4:10kg - 5:10kg - 6:10kg - 7:10kg - 8:10kg - 9:10kg - 10:10kg
Note: bar at chest level. Kids BB.

Wrestler neck bridge on bosu ball 3xtime, 90s rest, mobility: Glute ham stretch x 30s
1:60s - 2:60s - 3:60s

Grip Work:
Horizontal baseball cable hold 4x15s, 90s rest
1:22.5 - 2:22.5 - 3:22.5 - 4:22.5
Mit greb er ristet nu!
I'm the stuff nightmares are made of for people like you!
Reputation point: 100
Indlæg: 1211
Tilmeldt: 15. aug 2015, 21:08
Geografisk sted: Pandoras Box
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Ingen kostplan

Wave 2


Pull & PC

Bulletproofing & Grip

Pull: 3 position static pull up 10x10s, 90s rest, mobility: side lying thoracic twist x 10
A1: Chin above bar
1:5kg - 2:5kg - 3:5kg - 4:5kg - 5:5kg - 6:10kg - 7:10kg - 8:10kg - 9:15kg - 20:kg

A2: 90 degree angle, mobility: Iron cross x 10
1:5kg - 2:5kg - 3:5kg - 4:10kg - 5:10kg - 6:10kg - 7:15kg - 8:15kg - 9:15kg - 10:20kg

A3: 120 degree angle, mobility: Glute stretch x 30s
1:5kg - 2:5kg - 3:10kg - 4:10kg - 5:15kg - 6:15kg - 7:20kg - 8:20kg - 9:20kg - 10:20kg

PC: 2 position static forward pulling deadlift, mobility: Ab stretch x 45s
B1: Plates hovering just above floor level.
1:50 - 2:50 - 3:50 - 4:50 - 5:50 - 6:60 - 7:60 - 8:70 - 9:70 - 10:80

B2: Plates just below knees
1:50 - 2:50 - 3:60 - 4:60 - 5:60+ - 6:60+
+ : En fod tilbage, øget band træk

Grip Work:
Horizontal baseball cable hold 5x, 90s rest
1:20x17s - 2:20x17s - 3:20x17s - 4:25x10s - 5:25x12s
I'm the stuff nightmares are made of for people like you!
Reputation point: 100
Indlæg: 1211
Tilmeldt: 15. aug 2015, 21:08
Geografisk sted: Pandoras Box
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Ingen kostplan

Wave 2


Pull & Push

Bulletproofing & Grip

Pull: 3 position static pull up 10x10s, 90s rest
A1: Chin above bar, mobility: Iron cross x 10
1:5kg - 2:5kg - 3:5kg - 4:5kg - 5:10kg - 6:10kg - 7:10kg - 8:10kg - 9:15kg - 20:kg

A2: 90 degree angle, mobility: Side lying thoracic twist x 10
1:5kg - 2:5kg - 3:10kg - 4:10kg - 5:10kg - 6:15kg - 7:15kg - 8:15kg - 9:20kg - 10:20kg

A3: 120 degree angle, mobility: Hip circles x 10
1:5kg - 2:5kg - 3:10kg - 4:15kg - 5:15kg - 6:15kg - 7:20kg - 8:20kg - 9:20kg - 10:20kg

Push: 3 Position static BB bench press 10x10s, 90s rest
B1: 120 degree angle, mobility: Glute & Hamstring stretch x 30s
1:60 - 2:60 - 3:60 - 4:60 - 5:60 - 6:60 - 7:70 - 8:70 - 9:70 - 10:80

B2: 90 degree angle /elbows cavity in 90 degree, Hamstring & calf stretch x 30s
1:60 - 2:60 - 3:60 - 4:60 - 5:60 - 6:70 - 7:70 - 8:70 - 9:70 - 10:70

B3: 5 cm over brystet, mobility: Spiderman stretch x 30s
1:60 - 2:60 - 3:60 - 4:60

Neck extension 12 reps for as many rounds as possible with 30s rest between sets
12kg x 8 rounds

Grip Work:
Horizontal baseball cable hold 5x, 90s rest
1:54kgx5s - 2:54kgx5s - 3:55.25kgx5s - 4:61.25kgx5s - 5:61.25kgx5s
I'm the stuff nightmares are made of for people like you!
Reputation point: 100
Indlæg: 1211
Tilmeldt: 15. aug 2015, 21:08
Geografisk sted: Pandoras Box
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Ingen kostplan

Wave 2


Pull & Quad Dominant


Pull: 3 position static baseball grip pull up 10x10s, 90-120s rest
A1: Chin above balls, mobility: Iron cross x 10
1:5kg - 2:5kg - 3:5kg - 4:7.5kg - 5:10kg - 6:12.5kg - 7:15kg - 8:20kg - 9:25kg - 10:30:kg

A2: 90 degree angle, mobility: Side lying thoracic twist x 10
1:5kg - 2:5kg - 3:10kg - 4:10kg - 5:15kg - 6:15kg - 7:20kg - 8:20kg - 9:25kg - 10:30kg

A3: 120 degree angle, mobility: Prone scorpion x 10
1:5kg - 2:5kg - 3:10kg - 4:15kg - 5:15kg - 6:20kg - 7:20kg - 8:20kg - 9:25kg - 10:25kg

Quad Dominant: 2 Position static Leg press 10x10s, 90-120s rest
B1: Ass to grass level, mobility: Hip circles x 10
1:35 - 2:45 - 3:55 - 4:65 - 5:75 - 6:85 - 7:95 - 8:105 - 9:115 - 10:125

B2: 90 degree, mobility: Overhead broomstick dislocations x 10 Hamstring & calf stretch x 30s
1:55 - 2:65 - 3:75 - 4:85 - 5:95 - 6:105 - 7:115 - 8:125 - 9:130 - 10:135

Grip Work:
One handed Horizontal Fat grip cable hold 5x, 90s rest
1:82kgx5s - 2:82kgx5s - 3:82kgx5s - 4:82kgx5s - 5:82kgx10s
I'm the stuff nightmares are made of for people like you!
Reputation point: 100
Indlæg: 1211
Tilmeldt: 15. aug 2015, 21:08
Geografisk sted: Pandoras Box
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Ingen kostplan

Wave 2


Pull & VP

Bulletproofing & Grip

Pull: 2 position static baseball grip pull up & Horizontal scapula retractions 10x10s, 90-120s rest
A1: Chin above balls, mobility: Iron cross x 10
1:5kg - 2:5kg - 3:7.5kg - 4:10kg - 5:11.25kg - 6:13.75kg - 7:15kg - 8:20kg - 9:25kg - 10:30:kg

A2: 90 degree angle with rotation, mobility: Lat foam rolling x 30s
1:5kg - 2:7.5kg - 3:10kg - 4:12.5kg - 5:15kg - 6:15kg - 7:10kg - 8:5kg - 9:bw - 10:bw
- En rotation pr sæt.
- Sindsygt hårdt til sidst selv med bw.

