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Bulletproof Athlete

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Welcome to my world of Grappling, Badassness, Strength, Speed & Power.

In this place nothing is normal - Body building & traditional strength training doesn't exit


Quick reference:
Currently at 77 kg's
Strength & conditioning 3-5 times a week
Jiu jitsu 20+ hours a week
Focus on NO-GI
I have a singular mindset and one all consuming priority.

Strength goals for 2016: 3RM
Zercher squat: 100+
Pull ups: 50+
R-squat 200+
Dips: 75+
Power rows: 120+
Deadlift: 200+
C2: 1000W+
Glute bridge: 250+
Sidst rettet af Bulletproof Athlete 26. apr 2016, 17:40, rettet i alt 21 gange.
I'm the stuff nightmares are made of for people like you!
Reputation point: 100
Indlæg: 1211
Tilmeldt: 15. aug 2015, 21:08
Geografisk sted: Pandoras Box
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Ingen kostplan

Sidst rettet af Bulletproof Athlete 2. mar 2016, 15:27, rettet i alt 12 gange.
I'm the stuff nightmares are made of for people like you!
Reputation point: 100
Indlæg: 1211
Tilmeldt: 15. aug 2015, 21:08
Geografisk sted: Pandoras Box
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Ingen kostplan

Fører også log på et udenlandsk site og saksede ovenstående derfra.

Tirsdag 180815

Dagens træning:

Opvarmning: ca 50 minutes af:
Løbebånd 6.0 - 12.0 kmt: forlænds, baglængs & sidelænds gang & løb
Mobility: nakke, øvre traps, skuldre, core, fingre & håndled, hamstrings & spinal flossing
Klargørende deadlift øvelser: Bilaterale glute bridges, unilaterale glute bridges, band side steps, lateral leg lifts, hamstring aktivering, core aktivering

Explosive work: 3/10
Speed deadlift 10x3, 60-90s pause, pause stræk: Squat reach - Medium tykt grønt band
3 x 70 - 2 x 75 - 1 x 80 - 2 x 82.5 - 1 x 85 - 1 x 95
- Fødderne sammlet i midten, knæende ude.

Strength work:
Zercher box squat 5x5, 60-90s pause, pause stræk: dynamisk spiderman stræk
1 x 82.5 - 1 x 92.5 - 1 x 102.5 - 1 x 110 - 1 x 100

Grip work:
Thick rope descents. 1 descent hvert 30s x 5 - 60s x 5 - 90s x 5 & 120s x 2, Pec stræk m/ external rotation
30s descents x bw
60s descents x 5kg
90s descents x 10kg
120s descents x 15kg
- ca 6-7 grebs udvekslninger. enkelt reb.
Sidst rettet af Bulletproof Athlete 5. sep 2015, 17:58, rettet i alt 1 gang.
I'm the stuff nightmares are made of for people like you!
Reputation point: 100
Indlæg: 1211
Tilmeldt: 15. aug 2015, 21:08
Geografisk sted: Pandoras Box
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Ingen kostplan

Torsdag 200815

Dagens træning:

Opvarmning: ca 50 minutes af:
Løbebånd 6.0 - 12.0 kmt: forlænds, baglængs & sidelænds gang & løb
Mobility: nakke, øvre traps, skuldre, core, fingre & håndled, hamstrings & spinal flossing
Klargørende deadlift øvelser: Bilaterale glute bridges, unilaterale glute bridges, band side steps, lateral leg lifts, hamstring aktivering, core aktivering

Explosive work: 4/10
Speed deadlift 10x3, 60-90s pause, pause stræk: Squat - Medium tykt grøn band
3 x 70 - 2 x 75 - 1 x 80 - 2 x 82.5 - 1 x 87.5 - 1 x 95
- Fødderne sammlet i midten, knæende ude.

Strength work:
Rack pulls 5x5, 60-90s pause, pause stræk: band pec stræk m/ external rotation
1 x 130 - 1 x 140 - 1 x 150 - 1 x 160 - 1 x 170

Zercher box squat 3x5, 60-90s pause, pause stræk. IT band & glute
1 x 90 - 1 x 95 - 1 x 100

Neck harness 4xmax, 60-90s pause, pause stræk: Læg
1 x 10kg x 45 - 1 x 12.5kg x 15 - 1 x 13.75kg x 10 - 1 x 10kg x 18

TGU m/ 1 arm overhead kb walk, full distance er ca 32 skridt
5 x 20kg kb x fremad gang
3 x 24kg kb x fremad gang

Grip work:
Thick rope descents. 1 descent hvert 30s x 5 - 60s x 5 - 90s x 3, band pec stræk m/ external rotation efter hver 5 descent
30s descents x bw
60s descents x 10kg
90s descents x 20kg