A3: Cable scapula retractions, mobility: Side lying thoracic twist x 10
1:40 - 2:50 - 3:59 - 4:59 - 5:59 - 6:59 - 7:59 - 8:59 - 9:59 - 10:59kg

VP: Single position handstand hold 10x30s, 90s rest
B: Back against the wall, mobility: Elevated glute / hamstring stretch x 30s
10 x 30s

Bosu wrestler neck bridge w/ pull over 3xmax, 90s rest, mobility: Weighted quad stretch x 30s
1:8kg kb x 12 - 2:12kg kb x 12 - 3:12kg kb x 10

Grip Work:
Horizontal baseball cable hold 3x, 90s rest
Pinky finger & thumb 1:7.5kgx10s - 2:10kgx10s - 3:12.5kgx10&8(Right/left)
Ring finger & thumb 1:7.5kgx15s - 2:10kgx10s - 3:12.5kgx8s
Middle finger & thumb 1:7.5kgx20s - 2:10kgx20s - 3:17.5kgx10/8.5(right/left)
Index finger & thumb 1:7.5kgx20s - 2:10kgx20s - 3:12.5kgx10s
- I have limited extension control with especially my ring finger as it continues to bend while using the other fingers. It supported a few of the "heavier sets along the way"
- The reason behind this setup was to work on the weakest links, namely the ring and especially the pinky fingers as they are definitely falling behind.
I'm the stuff nightmares are made of for people like you!
Reputation point: 100
Indlæg: 1211
Tilmeldt: 15. aug 2015, 21:08
Geografisk sted: Pandoras Box
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Ingen kostplan

Wave 2


Pull & Push


Pull: 2 position static baseball grip pull up10x10s, 90-120s rest
A1: Chin above balls, mobility: Glute & Hamstring stretch x 30s
1:5kg - 2:7.5kg - 3:10kg - 4:12.5kg - 5:15kg - 6:17.5kg - 7:20kg - 8:25kg - 9:30kg - 10:35:kg

A2: 90 degree angle with rotation, mobility: Glute & hamstring stretch x 30
1:5kg - 2:7.5kg - 3:10kg - 4:10kg - 5:10kg - 6:10kg - 7:15kg
Overgik til alm hangs: - 8:20kg - 9:25 - 10:30
- En rotation pr sæt.

Push: 3 position static BB bench press 10x10s, 60-90s rest
B1: 120 degree angle, mobility: Glute & Hamstring stretch x 30s
1:60 - 2:70 - 3:70 - 4:70 - 5:70 - 6:70 - 7:70 - 8:70 - 9:80 - 10:80

B2: 90 degree angle /elbows cavity in 90 degree, Glute & Hamstring stretch x 30s
1:60 - 2:70 - 3:70 - 4:70 - 5:70 - 6:70 - 7:70 - 8:70 - 9:70 - 10:70

B3: 5 cm over brystet, mobility: Glute & hamstring stretch x 30s
1:60 - 2:60 - 3:60 - 4:70 - 5:70

Random next extensions, 6xrandom, 45s rest
1:12kgx20 reps - 2:16kgx10 - 3:20kgx5 - 4:12kgx15 - 5:16kgx10 - 6:20kgx4
I'm the stuff nightmares are made of for people like you!
Reputation point: 100
Indlæg: 1211
Tilmeldt: 15. aug 2015, 21:08
Geografisk sted: Pandoras Box
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Ingen kostplan

Pull & Push

Bulletproofing, MSE & Grip

Pull: 2 position static baseball grip pull up & static cable row 10x10s, 90-120s rest
A1: Chin above balls, mobility: Glute & Hamstring stretch x 30s
1:7.5kg - 2:10kg - 3:12.5kg - 4:15kg - 5:17.5kg - 6:20kg - 7:25kg - 8:30kg - 9:35kg - 10:40:kg

A2: 90 degree angle 5x10s, mobility: Glute & hamstring stretch x 30
1:5kg - 2:7.5kg - 3:10kg - 4:12.5kg - 5:15kg

A3: Cable row hold helt inde ved maven, 10x10s, mobility: Glute & hamstring stretch x 30s
1:27 - 2:34 - 3:40 - 4:40 - 5:40 - 6:34 - 7:34 - 8:34 - 9:34 - 10:34

Push: 2 position static diamon grip BB bench press 10x10s, 60-90s rest
B1: 120 degree angle, mobility: Glute & Hamstring stretch x 30s
1:50 - 2:50 - 3:52.5 - 4:55 - 5:55 - 6:55 - 7:57.5 - 8:60 - 9:65 - 10:65

B2: 90 degree angle /elbows cavity in 90 degree, 8x10s, Mobility: Glute & Hamstring stretch x 30s
1:50 - 2:50 - 3:52.5 - 4:52.5 - 5:55 - 6:55 - 7:57.5 - 8:57.5

Random neck extensions, 6xrandom, 60s rest
1:12kgx20 - 2:16kgx20 - 3:20kgx5 - 4:12kgx15 - 5:16kgx10 - 6:20kgx5

Alternting leg extensions 2xsomething something, 60s rest
1:20kgx20 - 2:25kgx15

Grip Work:
Plate pinch
1: Pinky & thumb 1.25kg plate x 15s
2: Ring & thumb 2.5kg plate x 15s
3: Middle & thumb 5kg plate x 15s
4: Index & thumb 5kg plate x 15s
5: Pinky, ring & thumb 5kg plate x 10s
6: Pinky, ring, middle 10kg plate x 15s
7: all five fingers 25kg plate x 5s x 3
I'm the stuff nightmares are made of for people like you!
Reputation point: 100
Indlæg: 1211
Tilmeldt: 15. aug 2015, 21:08
Geografisk sted: Pandoras Box
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Ingen kostplan

Pull & PC

Bulletproofing, MSE & Grip

Exercise: Static pull up
Grip: Baseball
Position: Top position
Set & time: 10 sets of 10 seconds
Mobility: Glute & It band stretch x 30s
1:8.75 - 2:11.25 - 3:13.75 - 4:15 - 5:18.75 - 6:20 - 7:25 - 8:30 - 9:35 - 10:40
Finishing notes: Mister kontrol af scapula under de tungere sæt. Specielt depression af scapula, men også retraction. Satser på at få styr på det gennem målrettet træning af scapula kontrol.

Exercise: Static scapula retraction row
Position: Straight arm retractions
Grip: Shoulder width straight bar
Set & time: 10 sets of 10 seconds
Mobility: Glute & It band stretch x 30s
1:50 - 2:50 - 3:59 - 4:59 - 5:59 - 6:61.5 - 7:61.5 - 8:61.5 - 9:68 - 10:68
Finishing notes: Hyper extender allerede en smule på de 50kg og mister derved ordenlig depression af scapula.

Exercise: static scapula pulldown depressions
Position: Finishing position
Grip: Triangle handle
Set & time: 10 sets of 10 seconds
Mobility: Glute & It band stretch x 30s
1:29 - 2:34 - 3:38 - 4:38 - 5:38 - 6:38 - 7:43 - 8:43 - 9:43 - 10:43

Posterior Chain:
Exercise: Static hyper extension
Position: Horizontal
Set & time: 10 sets of 10 seconds
Mobility: Glute & It band stretch x 30s
1-10 sets of 10 seconds.
Finishing notes: Floyd Mayweather back. Derudover var der ingen nævneværdig modstand. Tiden bliver dog øget fra gang til gang, så det kommer.

Exercise: Harness neck extensions
Focus: Endurance
Set & reps: 2 sets of max reps:
1:7.5kgx100 - 2:7.5kgx100
Finishing notes: Kunne formentlig have taget 200 og sikkert også 300 reps pr sæt.

Movement specific exercise:
Exercise: Alternating leg extensions
Focus: Building muscle & strengthening Vastus medialis
Mobility: Glute & It band stretch x 30s
Set & reps: 2 sets of more than last time
1:20kgx25 - 2:25kgx25

Grip Work:
Exercise: Horizontal baseball cable holds
Grip: Baseball
Focus: Strength endurance
Set & time: 5 sets of 10s
1:47kgx10s - 2:49.5x10s - 3:54x9s - 4:54x9s - 5:54x10s
I'm the stuff nightmares are made of for people like you!
Reputation point: 100
Indlæg: 1211
Tilmeldt: 15. aug 2015, 21:08
Geografisk sted: Pandoras Box
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Ingen kostplan

Spændende log! Jeg følger med, anderledes tilgange til træningen er altid velkomne.
Reputation point: 100
Indlæg: 1625
Tilmeldt: 31. jul 2008, 17:27
Geografisk sted: Århus
- Bænkpres: 105.00
- Squat: 160.00
- Dødløft: 180.00
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Vis kostplan

Jussefar skrev:Spændende log! Jeg følger med, anderledes tilgange til træningen er altid velkomne.