Plate pinch 2x85% max tid, 60-90s pause
1 x 10kg skive x 1:10
1 x 10kg skive x 50s
Sidst rettet af Bulletproof Athlete 5. sep 2015, 17:58, rettet i alt 1 gang.
I'm the stuff nightmares are made of for people like you!
Reputation point: 100
Indlæg: 1211
Tilmeldt: 15. aug 2015, 21:08
Geografisk sted: Pandoras Box
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Ingen kostplan

Fredag 210815

Dagens træning:

Opvarmning: ca 50 minutes af:
Løbebånd 6.0 - 12.0 kmt: forlænds, baglængs & sidelænds gang & løb
Mobility: nakke, øvre traps, skuldre, core, fingre & håndled, hamstrings & spinal flossing
Klargørende deadlift øvelser: Bilaterale glute bridges, unilaterale glute bridges, band side steps, lateral leg lifts, hamstring aktivering, core aktivering

Explosive work: 5/10
Speed deadlift 10x3, 60-90s pause, pause stræk: Squat stræk - Medium tykt grøn band
3 x 70 - 2 x 75 - 2 x 80 - 1 x 85 - 1 x 90 - 1 x 100
- Fødderne sammlet i midten, knæende ude.

Strength work:
Rack pulls fra 2cm forhøjning 5x5, 60-90s pause, pause stræk: Frog stræk
1 x 135 - 1 x 145 - 1 x 155 - 1 x 165 - 1 x 175
- De safety bars jeg trækker fra kan ikke komme længere ned end at stangen går lige hen over knæskallen. Stillede mig på en 10kg skive for at få en tand mere rom.
- Vægten er kun et issue for mine fingre, ikke grebet & heller ikke the PC, men huden på fingrerne, som bliver krøllet sammen og ryger af. Det er svært at trække noget når halvdelen af ens peger finger mangler huden.

Grip work:
Thick rope descents. 1 descent hvert 60s x 5 - 90s x 3, band pec stræk m/ external rotation efter hver 5 descent
60s descents x 10kg
90s descents x 20kg
- Holdte mig hængende så længe jeg kunne i den ene hånd under hvert skift.
Sidst rettet af Bulletproof Athlete 5. sep 2015, 17:52, rettet i alt 1 gang.
I'm the stuff nightmares are made of for people like you!
Reputation point: 100
Indlæg: 1211
Tilmeldt: 15. aug 2015, 21:08
Geografisk sted: Pandoras Box
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Ingen kostplan

Mandag 240815

Dagens træning:

Opvarmning: ca 50 minutes af:
Løbebånd 6.0 - 12.0 kmt: forlænds, baglængs & sidelænds gang & løb
Mobility: nakke, øvre traps, skuldre, core, fingre & håndled, hamstrings & spinal flossing
Klargørende deadlift øvelser: Bilaterale glute bridges, unilaterale glute bridges, band side steps, lateral leg lifts, hamstring aktivering, core aktivering

Explosive work: 6/10
Speed deadlift 10x3, 60-90s pause, pause stræk: Squat - Medium tykt grøn band
3 x 70 - 2 x 75 - 2 x 80 - 1 x 87.5 - 1 x 92.5 - 1 x 100
- Fødderne sammlet i midten, knæende ude.

Strength work:
Rack pulls from 4 cm elevation 5x5, 60-90s pause, pause stræk: Maxwell squat
1 x 140 - 1 x 150 - 1 x 160 1 x 170 - 1 x 180
- sidste to reps i sidste sæt uden elevation.

Pin bench press 3x5, 90s pause, pause stræk: frog stræk
1 x 70 - 2 x 80

Forward pulling band deadlift 3x5, 90s pause, pause stræk: Quads
1 x 90 - 1 x 100 - 1 x 110

Grip work:
Plate pinch 3xmax time, 90s pause, pause stræk: Elastik finger extensions x 15
1 x 15kg plate x 40s Venstre, 60s Højre - 1 x 15kg plate x 40s Venstre, 50s Højre, 1 x 15kg plate x 35 V+H
Sidst rettet af Bulletproof Athlete 5. sep 2015, 17:52, rettet i alt 1 gang.
I'm the stuff nightmares are made of for people like you!
Reputation point: 100
Indlæg: 1211
Tilmeldt: 15. aug 2015, 21:08
Geografisk sted: Pandoras Box
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Ingen kostplan

Tirsdag 260815

Dagens træning:

Opvarmning: ca 50 minutes af:
Løbebånd 6.0 - 12.0 kmt: forlænds, baglængs & sidelænds gang & løb
Mobility: nakke, øvre traps, skuldre, core, fingre & håndled, hamstrings & spinal flossing
Klargørende deadlift øvelser: Bilaterale glute bridges, unilaterale glute bridges, band side steps, lateral leg lifts, hamstring aktivering, core aktivering, fremad trækkende band deadlifts

Explosive work: 7/10
Speed deadlift 10x3, 60-90s pause, pause stræk: Squat - Medium tykt grøn band
3 x 70 - 1 x 75 - 1 x 77.5 - 1 x 80 - 1 x 82.5 - 1 x 87.5 - 1 x 95 - 1 x 100
- Fødderne sammlet i midten, knæende ude.