Takker :)

Pull & VP

Bulletproofing, MSE & Grip

Exercise: Static pull up
Grip: Baseball
Position: Top position
Set & time: 10 sets of 10 seconds
Mobility: Glute & It band stretch x 30s
1:10 - 2:12.5 - 3:15 - 4:16.25 - 5:20 - 6:25 - 7:30 - 8:35 - 9:40 - 10:45
Finishing notes: PR på sidste sæt med 45kg. Ikke helt så langt oppe som de øvrige sæt, men stadig godkendt.

Exercise: Static scapula retraction row
Position: Straight arm retractions
Grip: Shoulder width straight bar
Set & time: 10 sets of 12 seconds
Mobility: Glute & It band stretch x 30s
1:50 - 2:50 - 3:50 - 4:50 - 5:50 - 6:50 - 7:50 - 8:50 - 9:50 - 10:50
Finishing notes: Tilføjet 2 sekunder.

Exercise: Dynamic scapula depression
Setup: Dip stativ
Grip: Mixed
Set & Reps: 10 sets of 10 reps
Mobility: Glute & IT band stretch x 30s
1:Bw - 2:Bw - 3:Bw - 4:Bw - 5:Bw - 6:Bw - 7:Bw - 8:Bw - 9:Bw - 10:bw
Finishing notes: Indad roterer en smule i presset så jeg mister en del af retractionen af scapula. Mulig løsning kunne være at strække pecs undervejs næste gang.

Vertical Press:
Exercise: Handstand
Position: Straight arms
Grip: Mixed
Set & time: 10 sets of 32 seconds
Mobility: Glue & It band stretch x 30s
1:Bw - 2:Bw - 3:Bw - 4:Bw - 5:Bw - 6:Bw - 7:Bw - 8:Bw - 9:Bw - 10:bw
Finishing notes: Tilføjet 2 sekunder

Exercise: Harness neck extensions
Focus: Endurance
Set & reps: 2 sets of max reps:
1:12kgx35 - 2:12kgx30
Finishing notes: Minimum 10 reps i tanken.

Movement specific exercise:
Exercise: Alternating leg extensions
Focus: Building muscle & strengthening Vastus medialis
Mobility: Glute & It band stretch x 30s
Set & reps: 1 set of something

Grip Work:
Exercise: DB hold
Focus: Endurance
Grip: Normal
Set & time: 5 sets of above 20s
1:38kgx30s - 2:38x30s - 3:42kgx30s - 4:42x20s - 5:42x30s
Finishing notes: Satte ved et uheld nedtællingen til 20s på 4 sæt istedet for 30s.
I'm the stuff nightmares are made of for people like you!
Reputation point: 100
Indlæg: 1211
Tilmeldt: 15. aug 2015, 21:08
Geografisk sted: Pandoras Box
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Ingen kostplan

Kort video af gårdagens sidste sæt og ny PR i pull ups. Ca 60% bw

I'm the stuff nightmares are made of for people like you!
Reputation point: 100
Indlæg: 1211
Tilmeldt: 15. aug 2015, 21:08
Geografisk sted: Pandoras Box
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Ingen kostplan

Pull & Push

Bulletproofing, MSE & Grip

Exercise: Static pull up
Grip: Baseball
Position: Top position
Set & time: 10 sets of 10 seconds
Mobility: Glute & It band stretch x 30s
1:11.25 - 2:13.75 - 3:16.25 - 4:17.5 - 5:21.25 - 6:26.25 - 7:31.25 - 8:35 - 9:40 - 10:46.25
Finishing notes: Igen PR på sidste sæt med 46.25kg. Hvis ikke min biceps scene sprænger, rammer jeg 47.5 næste gang. Derudover synes der er være forbedring at scapula kontrol.

Exercise: Static cable row - Part 1
Position: Fully retracted
Grip: Triangle grip
Set & time: 5 sets of 10 seconds
Mobility: Glute & It band stretch x 30s
1:34 - 2:34 - 3:34 - 4:34 - 5:34

Exercise: Static cable row - Part 2
Position: Fully retracted
Grip: Straight bar
Set & time: 5 sets of 10 seconds
Mobility: Glute & It band stretch x 30s
1:34 - 2:34 - 3:34 - 4:34 - 5:34

Exercise: Static bench press
Position: 120 degree angle
Grip: Wide
Set & time: 10 sets of 10 seconds
Mobility: Glute & It band stretch x 30s
1:65 - 2:75 - 3:75 - 4:75 - 5:75 - 6:75 - 7:75 - 8:80 - 9:80 - 10:80

Exercise: Static bench press
Position: 90 degree angle
Grip: Wide
Set & time: 10 sets of 10 seconds
Mobility: Glute & It band stretch x 30s
1:65 - 2:75 - 3:75 - 4:75 - 5:75 - 6:75 - 7:70 - 8:70 - 9:70 - 10:70

Exercise: Paused lateral neck flexion
Set & reps: 3 sets of more than 10 reps
Focus: Endurance
Extra: 3-5 second pause in extension
1:5kgx15 - 2:5kgx15 - 3:5kgx15

Movement specific exercise:
Exercise: Alternating leg extension
Focus: Building muscle & strengthening Vastus medialis
Set & reps: 1 set of some reps

Exercise: Straight leg raise
Position: Armchair
Focus: Stronger abs
Set & reps: 4 sets of as many reps as possible until form begins to deteriorate
1:5 - 2:5 - 3:5 - 4:5 - 5:5

Grip Work:
Exercise: Band resisted alligator smash - Part 1
Grip: Plates
Focus: Endurance
Set & time: 6 sets of 20 seconds
1:2x5kgx1'st - 2:2x5kgx2'nd - 3:2x5kgx3'rd - 4:2x5kgx4'th - 5:2x5kgx5'th - 6:2x5kgx6'th
Finishing notes: Der bruges et tyndt rødt band hvorpå der er lavet markeringer mhv. 1-2-3-4-5 & 6. 1 er nemmest, 6 er hårdest.

Exercise: Band resisted alligator smash - Part 2
Grip: Plates
Focus: Strength endurance
Set & time: 3 sets of 15 seconds
1:3x5kg - 2:3x5kgx1'st - 3:3x5kgx2'nd
I'm the stuff nightmares are made of for people like you!
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Tilmeldt: 15. aug 2015, 21:08
Geografisk sted: Pandoras Box
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Pull & Legs

Grip & MSE

Exercise: Static pull up
Grip: Baseball
Position: Top position
Set & time: 10 sets of 10 seconds
Mobility: Glute & It band stretch x 30s
1:12.5 - 2:15 - 3:17.5 - 4:18.75 - 5:22.5 - 6:27.5 - 7:32.5 - 8:36.25 - 9:40 - 10:47.5
Finishing notes: PR PR PR Igen - 47.5kg! Derudover er kontrollen af scapula blevet en smule bedre i de lettere sæt, men forsvinder dog stadig løbende på de tungere sæt.

Exercise: Static pull up
Grip: Baseball
Position: 90 degree angle
Set & time: 10 sets of 10 seconds
Mobility: Glute & It band stretch x 30s
1:6.25 - 2:8.75 - 3:11.25 - 4:13.75 - 5:16.25 - 6:16.25 - 7:21.25 - 8:21.25 - 9:26.25 - 10:31.25

Exercise: Alternating static leg extension
Position: Legs straight
Set & time: 10 sets of 10 seconds
Mobility: Glute & It band stretch x 30s
1:30 - 2:30 - 3:35 - 4:35 - 5:40 - 6:40 - 7:45 - 8:45 - 9:45 - 10:40

Exercise: Static hip adduction
Position: Fully adducted & straight
Set & time: 10 sets of 10 seconds
Mobility: Glute & It band stretch x 30s
1:47 - 2:54 - 3:61 - 4:68 - 5:75 - 6:81 - 7:88 - 8:95 - 9:81 - 10:81
Finishing notes: Sådan set en MSE øvelse.

Movement specific exercise:
Exercise: Alternating cotter sit up
Focus: Strength endurance
Set & reps: 2 sets of as many reps as possible until form begins to deteriorate
1:8kgx7 - 2:8kgx7
Finishing notes: Each side.

Grip Work:
Exercise: Cheap gripper
Focus: Volume over time
Set & reps: 20 reps between every second set done as fast as possible
I'm the stuff nightmares are made of for people like you!
Reputation point: 100
Indlæg: 1211
Tilmeldt: 15. aug 2015, 21:08
Geografisk sted: Pandoras Box
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Pull & PC

Bulletproofing & MSE

Exercise: Static pull up
Grip: Baseball grip
Position: Top position
Set & time: 10 sets of 10 seconds - & 1 extra to piss off my bicep tendonds!
Mobility: Glute & It band stretch x 30s
1:13.75 - 2:15 - 3:18.75 - 4:20 - 5:23.75 - 6:28.75 - 7:33.75 - 8:36.26 - 9:40 - 10:50 - 11:50
Finishing notes: PR på 50kg!

Exercise: Machine alternating static scapula retraction row
Grip: Somewhere between pronated & neutral
Position: Straight arms retractions
Set & time: 10 sets of 10 seconds
Mobility: Glute & It band stretch x 30s
1:34 - 2:40 - 3:47 - 4:54 - 5:61 - 6:61 - 7:68 - 8:75 - 9:75 - 10:81
Finishing notes: Føles en del bedre end i den frie kabel version

Posterior chain:
Exercise: Revers hypers
Position: Legs together
Set & time: 10 sets of 20 seconds
Mobility: Glute & It band stretch x 30s
1:Bw - 2:Bw - 3:Bw - 4:Bw - 5:Bw - 6:Bw - 7:Bw - 8:Bw - 9:Bw - 10:Bw

Exercise: Incline Y's
Position: 45 degree angle
Set & time: 10 sets of 15 seconds
1:2kg - 2:3 - 3:3 - 4:3 - 5:3 - 6:3 - 7:4 - 8:4 - 9:4 - 10:4

Exercise: Alternating leg extensions
Focus: Building muscle & strengthening Vastus medialis
Set & reps: 2 set of more reps than last time
1:30kgx15 - 2:30kgx10

Exercise: Cotter sit ups
Focus: Strength endurance
Set & reps: 2 sets of as many reps as possible until form begins to deteriorate
1:8kgx8 - 2:8kgx8
Finishing notes: Each side.

I'm the stuff nightmares are made of for people like you!
Reputation point: 100
Indlæg: 1211
Tilmeldt: 15. aug 2015, 21:08
Geografisk sted: Pandoras Box
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Pull & Legs

Bulletproofing, MSE & Grip

Exercise: Static pull up
Grip: Baseball grip
Position: Top position
Set & time: 7 sets of 10 seconds
Mobility: Glute & It band stretch x 30s
1:15 - 2:16.25 - 3:20 - 4:21.25 - 5:25 - 6:30 - 7:35
Finishing notes: Lat, greb & CNS - Det hele var brændt af efter sidste gang. Begynder enten at deloade eller tager jeg helt en pause fra pull ups og fokusere på scapula control etc.

Exercise: Machine alternating static scapula retraction row
Grip: Somewhere between pronated & neutral
Position: Straight arms retractions
Set & time: 10 sets of 10 seconds
Mobility: Glute & It band stretch x 30s
1:40 - 2:47 - 3:54 - 4:61 - 5:68 - 6:68 - 7:75 - 8:75 - 9:81 - 10:88
Finishing notes: Langt bedre fyring på venstre side.

Exercise: Static scapula pulldown depressions
Position: Finishing position
Grip: Triangle handle & Flat handle
Set & time: 10 sets of 10 seconds
Mobility: Siddende hamstring stretch x 30s
1:34 - 2:40 - 3:50 - 4:55 - 5:68 - 6:68 - 7:59 - 8:59 - 9:59 - 10:59
Finishing notes: Præcis samme maskine model som jeg sidst brugte, men vægt pladerne vejer ikke det samme.

Exercise: Static hip adduction
Position: Fully adducted & straight w/ feet touching
Set & time: 10 sets of 10 seconds
Mobility: Siddende hamstring stretch x 30
1:54 - 2:54 - 3:61 - 4:68 - 5:75 - 6:81 - 7:88 - 8:95 - 9:95 - 10:102

Exercise: Harness Paused neck extension
Set & reps: 3 sets until it feels like stopping
Focus: Strength
Extra: 5 second pause in extension
1:16kgx5 - 2:16kgx5 - 3:16kgx5

Exercise: Cotter sit ups
Focus: Strength endurance
Set & reps: 2 sets of as many reps as possible until form begins to deteriorate
1:8kgx9 - 2:8kgx9
Finishing notes: Each side.

Grip Work:
Exercise: Captain of crush Squeeze
Model: Trainer
Set & time: 1 set of 5 second squeeze between all sets of all exercises.
Focus: Volume over time
I'm the stuff nightmares are made of for people like you!
Reputation point: 100
Indlæg: 1211
Tilmeldt: 15. aug 2015, 21:08
Geografisk sted: Pandoras Box
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Pull & Push

Bulletproofing, MSE & Grip

The Workout:

Exercise: Static pull up
Grip: stick grip
Position: Top position
Set & time: 10 sets of 10 seconds
Mobility: Hamstring stretch x 30s
1:Bw - 2:5 - 3:7.5 - 4:10 - 5:12.5 - 6:15 - 7:17.5 - 8:20 - 9:22.5 - 10:25

Exercise: Static scapula retraction row
Position: Straight arm retractions
Grip: Shoulder width straight bar
Set & time: 10 sets of 15 seconds
Mobility: Hamstring stretch x 30s
1:50 - 2:50 - 3:50 - 4:50 - 5:50 - 6:50 - 7:50 - 8:50 - 9:50 - 10:50
Finishing notes: Tilføjet 3 sekunder

Supersættet med

Exercise: Dynamic scapula depression
Setup: Dip stativ
Grip: Mixed
Set & Reps: 10 sets of 10 reps
Mobility: hamstring stretch x 30s
1:Bw - 2:Bw - 3:Bw - 4:Bw - 5:Bw - 6:Bw - 7:Bw - 8:Bw - 9:Bw - 10:bw
Finishing notes: Brugte et andet dips stativ på de to sidste sæt hvilket gav en omgående forbedring af teknikken.