R-Squat 2x10, 60-90s pause, pause stræk: It band
2 x 60 x 10

Neck harness 4xmax, 60-90s pause, pause stræk: frog stræk
1 x 10kg x 46
1 x 12.5 x 16
1 x 13.75 x 10
1 x 15 x 8

TGU m/ 1 arm overhead kb walk, full distance er ca 32 skridt
5 x 20kg kb x fremad gang

TGU m/ 1 arm overhead & famers walk, full distance er ca 32 skridt
5 x 20kg kb x fremad gang
- En kg over hovedet, en i den anden hånd aka farmers walk.

Grip work:
Band resisted thick rope hangs for tid 4xmax tid, 60-90s pause
1 x Medium grønt band 2 gange rundt om kb x 32s
1 x M. grønt band 3 gange rundt om kb x 25s
2 x M. grønt bands 2 & 3 gange rundt om kb's x 22s
2 x M. grønt bands 2 & 3 gange rundt om kb's + 5kg x 18s
2 x M. grønt bands 2 & 3 gange rundt om kb's + 15kg x 9s

Video af det ene hang sæt:

Bandsne trækker med ca 60kg
Sidst rettet af Bulletproof Athlete 5. sep 2015, 17:51, rettet i alt 2 gange.
I'm the stuff nightmares are made of for people like you!
Reputation point: 100
Indlæg: 1211
Tilmeldt: 15. aug 2015, 21:08
Geografisk sted: Pandoras Box
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Ingen kostplan

Torsdag 270815

Dagens træning:

Opvarmning: ca 50 minutes af:
Løbebånd 6.0 - 12.0 kmt: forlænds, baglængs & sidelænds gang & løb
Mobility: nakke, øvre traps, skuldre, core, fingre & håndled, hamstrings & spinal flossing
Klargørende dødløft øvelser: Bilaterale glute bridges, unilaterale glute bridges, band side steps, lateral leg lifts, hamstring aktivering, core aktivering, fremad trækkende band deadlifts

Explosive work: 8/10
Speed deadlift 10x3, 60-90s pause, pause stræk: Squat - Medium tykt grøn band
3 x 70 - 1 x 75 - 1 x 77.5 - 1 x 82.5 - 1 x 85 - 1 x 87.5 - 1 x 95 - 1 x 100

Knee broad jumps / broad jumps from knees 10x3, 60-90s pause, pause stræk: Squat reach
2 x bw - 2 x 6kg - 2 x 8kg - 2 x 10kg - 1 x 12kg - 1 x 16kg
- Lige under 4 fod hvert hop.

Strength work:
Thick rope climbs. 1 climb hver 45s x 5 - 60s x 5, 90s x 5, 45-90s pause, pause stræk: Pec stretch og external rot/infraspinatus
5 x bw
5 x 5kg
5 x 15kg

TGU m/ 1 arm overhead walk, full distance er ca 32 skridt
5 x 20kg kb x fremad gang

Grip work:
Farmers kb walk 3xmax distance, 60-90s rest, full distance er præcis 80 fod.
2 x 20kg kb's x 6 full distances
2 x 20kg kb's x 6 full distances
2 x 20kg kb's x 6 full distances

- Nærmer mig de sidste speed dead's, så jeg begyndte at implementer næste omgangs eksplosive øvelse fra og med idag.
Sidst rettet af Bulletproof Athlete 5. sep 2015, 17:50, rettet i alt 1 gang.
I'm the stuff nightmares are made of for people like you!
Reputation point: 100
Indlæg: 1211
Tilmeldt: 15. aug 2015, 21:08
Geografisk sted: Pandoras Box
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Ingen kostplan

Fredag 280815

Dagens træning:

Opvarmning: ca 45 minuter af:
Løbebånd 6.0 - 12.0 kmt: forlænds, baglængs & sidelænds gang & løb
Mobilitet: Nakke, øvre traps, skuldre, core, fingre & håndled, hamstrings & spinal flossing
Klargørende dødløft øvelser: Bilaterale glute bridges, unilaterale glute bridges, band side steps, lateral leg lifts, hamstring aktivering, core aktivering, fremad trækkende band deadlifts

Explosive work: 9/10
Speed deadlift 10x3, 60-90s pause, pause stræk: Squat - Medium tykt grøn band
3 x 70 - 1 x 75 - 1 x 80 - 1 x 82.5 - 1 x 85 - 1 x 87.5 - 1 x 95 - 1 x 100
- Jeg kører og har hele tiden kørt øvelsen uden at stræk reflexen har været aktiv.