Exercise: Static bench press
Position: Decline & 120 degree angle
Grip: Diamond
Set & Time: 10 sets of 10 seconds
1:50 - 2:50 - 3:52.5 - 4:55 - 5:55 - 6:55 - 7:57.5 - 8:60 - 9:65 - 10:70

Supersættet med

Exercise: Band pull apart
Grip: Mixed
Band type: Thin red band
Set & Reps: 10 sets of 10 reps

Exercise: Static bench press
Position: Decline & 90 degree angle
Grip: Diamond
Set & Time: 10 sets of 10 seconds
1:52.5 - 2:52.5 - 3:55 - 4:55 - 5:57.5 - 6:57.5 - 7:57.5 - 8:60 - 9:65 - 10:70

Grip Work:
Exercise: Alligator smash
Grip: Pinch
Sets & time: 3 sets of 5 seconds
Stack: 4 plates of 5kg
Focus: Strength
1:5s - 2:5s - 3:5s

Exercise: Cotter Sit up
Focus: Strength endurance
Set & reps: 2 sets of as many reps as possible until form begins to deteriorate
1:8kgx10 - 2:8kgx10
Finishing notes: Each side.
I'm the stuff nightmares are made of for people like you!
Reputation point: 100
Indlæg: 1211
Tilmeldt: 15. aug 2015, 21:08
Geografisk sted: Pandoras Box
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Pull & Posterior chain

Bulletproofing & MSE


Exercise: Static pull up
Position: Top
Grip: Plum
Sets & Time: 20 sets of 5 seconds
Rest: 60-90 seconds
Mobility: Glute & It band stretch x 30s
1:Bw - 2:Bw - 3:Bw - 4:Bw - 5:Bw - 6:Bw - 7:Bw - 8:Bw - 9:Bw - 10:Bw - 11:Bw - 12:Bw - 13:Bw - 14:Bw - 15:Bw - 16:Bw - 17:Bw - 18:Bw - 19:Bw - 20:Bw
Finishing notes: Ultimativt hårdeste pull up variation til dato.

Exercise: Dynamic scapula depression
Setup: Dip stativ
Grip: Mixed
Set & Reps: 10 sets of 10 reps
Mobility: Neck rolls x 10
Rest: 60 seconds
1:1.25 - 2:1.25 - 3:1.25 - 4:1.25 - 5:1.25 - 6:1.25 - 7:1.25 - 8:1.25 - 9:1.25 - 10:1.25
Finishing notes: Proneret greb fremover.

Exercise: Machine alternating static scapula retraction row
Grip: Mixed
Position: Straight arms retractions
Set & time: 10 sets of 15 seconds
Mobility: Backwards lying neck stretch x 30s
Rest: 60-90 seconds
1: - 2:47 - 3:54 - 4:61 - 5:68 - 6:68 - 7:75 - 8:75 - 9:81 - 10:81
Finishing notes: Føler ikke jeg får trukket skulderbladet helt tilbage. Prøver med db's næste gang.

Posterior Chain:
Exercise: Static hyper extension
Position: Horizontal
Set & time: 5 sets of 20 seconds
1:Bw - 2:Bw - 3:Bw - 4:Bw - 5:Bw
Finishing notes: Floyd Mayweather back & added 10 seconds

Supersættet med

Exercise: Reverse hypers
Position: Legs together & Horizontal
Set & time: 5 sets of 20 seconds
Rest: 60 seconds
1:Bw - 2:Bw - 3:Bw - 4:Bw - 5:Bw

Exercise: Incline IYWT's
Position: 45 degree angle
Set & time: 10 sets of 5 seconds of each position
Rest: 60 seconds
Mobility: Triangle neck stretch x 30s
1:2kg - 2:2 - 3:3 - 4:2 - 5:2 - 6:2 - 7:2 - 8:2 - 9:2 - 10:2

Exercise: Alternating leg extensions
Focus: Building muscle & strengthening Vastus medialis
Set & reps: 2 set of more than last time
Rest: 60 seconds
1:30kgx20 - 2:35kgx12

Exercise: Cotter sit ups
Focus: Strength endurance
Set & reps: More than last time until form begins to deteriorate
1:Alternating between left & right side with 8kg in right hand & 12kg in left hand x 5 reps each side.
2:Alternating between left & right side with 12kg in right hand & 8kg in left hand x 5 reps each side.
3: 8kgx8 EA


Today's diet:
Breakfast: Big bowl of oatmeal w/ raisins and cinnamon

Post workout shake: 2 bananas & 40g of soy protein mixed with water

Post workout meal: Big bowl of salad with bulgur, soy beans, tomatoes, cucumber, corn, spinach, pineapple, Carrots, celery & beetroot

Dinner: Big bowl of wok with chickpeas, baby corn, coconut milk, pineapple, broccoli, carrots, bell pepper.

After dinner meal: Bowl of bulgur salad

Night time snack: Bowl of Oatmeal w/ raisins & cinamon
I'm the stuff nightmares are made of for people like you!
Reputation point: 100
Indlæg: 1211
Tilmeldt: 15. aug 2015, 21:08
Geografisk sted: Pandoras Box
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Kostplan: Ingen kostplan

Pull & Push

Bulletproofing & MSE


Exercise: Static pull up
Position: Top
Grip: Plum grip
Sets & Time: 15 sets of 5 seconds
Rest period: 60-90s
Mobility: Glute & It band stretch x 30s
1:Bw - 2:Bw - 3:Bw - 4:Bw - 5:Bw - 6:Bw - 7:Bw - 8:Bw - 9:Bw - 10:Bw - 11:1.25 - 12:1.25 - 13:Bw - 14:Bw - 15:Bw
- Kontrolleret eccentrisk del på 5-6-8-9 & 10 sæt
Finishing notes: For helvede hvor er det hårdt & mine underarme skriger allerede efter 3-4 sæt

Exercise: Static pull up
Grip: Neutral false grip
Position: Top
Sets & Time: 10 sets of 10 seconds
Rest period: 60-90s
Mobility: Hamstring stretch x 30s
1:5 - 2:7.5 - 3:10 - 4:12.5 - 5:15 - 6:17.5 - 7:20 - 8:22.5 - 9:25 - 10:27.5
Finishing notes: Betydeligt stærkere greb end noget andet jeg har prøvet, men vægten var tungere end normalt pga forgående øvesle som ristede mit greb totalt

Exercise: Static push up
Position: Top - Én step bænk på øverste setting & én på laveste ovenpå hinanden. Brystet lige over.
Grip: Kettlebels
Sets & Time: 10 sets of 30 seconds
Rest period: 60-90s
Mobility: Neck rolls x 10
1:Bw - 2:Bw - 3:Bw - 4:Bw - 5:Bw - 6:Bw - 7:Bw - 8:Bw - 9:Bw - 10:Bw

Exercise: Static incline IYWT's
Position: 45 degree angle
Sets & Time: 10 sets of 8 seconds hold of each position
Rest period: 60s
1:2kg - 2:2kg - 3:2kg - 4:2kg - 5:2kg - 6:2kg - 7:2kg - 8:2kg - 9:2kg - 10:2kg

A1: Exercise: Dynamic neck extension
Focus: Endurance & Stretching
Sets & reps: 3 sets max reps
Weight: 10kg
1:50 - 2:25 - 3:25

Supersættet med

A2: Exercise: Static shrugs
Grip: Trap bar
Sets & time: 6 sets of 30 seconds
Set up: Ét sæt efter A1 --> 60s pause --> ét sæt yderligere --> A1
Rest period: 60s
1:40 - 2:40 - 3:40 - 4:40 - 5:40 - 6:40
Finishing notes: Scapula tilbage og depressed

Exercise: Alternating leg extensions
Focus: Building muscle & strengthening Vastus medialis
Set & reps: 2 set of more than last time
Rest: 60 seconds
1:30kgx25 - 2:35kgx12
Finishing notes: added 5 reps more to first set

Exercise: Cotter sit ups
Focus: Strength
Set & reps: More than last time until form begins to deteriorate
Rest period: 60s
1:12kgx5 - 2:12kgx5

- Trænede med udsigt til den lækreste lille brunette med den strammeste lille røv jeg nogensinde har set. Jeg opgav til sidst at holde fokus på træningen og endte med at stirre i det skjulte. Hun var så lækker og jeg tror det gik begge veje for der blev udvekslet en del blikke. Blinkede som en sindsyg for at få fyldt harddisken op med så mange mental pics som muligt.

- Jeg kan ikke tænke på andet end den brunette og hendes røv!