Kneeling high jumps 10x3, 60-90s pause, pause stræk: Prone scorpion spark x 8
2 x bw x lav sat step bæk
2 x bw x full højde step bænk
2 x bw x full højde + 5kg skive under, ca 1 cm
2 x bw x full højde + 15kg skive under, ca 4 cm
2 x bw x full højde + 5 & 15 kg skiver under, ca 5.5 cm, måske 6.

Strength work:
Thick rope climbs. 1 climb hver 90 x 10, 90s pause, pause stræk: Pec stretch & external rotation / infraspinatus stræk
5 x 5kg
5 x 10kg

Horisontal thick rope climb 5xmax længde, 60-90s pause, pause stretch: Full posterior shoulder girdle stræk
1 x bw x full længde af rebet
1 x bw x full længde af rebet
1 x 5kg x full længde af rebet
1 x bw x halvvejs af rebets længde

Grip work:
Farmers kb walk med fat grip påsat 3xmax distance, 60-90s pause, pause stræk: It band/glute, full distance er præcis 80 fod
1 x 20kg kb's x 5 full distances: 1.02 minut
1 x 20kg kb's x 3 full distances: 45s
1 x 20kg kb's x 3 full distances: 45s
1 x 20kg kb's x 2 full distances: 35s
1 x 20kg kb's x 3 full distances: 45s
1 x 20kg kb's x 2 full distances: 35s
Sidst rettet af Bulletproof Athlete 5. sep 2015, 17:49, rettet i alt 1 gang.
I'm the stuff nightmares are made of for people like you!
Reputation point: 100
Indlæg: 1211
Tilmeldt: 15. aug 2015, 21:08
Geografisk sted: Pandoras Box
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Ingen kostplan

Søndag 300815

Dagens træning:

Opvarmning: ca 45 minuter af:
Løbebånd 6.0 - 12.0 kmt: forlænds, baglængs & sidelænds gang & løb
Mobilitet: Nakke, øvre traps, skuldre, core, fingre & håndled, hamstrings & spinal flossing
Klargørende dødløft øvelser: Bilaterale glute bridges, unilaterale glute bridges, band side steps, lateral leg lifts, hamstring aktivering, core aktivering, fremad trækkende band deadlifts

Explosive work: 10/10
Speed deadlift 10x3, 60-90s pause, pause stræk: Squat - Medium tykt grøn band
3 x 70 - 1 x 75 - 1 x 82.5 - 1 x 85 - 1 x 87.5 - 1 x 87.5 - 1 x 97.5 - 1 x 100
- Jeg kører og har hele tiden kørt øvelsen uden at stræk reflexen har været aktiv.

Explosive contrast work: 1/10
A1 R-Squat 10x3
2 x 100 - 2 x 102.5 - 2 x 105 - 2 x 110 1 x 130 - 1 x 135

A2 Kneeling high jumps 10x3, 60-90s pause, pause stræk: Squat
2 x lav sat step bænk (sb)
2 x høj sat sb
2 x høj sat sb + 5kg skive under, ca 1 cm
2 x høj sat sb + 20kg skive under, ca 4-5 cm
1 x høj sat sb + 20 & 5kg skive under, ca 5-6 cm
1 x høj sat sb + 20 & 10kg skive under, ca 6-7 cm

Strength work:
Athletic stance rope pulls 2 x 5 baner, 60-90s pause, pause stræk: Quad stræk
1 x 34, 28 & 12 kg kb's x 40 fod x 5
1 x 34 & 28 kg kb x 40 fod x 5

Conditioning: 2 x 5 runder, 60-90s pause, pause stræk: Quad stræk
A1 Band sprint x 10s
A2 Athletic stance rope pulls x 34 & 28kg kb's x 40 fod

Hollow back TRX push ups 3xindtil formen begynder at bryde ned.
1 x 10
1 x 8
1 x 6
Sidst rettet af Bulletproof Athlete 5. sep 2015, 17:49, rettet i alt 2 gange.
I'm the stuff nightmares are made of for people like you!
Reputation point: 100
Indlæg: 1211
Tilmeldt: 15. aug 2015, 21:08
Geografisk sted: Pandoras Box
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Ingen kostplan

Mandag 010915

Dagens træning:

Opvarmning: ca 45 minuter af:
Løbebånd 6.0 - 12.0 kmt: forlænds, baglængs & sidelænds gang & løb
Mobilitet: Nakke, øvre traps, skuldre, core, fingre & håndled, hamstrings & spinal flossing
Aktiverings øvelser: Hamstrings, core, quads, hips, glutes, calves

Explosive work: 2/10
A1 R-Squat 10x3
2 x 110 - 2 x 115 - 1 x 120 - 1 x 125 - 1 x 130 - 1 x 135 - 1 x 140 - 1 x 150
- Nemt.

A2 Kneeling high jumps 10x3, 60-90s pause, pause stræk: Prone scorpion kicks x 10
2 x high setting(HS) = 19 cm
2 x HS + 5 kg plader under (PU) 19 + 2 cm = 21 cm
2 x HS + 15 kg PU 19 + 4.5 cm = 23.5 cm
2 x HS + 15 & 5 kg PU = 19 + 2 + 4.5 cm = 25.5 cm
2 x HS + 25 + 5 kg PU = 19 + 8 cm = 27 cm

Strength work:
Thick rope climbs. 1 climb hver 60s x 5, 90s x 5, 60- 90s pause, pause stræk: Pec, external rotation / infraspinatus
5 x bw
5 x 5 kg

Neck harness 3xmax, 60-90s pause, pause stræk: Frog stretch
1 x 15kg x 14
1 x 15kg x 9
1 x 10kg x 30

TGU m/ 1 arm overhead kb walk, full distance is ca 30 skridt
5 x 20kg kb x forlænds gang
5 x 20kg kb x sidelænds gang

Grip work:
Farmers kb walk med fat grip, 3xmax distance, 60-90s pause, pause stræk: It band/glute, full distance er præcis 80 fod
1 x 20 kg kb's x 8 baner : 1:36
1 x 20 kg kb's x 4 baner : 49s
1 x 20 kg kb's x 4 baner : 56s
Sidst rettet af Bulletproof Athlete 5. sep 2015, 17:46, rettet i alt 1 gang.
I'm the stuff nightmares are made of for people like you!
Reputation point: 100
Indlæg: 1211
Tilmeldt: 15. aug 2015, 21:08
Geografisk sted: Pandoras Box
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Ingen kostplan

Onsdag 030915

Dagens træning:

Opvarmning: ca 45 minuter af:
Løbebånd 6.0 - 12.0 kmt: forlænds, baglængs & sidelænds gang & løb
Mobilitet: Nakke, øvre traps, skuldre, core, fingre & håndled, hamstrings & spinal flossing
Aktiverings øvelser: Hamstrings, core, quads, hips, glutes, calves

Explosive work: 3/10
A1 R-Squat 10x3
1 x 110 - 1 x 115 - 1 x 120 - 1 x 125 - 1 x 130 - 1 x 135 - 1 x 140 - 1 x 150 - 1 x 160 - 1 x 170

A2 Kneeling high jumps 10x3, 60-90s pause, pause stræk: Squat stræk
1 x high setting(HS) = 19 cm
2 x HS + 5 kg plader under (PU) 19 + 2 cm = 21 cm
2 x HS + 15 kg PU = 19 + 4.5 cm = 23.5 cm
2 x HS + 15 & 5 kg PU = 19 + 2 + 4.5 cm = 25.5 cm
2 x HS + 25 + 5 kg PU = 19 + 8 cm = 27 cm
1 x HS + 25 + 10 PU = 19 + 9.5 = 28.5 cm

Strength work:
Band resisted box deadlifts 5x5, 60-90s pause, pause stræk: Frog stræk
1 medium tykt grøn band x 100 kg
1 medium tykt grøn band x 120 kg
1 medium tykt grøn band x 125 kg
1 medium tykt grøn band x 130 kg
2 medium tykke grønne bands x 100 kg

Athletic stance thick rope rows 3x5 baner, 90-180s pause, pause stræk: It band / glute. 1 bane= 40 fod
3 x 60 kg x 5 baner.

Neck harness 3xmax, 60-90s pause, pause stræk: Quad stræk
1 x 15 kg x 18
1 x 15 kg x 9
1 x 10 kg x 30

Hollow body TRX push ups 3xindtil formen begynder at degradere
1 x 10
1 x 8
1 x 6

Grip work:
Famers Kb walk 4xmax baner/tid, 90-180s pause
1 x 20kg kb's x 8 baner: 1:50s
1 x 20kg kb & 24kg kb x 10 baner: 2:45s
1 x 24kg kb & 28kg kb x 5 baner: 1:37s
1 x 28kg kb & 32kg kb x 4 baner: 1:15
Sidst rettet af Bulletproof Athlete 5. sep 2015, 17:47, rettet i alt 2 gange.
I'm the stuff nightmares are made of for people like you!
Reputation point: 100
Indlæg: 1211
Tilmeldt: 15. aug 2015, 21:08
Geografisk sted: Pandoras Box
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Ingen kostplan