- Der gik hul på min 2.5 liters drikkedunk, mens den lå i tasken som er fyldt med alt muligt. Brugte et kvarter på at tørre taske og gulv. Ærgeligt brunetten var gået på det tidspunkt, for hun var fandme lækker!
I'm the stuff nightmares are made of for people like you!
Reputation point: 100
Indlæg: 1211
Tilmeldt: 15. aug 2015, 21:08
Geografisk sted: Pandoras Box
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Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Ingen kostplan

Pull - pull - Pull - Pull



Exercise: Static pull up
Grip: Baseballs
Position: Top
Sets & Time: 5 sets of 10 seconds
Rest period: 90-120s
1:5 - 2:10 - 3:15 - 4:20 - 5:25
Finishing notes: Easy

Exercise: Static pull up
Grip: Gymnastic rings
Position: Top
Sets & Time: 5 sets of 10 seconds
Rest period: 90-120s
1:5 - 2:10 - 3:15 - 4:20 - 5:25
Finishing notes: Easy

Exercise: Static pull up
Grip: Sticks
Position: Top
Sets & Time: 5 sets of 10 seconds
Rest period: 90-120s
1:5 - 2:10 - 3:15 - 4:20 - 5:25
Finishing notes: Hej underarme

Exercise: Static pull up
Grip: Fat sticks
Position: Top
Sets & Time: 5 sets of 10 seconds
Rest period: 90-120s rest
1:Bw - 2:2.5 - 3:5 - 4:Bw - 5:Bw
Finishing notes: Det brænder en smule

Exercise: Static pull up
Grip: Plum
Position: Top
Sets & Time: 5 sets of 10 seconds
Rest period: 90-120s
1:Bw - 2:Bw - 3:Bw - 4:Bw - 5:Bw
Finishing notes: Foam roller mine underarme

Exercise: Static pull up
Grip: Unstable triceps push down handle - Pronated shoulder width
Position: Top
Sets & Time: 5 sets of 10 seconds
Rest period: 90-120s
1:5 - 2:10 - 3:15 - 4:10 - 5:15
Finishing notes: Fuuuuuuuuck det brænder - foam roller stadig mine underarme

Exercise: Alternating leg extensions
Focus: Building muscle & strengthening Vastus medialis
Set & reps: More than last time
Rest period : 60s
1:35kgx12 - 2:35kgx10 - 3:35x5

Exercise: Cotter sit ups
Focus: Strength
Set & reps: More than last time until form begins to deteriorate
Rest period: 60s
1:12kgx8 - 2:12kgx5

Tror jeg vil begynde at implementere pull ups i mit program. Synes at mangle.
I'm the stuff nightmares are made of for people like you!
Reputation point: 100
Indlæg: 1211
Tilmeldt: 15. aug 2015, 21:08
Geografisk sted: Pandoras Box
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Pull & Push

Bulletproofing & MSE


Exercise: Semi static pull up
Grip: Baseballs
Position: Top
Sets, Reps & Time: 5 sets of 1½ x 10 seconds
Execution: up to 90 degrees & back down then all the way up to a 10 second hold.
Rest period: 90 seconds
Mobility: Glute & It band stretch x 30 seconds
1:5 - 2:7.5 - 3:10 - 4:12.5 - 5:15

Exercise: Semi Static pull up
Grip: Fat sticks
Position: Top
Sets, Reps & Time: 5 sets of 1½ x 10 seconds
Execution: up to 90 degrees & back down then all the way up to a 10 second hold.
Rest period: 90 seconds
Mobility: Glute & It band stretch x 30 seconds
1:5 - 2:Bw - 3:Bw - 4:Bw - 5:Bw
Finishing notes: Mit greb er totalt kneppet efter sidste træning. Fat grip gummi dimsen gled af den ene stik på den ene sæt, fordi jeg ikke kunne klemme hårdt nok.
-Der er en fyr i centret som jeg har snakket lidt med hen over de sidste par måneder, efter han er begyndt at henvende sig med alle mulige spørgsmål mht hans egen træning. Han ligger lige over 90kg, godt pumpet, tidligere power lifter og store underarme. Han forsøgte utallige gange at trække sig op i mine fat sticks, uden held. Ganske sjovt
- Sidste to sæt var kun én rep, ikke 1½
Exercise: Exercise: Static push up
Position: Midt - to step bænke ovenpå hinanden. Laveste setting.
Grip: Kettlebels
Sets, Reps & Time: 5 sets of 30 seconds
Rest period: 60-90s
Mobility: Lying bent over neck stretch x 30 seconds
1:Bw - 2:Bw - 3:Bw - 4:Bw - 5:Bw

Exercise: Alternating Machine semi static scapula retraction row
Grip: Mixed
Position: Straight arms retractions
Set, Reps & Time: 10 sets of 1/1 x 10 seconds
Execution: 1 full rep followed by another that ends in a 10 second hold
Mobility: Backwards neck rolls x 30 seconds
Rest: 60 seconds
1:40 - 2:47 - 3:54 - 4:61 - 5:68 - 6:75 - 7:81 - 8:81 - 9:88 - 10:88

Exercise: Dynamic scapula machine row
Grip: Wide
Position: Straigth arm restractions
Sets, Reps & Time: 2 sets of 10 reps with 2s hold
Rest: 60 seconds
1:20kgx10 - 2:25kgx10

Exercise: Alternating leg extensions
Focus: Building muscle & strengthening Vastus medialis
Sets, Reps & Time: More than last time
Rest period : 60s
Mobility: Standing hamstring stretch x 30 seconds
1:35kgx15 - 2:40kgx5

Exercise: Cotter sit ups
Focus: Strength
Set & reps: More than last time until form begins to deteriorate
Rest period: 60s
Mobility: Triangle neck stretch L-R x 30 seconds
1:12kgx7 - 2:12kgx5 - 3:12kgx5 - 4:12kgx5
I'm the stuff nightmares are made of for people like you!
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Tilmeldt: 15. aug 2015, 21:08
Geografisk sted: Pandoras Box
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Exercise: Static pull up
Grip: Narrow Neutral & wide neutral
Position: Top
Sets, reps & time: 1 rep with 10 & 5 second hold every 60s for 60 minutes
Rest: 60 seconds
Weight: Bodyweight
Mobility: 1-10: Hamstring stretch x 30s - 11-20: Glute & It band stretch x 30s - 21-30: Neck rolls - 31-40: backward lying neck stretch x 30s - 41-51: Side rolling inversions
1-29: Narrow x 10 seconds
30-40 Wide x 5 seconds
41-60: Narrow x 5 seconds

Exercise: Static sandbag squeeze
Grip: Seatbelt
Position: Hanging with no legs
Sets, reps & time: 10 sets of 15 second holds
Rest: 60 seconds
1:Bw - 2:Bw - 3:Bw - 4:Bw - 5:Bw - 6: - 7:Bw - 8:Bw - 9:Bw - 10:5kg

Exercise: Hanging sandbag sit ups
Sets, reps & time: 5 sets of max reps
Focus: Strength
Rest: 60 seconds
1:5 - 2:5 - 3:5 - 4:5 - 5:4
I'm the stuff nightmares are made of for people like you!
Reputation point: 100
Indlæg: 1211
Tilmeldt: 15. aug 2015, 21:08
Geografisk sted: Pandoras Box
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Pull & Legs


Exercise: Static pull up
Grip: Narrow Neutral
Position: Top
Sets, reps & time: 2 reps of 10 & 5 second holds every 2 minutes for 20 mintutes total.
Rest: 120 seconds
Weight: Bodyweight
Mobility: 1-5: Hamstring stretch x 30s - 6-10: Glute & It band stretch x 30s - 11-15: Neck rolls - 16-20:Side rolling inversions
1-20: Bw