Lørdag 050915

Dagens træning:

Opvarmning: ca 45 minuter af:
Løbebånd 6.0 - 12.0 kmt: forlænds, baglængs & sidelænds gang & løb
Mobilitet: Nakke, øvre traps, skuldre, core, fingre & håndled, hamstrings & spinal flossing
Aktiverings øvelser: Hamstrings, core, quads, hips, glutes, calves

Explosive work: 4/10
A1 R-Squat 10x3
1 x 120 - 1 x 125 - 1 x 130 - 1 x 135 - 1 x 140 - 1 x 145 - 1 x 150 - 1 x 155 - 1 x 160 - 1 x 165

A2 Kneeling high jumps 10x3, 60-90s pause, pause stræk: Squat stræk
1 x High setting(HS) = 19 cm
1 x HS + 5 kg plader under (PU) 19 + 2 cm = 21 cm
1 x HS + 15 kg PU = 19 + 4.5 cm = 23.5 cm
1 x HS + 15 & 5 kg PU = 19 + 2 + 4.5 cm = 25.5 cm
3 x HS + 25 & 5 kg PU = 19 + 8 cm = 27 cm
1 x HS + 25 & 10 PU = 19 + 9.5 = 28.5 cm
1 x HS + 15 & 10 & 5 PU = 19 + 10 = 29 cm

Strength work:
Band resisted low box deadlifts 5x5, 60-90s pause, pause stræk: Frog stræk
1 medium tykt grøn band x 110 kg
1 medium tykt grøn band x 120 kg
1 medium tykt grøn band x 130 kg
2 medium tykke grønne bands x 110 kg
2 medium tykke grønne bands x 110 kg

Overhead plate loaded warrior lunge 3x10, 60-90s pause, pause stræk: It band / glute
3 x 10kg x 10

TGU, kun opstigninig, 10 reps total, ingen pause
7 x 20kg kb
3 x 24kg kb

Neck harness, 30s pause efter hver 5 rep, 90s pause efter 5 sets, pause stræk: Quad stræk
15kg x 5 x 5 x 2 - 15kg for 5 reps for 5 sets x 2 = 50 reps x 15kg

Grip work:
Fat grip famers walk, 3xmax længde/tid, 90-180s pause, pause stræk: læg stræk
1 x 20kg kb's x 4 baner: 1:10s
1 x 20kg kb's x 4 baner: 1:06s
1 x 20kg kb & 24kg kb x 4 baner: 1:12s
- Holdte mig et godt stykke fra grip failure. Recovery mode.
I'm the stuff nightmares are made of for people like you!
Reputation point: 100
Indlæg: 1211
Tilmeldt: 15. aug 2015, 21:08
Geografisk sted: Pandoras Box
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Mandag 070915

Dagens træning:

Opvarmning: ca 45 minuter af:
Løbebånd 6.0 - 12.0 kmt: forlænds, baglængs & sidelænds gang & løb
Mobilitet: Nakke, øvre traps, skuldre, core, fingre & håndled, hamstrings & spinal flossing
Aktiverings øvelser: Hamstrings, core, quads, hips, glutes, calves

Explosive work: 5/10
A1 R-Squat 10x3
1 x 130 - 1 x 135 - 1 x 140 - 1 x 145 - 1 x 150 - 1 x 155 - 1 x 160 - 1 x 165 - 1 x 170 - 1 x 175

A2 Kneeling high jumps 10x3, 60-90s pause, pause stræk: Prone scorpion kicks x 10 reps
1 x Lav setting = Har ikke målt højden, måske 12 cm
1 x HS = 19 cm
2 x HS + 5 kg PU = 19 + 2 = 21 cm
2 x HS + 10 kg PU = 19 + 3.5 = 22.5 cm
2 x HS + 15 kg PU = 19 + 4.5 = 23.5 cm
2 x HS + 15 + 5 kg PU = 19 + 6.5 = 25.5 cm
- iført 5 kg vægt vest under alle hop.