Exercise: Static sandbag squeeze
Grip: Seatbelt
Position: Hanging with no legs
Sets, reps & time: 5 sets of 10 seconds & 5 sets of 5 seconds
Rest: 15 seconds between each side & 60 seconds between sets
Mobility: Side rolling inverversions
1:2.5 - 2:2.5 - 3:5 - 4:7.5 - 5:10 - 6:12.5 - 7:15 - 8:Bw - 9:20 - 10:Bw

Exercise: Static hamstring curl
Position: Fully bend
Sets, Reps & TIme: 10 sets of 5 seconds
Rest: 60 seconds between sets
1:20 - 2:20 - 3:25 - 4:25 - 5:30 - 6:25 - 7:20 - 8:25 - 9:20 - 10:20

Exercise: Wall squat
Position: 90 degrees
Sets, Reps & TIme: 5 sets of 25 seconds
Rest: 60s
1-5: Bw
I'm the stuff nightmares are made of for people like you!
Reputation point: 100
Indlæg: 1211
Tilmeldt: 15. aug 2015, 21:08
Geografisk sted: Pandoras Box
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Pull & Push

Bulletproofing & MSE


Exercise: Static pull ups
Grip: Seatbelt / grappler
Position: Top
Set, reps & time: 10 sets of 10 seconds on each side
Mobility: Side to side guard inversions
1:Bw - 2:Bw - 3:1.25 - 4:Bw - 5:2.5 - 6:Bw - 7:5 - 8:Bw - 9:Bw - 10:7.5
Finishing notes: Selv med kropsvægt kan jeg kun komme ca halvejs op. Der er noget at arbejde på.

Exercise: Static sandbag squeeze
Grip: Seatbelt
Position: Hanging with no legs
Set, rep & time: 10 sets of varying time - 10 seconds on the easier sets and 5 seconds on the heavier. Each side!
Rest: 60 seconds
Mobility: Side to side guard inversions
Light sets:1:5 - 2:10 - 3:15 - 4:15 - 5:10
Heavy sets:6:20 - 7:25 - 8:30 - 9:35 - 10:40
Finishing notes: Begyndte at være tungt til sidst

Exercise: Static Bench press
Grip: Diamond
Position: Decline & 90 degree elbow angle / Hul 8 i racket
Sets, reps & time: 10 sets of 10 seconds & 1 rep as long as possible.
Rest: 60 seconds
Mobility: Side to side inversions
1:52.5 - 2:55 - 3:57.5 - 4:57.5 - 5:57.5 - 6:60 - 7:62.5 - 8:65.5 - 9:65 - 10:70
Finishing notes: reppede til og med 6 sæt

Exercise: Scap rows
Grip: Varying wide
Position: Straight arms & fully retracted
Sets, reps & time: 10 sets of straight arms scap rows followed by 1 full rep with 5 second hold
Rest: 60 seconds
Mobility: Hamstring stretch x 30s

Exercise: Alternating leg extensions
Focus: Building muscle & strengthening Vastus medialis
Sets, Reps & Time: More than last time
Rest period : 60s
1:20kgx35 - 2:20kgx35

Exercise: Static hip adduction
Position: Fully adducted & straight
Set & time: 10 sets of 10 seconds
Mobility: Neck stretch x 30s
1:54 - 2:61 - 3:68 - 4:75 - 5:81 - 6:88 - 7:95 - 8:102 - 9:109 - 10:109
I'm the stuff nightmares are made of for people like you!
Reputation point: 100
Indlæg: 1211
Tilmeldt: 15. aug 2015, 21:08
Geografisk sted: Pandoras Box
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Ingen kostplan


Bulletproofing, Grip & MSE


Exercise: Static pull up
Grip: Baseballs
Position: Top
Rep, set & time: 10 sets of 10 seconds
Mobility: Glute & It band x 30s
1:10 - 2:12.5 - 3:17.5 - 4:20 - 5:22.5 - 6:25 - 7:27.5 - 8:30 - 9:35 - 10:40
Finishing notes: Jeg er stadig ikke kommet mig helt efter sidste max forsøg.. de 40 virkede for tunge til hvad de burde.

Exercise: Static sandbag squeeze
Grip: Seatbelt
Position: Hanging with no legs
Sets, reps & time: 10 sets of varying time - 10 seconds on the easier sets and 6 seconds on the heavier. Each side!
Rest: 60-90 seconds
Mobility: Hamstring stretch x 30 seconds
Light sets: 1:7.5 - 2:10 - 3:15
heavy sets: 4:25 - 5:30 - 6:35 - 7:40 - 8:45 - 9:50 - 10:60
Finishing notes: Semi fail på sidste sæt. Begyndte at glide efter 2-3 sekunder.

Exercise: Scap rows
Grip: Varying wide
Position: Straight arms & fully retracted
Sets, reps & time: 10 sets of straight arms scap rows followed by 1 full rep with 10 second hold
Rest: 60 seconds
Mobility: Neck rolls x 30 seconds
1:20 - 2:25 - 3:30 - 4:30 - 5:35 - 6:30 - 7:30 - 8:30 - 9:30 - 10:35

Exercise: Static shrugs
Grip: Trap bar
Sets, reps & time: 10 sets of 10 seconds
Rest: 60 seconds
Mobility: Neck stretch x 30 seconds
1:20 - 2:22.5 - 3:25 - 4:27.5 - 5:30 - 6:32.5 - 7:35 - 8:37.5 - 9:40 - 1042.5

Grip work:
Exercise: Plate smash
Grip: Alligator
Sets, reps & time: 10 sets of 10 seconds
Rest: 60 seconds
Mobility: Squat x 45 seconds
1-10:2x10kg plader

Exercise: Alternating leg extensions
Focus: Building muscle & strengthening Vastus medialis
Sets, Reps & Time: More than last time
Rest period : 60s
1:20kgx40 - 2:35kgx10
Finishing notes: The burn..

Exercise: Cotter sit ups
Focus: Strength
Set & reps: More than last time until form begins to deteriorate
Rest period: 60s
1:12kgx8 - 2:16kgx5

- For helvede der var en lækker tøs i centret idag og hun var ikke bange for at kigge hvad jeg lavede. Jeg var ligeledes heller ikke bange for at tjekke hendes røv efter, lige indtil jeg fik set hende forfra. Kunne ikke fjerne mit blik fra hendes ansigt. Stalker allert
I'm the stuff nightmares are made of for people like you!
Reputation point: 100
Indlæg: 1211
Tilmeldt: 15. aug 2015, 21:08
Geografisk sted: Pandoras Box
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Ingen kostplan

Pull & Legs

Bulletproofing & MSE


Exercise: Static pull up
Grip: Baseball
Position: Top
Sets, reps & time: 11 sets of 10 seconds
Rest: 90-180 seconds
Mobility: Glute & it band stretch x 30 seconds
1:11.25 - 2:13.75 - 3:17.5 - 4:21.25 - 5:23.75 - 6:25 - 7:27.5 - 8:30 - 9:35 - 10:40 - 11:45
Finishing notes: Jeg arbejder mig alt alt for hurtigt frem i vægt. Tror jeg starter helt forfra igen.