Strength work:
Forward pulling band deadlift 5x5, 60-90s pause, pause stræk: Squat
1 x 90 - 1 x 100 - 1 x 105 - 1 x 107.5 - 1 x 107.5
- 2 medium grønne bands

Seesaw kb press 3xmax'ish, 60-90s pause, pause stræk: It band / glute
1 x 12kg kb's x 20
1 x 12kg kb's x 15
1 x 12kg kb's x 15
- total reps er hver side

Neck harness 3xmax, 60-90s rest, pause stræk: Quad stræk m/ vægt
1 x 17.5 x 13
1 x 17.5 x 8
1 x 10 x 35

- Ordered a big load of sups last week which arrived today and got myself a new pair of earphones as well.
- Pre workout label said 6 pills, I took 15 and rinsed it down with half a liter of cult. Don't think I'll be able to sleep tonight but at least I'm seriously fired up for grappling tonight.
- Turned out I only had one song on my Ipod - repeated that shit for 2.5 hours straight and I fucking loved it!
I'm the stuff nightmares are made of for people like you!
Reputation point: 100
Indlæg: 1211
Tilmeldt: 15. aug 2015, 21:08
Geografisk sted: Pandoras Box
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Gider ikke omskrive det længere!

Reader disclaimer - Profanity will occur in this log!

Wednesday 090915

Today's training
Everything in KG's not pounds!

Warm up: Approximately 45 minutes of:
Treadmill 6.0 - 12.0 kmt: forward, backward & sideways walking and running
Mobility work: neck, upper traps, shoulders, core, fingers, wrists, hamstrings, spinal flossing.
Activation work: Hamstrings, core, quads, hips, glutes, calves

Explosive contrast work: 6/10
A1 R-Squat 10x3, no rest
1 x 135 - 1 x 140 - 1 x 145 - 1 x 150 - 1 x 155 - 1 x 160 - 1 x 165 - 1 x 170 - 1 x 175 - 1 x 180

A2 Kneeling high jumps 10x3, 60-90s rest, pause stretch: Squat
1 x Low setting = Don't know the height, Maybe 12 cm
1 x HS = 19 cm
1 x HS + 5 kg PU = 19 + 2 = 21 cm
2 x HS + 10 kg PU = 19 + 3.5 = 22.5 cm
2 x HS + 15 kg PU = 19 + 4.5 = 23.5 cm
3 x HS + 15 + 5 kg PU = 19 + 6.5 = 25.5 cm
- 5 kg weighted vest added to all jumps!

Strength work:
Leg press 5x5, 60-90s rest, pause stretch: It band / glute
3 x 140
1 x 150
1 x 140

Neck harness 3xmax, 60-90s rest, pause stretch: Weighted quad stretch
1 x 17.5 x 11
1 x 12.5 x 30
1 x 15 x 10

Standing band resisted neck holds, 3x30s, 60-90s rest, pause stretch: Frog stretch
1 x 30s
1 x 30s
1 x 20s
- Band pulling backwards, placed on forehead. Hello sternocleidomastoideus!

- Girl with awesome glutes doing squats right next to me. Had to look. All the time. That's it, no more story to it. She just had awefuckingsome glutes! I imagine biting those glutes would sound just like biting a baloon. Tiiight motherfucking glutes!

- I fucking hate Itunes! My earphones broke a year ago and I haven't replaced them until this Monday, so when I decided to expand my music horizon with a new track for today's session, I ended up with only one song again, as you have to keep all the tracks in your Itunes library, even after you've copied them to the ipod. As I didn't see any reason to keep the previous track any longer as I had already copied it, Itunes removed it from the ipod as I syncrofuckingnized.
So only had one song again and I repeated that shit for 2.5 hours straight and I fucking loved that even more!
I'm the stuff nightmares are made of for people like you!
Reputation point: 100
Indlæg: 1211
Tilmeldt: 15. aug 2015, 21:08
Geografisk sted: Pandoras Box
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Thursday 100915

Today's training
Everything in KG's not pounds!

Warm up: Approximately 45 minutes of:
Treadmill 6.0 - 12.0 kmt: forward, backward & sideways walking and running
Mobility work: neck, upper traps, shoulders, core, fingers, wrists, hamstrings, spinal flossing.
Activation work: Hamstrings, core, quads, hips, glutes, calves

Explosive contrast work: 7/10
A1 R-Squat 10x3, no rest
1 x 140 - 1 x 145 - 1 x 150 - 1 x 155 - 1 x 160 - 1 x 165 - 1 x 170 - 1 x 175 - 1 x 180 - 1 x 185
- 185 is 407 pounds for you imperial impaired fuckers

A2 Kneeling high jumps 10x3, 60-90s rest, pause stretch: Squat
1 x Low setting = Don't know the height, Maybe 12 cm
1 x HS = 19 cm
1 x HS + 5 kg PU = 19 + 2 = 21 cm
2 x HS + 10 kg PU = 19 + 3.5 = 22.5 cm
5 x HS + 15 + 5 kg PU = 19 + 6.5 = 25.5 cm
- 5 kg weighted vest added to all jumps!