Exercise: Alternating static hamstring curl
Position: Fully bend
Sets, Reps & TIme: 10 sets of 7 seconds
Rest: 60-90 seconds
Mobility: Side to side inversions x 10
1:20 - 2:20 - 3:25 - 4:25 - 5:30 - 6:25 - 7:20 - 8:25 - 9:20 - 10:20

Exercise: Machine semi static scap rows
Grip: Neutral
Position: Straight arms & fully retracted
Sets, reps & time: 10 sets of straight arms scap rows followed by 1 full rep with 10 second hold
Rest: 60-90 seconds
Mobility: Backwards neck rolls x 10
1:40 - 2:40 - 3:47 - 4:47 - 5:54 - 6:54 - 7:61 - 8:61 - 9:54 - 10:54

Exercise: Machine semi static scap rows
Grip: Varying wide
Position: Straight arms & fully retracted
Sets, reps & time: 10 sets of straight arms scap rows followed by 1 full rep with 10 second hold
Rest: 60-90 seconds
Mobility: Neck rolls to alternating hamstring stretches x 10
1:20 - 2:25 - 3:30 - 4:30 - 5:35 - 6:32.5 - 7:30 - 8:32.5 - 9:30 - 10:35

Exercise: Alternating leg extensions
Focus: Building muscle & strengthening Vastus medialis
Sets, Reps & Time: More than last time
Rest period : 60s
1:25kgx25 - 2:25kgx25

Exercise: Cotter sit ups
Focus: Strength
Set & reps: More than last time until form begins to deteriorate
Rest period: 60s
1:12kgx6 - 2:16kgx5

Exercise: Side bends
Grip: Db's
Focus: Strength
Sets, reps & time: 2 sets
Rest: 60 seconds
1:16kgx15 - 2:16kgx12
I'm the stuff nightmares are made of for people like you!
Reputation point: 100
Indlæg: 1211
Tilmeldt: 15. aug 2015, 21:08
Geografisk sted: Pandoras Box
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Ingen kostplan

Pull & Push

Bulletproofing & MSe


Exercise: Static pull up
Grip: Close supinated
Position: Top
Sets, reps & time: 10 sets of 10 sets
Rest: 90 seconds
Mobility: Glute & It band stretch x 30 seconds
1:5 - 2:6.25 - 3:7.5 - 4:8.75 - 5:10 - 6:11.25 - 7:12.5 - 813.75 - 9:15 - 10:16.25

Exercise: Static pull up
Grip: Close Neutral
Position: Top
Sets, reps & time: 10 sets of 10 sets
Rest: 90 seconds
Mobility: Backward neck rolls x 10
1:5 - 2:6.25 - 3:7.5 - 4:8.75 - 5:10 - 6:11.25 - 7:12.5 - 813.75 - 9:15 - 10:16.25

Exercise: Static bench press
Grip: Dimaond
Position: Decline and 120 degree elbow angle
Sets, reps & time: 10 sets of 10 seconds - Presses as long as possible
rest: 90-120 seconds
Mobility: Neck stretch x 30 seconds
1:55 - 2:60 - 3:62.5 - 4:65 - 5:67.5 - 6:70 - 7:72.5 - 875 - 9:77.5 - 10:70
Finishing notes: Press hele vejen igennem

Exercise: Static bench press
Grip: Diamond
Position: Decline and 80 degree elbow angle
Sets, reps & time: 10 sets of 10 seconds
Rest: 90 seconds
Mobility: Backward neck rolls to alternating hamstring stretches
1:50 - 2:52.5 - 3:55 - 4:57.5 - 5:60 - 6:62.5 - 7:65 - 867.5 - 9:70 - 10:50

Exercise: Static shrug
Grip: Trap bar
Sets, reps & time: 4 sets of 15 seconds
1:30 - 2:40 - 3:40 - 4:40

Supersettet med:

Exercise: Turkish get up
Sets, reps & time: 4 sets of 1 rep on each side
Mobility: Side to side inversions x 10
1:8kg - 2:8kg - 3:12 - 4:12

Afsluttede med 2x5 min på stair masteren - Ikke en traditionel en af slagsen, den her tog livet af mig.
I'm the stuff nightmares are made of for people like you!
Reputation point: 100
Indlæg: 1211
Tilmeldt: 15. aug 2015, 21:08
Geografisk sted: Pandoras Box
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Ingen kostplan


Bulletproofing, Grip & MSE


Exercise: Static pull up
Grip: Baseballs
Position: Top
Sets, Reps & Time: 10 sets of 10 seconds
Rest: 90 seconds
Mobility: Glute & It band stretch x 30s
1:5 - 2:6.25 - 3:7.5 - 4:8.75 - 5:10 - 6:11.25 - 7:12.5 - 8:13.75 - 9:15 - 10:16.25
Finishing notes: Deload

Exercise: Static pull up
Grip: Grappler
Position: top
Sets, Reps & Time: 10 sets og 10 seconds
Rest: 90 seconds
Mobility: Backward neck rolls x 10
1:Bw - 2:1.25 - 3:2.5 - 4:3.75 - 5:5 - 6:6.25 - 7:7.5 - 8:8.75 - 9:10 - 1011.25
Finishing notes: Deload

Exercise: Turkish get up to single leg balance x 5s
Sets, Reps & Time: 10 sets of 1 rep each side
Focus: Getting off the ground
Rest: 60 seconds
Mobility: Backward neck rolls to alternating hamstring stretch x 10
1:12 - 2:12 - 3:12 - 4:12 - 5:12 - 6:16 - 7:16 - 8:16 - 9:16 - 10:16
Finishing notes: Deload

Exercise; Neck extension
Grip: Neck harness
Position: Standing
Sets, Reps & Time: 1 sets of max reps

Grip Work:
Exercise: Famers walk
Grip: Plate smash
Sets, Reps & Time: 10 sets of approximately 10-15 second intervals
Rest: 60 seconds
1-10: 1 thick 10kg plate & 1 narrow 5kg plate each hand

Afsluttede med 10 min på stair masteren.
I'm the stuff nightmares are made of for people like you!
Reputation point: 100
Indlæg: 1211
Tilmeldt: 15. aug 2015, 21:08
Geografisk sted: Pandoras Box
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Ingen kostplan

Pull & Legs



Exercise: Static pull up
Grip: Sticks
Position: Top
Sets, Reps & Time: 10 sets of 10 seconds
Rest: 90 seconds
Mobility: Glute & It band stretch x 30s
1:5 - 2:6.25 - 3:7.5 - 4:8.75 - 5:10 - 6:11.25 - 7:12.5 - 8:13.75 - 9:15 - 10:16.25
Finishing notes: Deload

Exercise: Static pull up
Grip: Plum
Position: top
Sets, Reps & Time: 10 sets og 5 seconds
Rest: 90 seconds
Mobility: Backward neck rolls x 10
1:Bw - 2:1.25 - 3:2.5 - 4:3.75 - 5:5 - 6:6.25 - 7:7.5 - 8:8.75 - 9:10 - 10:11.25
Finishing notes: Deload

Exercise: Alternating static hamstring curl
Position: Fully bend
Sets, Reps & TIme: 10 sets of 10 seconds
Rest: 60-90 seconds
Mobility: Backward neck rolls to alternating hasmtring stretch x 10
1:20 - 2:20 - 3:25 - 4:25 - 5:30 - 6:25 - 7:20 - 8:25 - 9:20 - 10:20
Finishing notes: Added 3 seconds

Exercise: Turkish get up to single leg balance x 5s
Sets, Reps & Time: 10 sets of 1 rep each side
Focus: Getting off the ground
Rest: 60 seconds
Mobility: Side to side inversions x 10
1:12 - 2:12 - 3:12 - 4:12 - 5:16 - 6:16 - 7:16 - 8:16 - 9:16 - 10:16

Exercise: Alternating leg extensions
Focus: Building muscle & strengthening Vastus medialis
Sets, Reps & Time: More than last time
Rest period : 60s
1:25kgx30 - 2:30kgx8

Afsluttede med 10 min på stair masteren.
I'm the stuff nightmares are made of for people like you!
Reputation point: 100
Indlæg: 1211
Tilmeldt: 15. aug 2015, 21:08
Geografisk sted: Pandoras Box
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Ingen kostplan


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