Strength work:
Thick rope climbs 1 climb every 60s x 5, 90s x 5, 60-90s rest, pause stretch: It band / glute
5 x bw
5 x 5kg

Neck harness 3xmax, 60-90s rest, pause stretch: Weighted quad stretch
1 x 10 x 55
1 x 10 x 40
1 x 10 x 20
I'm the stuff nightmares are made of for people like you!
Reputation point: 100
Indlæg: 1211
Tilmeldt: 15. aug 2015, 21:08
Geografisk sted: Pandoras Box
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Følger lige lidt med i din log, fra sidelinjen af. Hvad går bulletproofing ud på, når du skriver det i din log, kan se at blandt andet halsen får noget opmærksomhed der?
Reputation point: 15
Indlæg: 367
Tilmeldt: 4. jan 2010, 18:46
Geografisk sted: Århus
Træner her: Fitness World Århus
Fitness World Scandinavian Center
Ultimate Gym
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Hvad er R-squat?
"Det er fandeme fedt at være massiv når man knepper, man kan bare smadre piger fuldstændig"
- Mapsen 2017, 123 kg

Reputation point: 1330
Indlæg: 3987
Tilmeldt: 19. jan 2012, 16:18
Geografisk sted: Mother Russia
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FreshLifter skrev:Følger lige lidt med i din log, fra sidelinjen af. Hvad går bulletproofing ud på, når du skriver det i din log, kan se at blandt andet halsen får noget opmærksomhed der?

Bulletproof Athlete skrev:All the heavy lifting, plyometrics and hours upon hours of matt time takes a toll on the body and prehab is an absolute must. My approach on this is pretty simple, work on muscle imbalances and maintain good mobility in all joints.
Within the prehab category there is also Bulletproofing.
Bulletproofing is based on working across movement patterns, strengthening joints, ligaments and muscles by integrating balance, mobility and strength in various ranges of motion through different positions or movement patterns.
Lowering the chances of injury is paramount!

Jmt skrev:Hvad er R-squat?

Kneeling squats. Stiftede først beskendtskab med dem via Mike Robertson. R-squat.
I'm the stuff nightmares are made of for people like you!
Reputation point: 100
Indlæg: 1211
Tilmeldt: 15. aug 2015, 21:08
Geografisk sted: Pandoras Box
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Saturday 120915

Today's training
Everything in KG's not pounds!

Warm up: Approximately 45 minutes of:
Treadmill 6.0 - 12.0 kmt: forward, backward & sideways walking and running
Mobility work: neck, upper traps, shoulders, core, fingers, wrists, hamstrings, spinal flossing.
Activation work: Hamstrings, core, quads, hips, glutes, calves

Explosive contrast work: 8/10
A1 R-Squat 10x3, no rest
1 x 145 - 1 x 150 - 1 x 155 - 1 x 160 - 1 x 165 - 1 x 170 - 1 x 175 - 1 x 180 - 1 x 185 - 1 x 190
- Nem 190'er. Regner med 195 næste gang og 200 på sidste dag.

A2 Kneeling high jumps 10x3, 60-90s rest, pause stretch: Squat
1 x Low setting = Don't know the height, Maybe 12 cm
1 x HS = 19 cm
1 x HS + 5 kg PU = 19 + 2 = 21 cm
2 x HS + 10 kg PU = 19 + 3.5 = 22.5 cm
2 x HS + 15 + 5 kg PU = 19 + 6.5 = 25.5 cm
3 x HS + 15 + 5 kg PU = 19 + 6.5 = 25.5 cm - no Vest.
- 5 kg weighted vest added to all jumps but the last 3!

Strength work:
GLHR deadlift combination 3x3, 30s rest between B1-B2-B3 & B4, 90s rest, pause stretch: It band / glute
A1 Ground Level:
1 x 120 - 1 x 130 - 1 x 135
A2 Low box:
1 x 130 - 1 x 140 - 1 x 145
A3 High box:
1 x 140 - 1 x 150 - 1 x 155
A4 Rack pulls:
1 x 170 - 1 x 175 - 1 x 180
- A1x3,30s rest, A2x3, 30s rest, A3x3, 30s rest, A4x3, 90s rest.

Neck harness 3xmax, 60-90s rest, pause stretch: Frog stretch
1 x 12.5kg x 35
1 x 15kg x 10
1 x 15kg x 11
I'm the stuff nightmares are made of for people like you!
Reputation point: 100
Indlæg: 1211
Tilmeldt: 15. aug 2015, 21:08
Geografisk sted: Pandoras Box
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Monday 150915

Today's training
Everything in KG's not pounds!

Warm up: Approximately 45 minutes of:
Treadmill 6.0 - 12.0 kmt: forward, backward & sideways walking and running
Mobility work: neck, upper traps, shoulders, core, fingers, wrists, hamstrings, spinal flossing.
Activation work: Hamstrings, core, quads, hips, glutes, calves

Explosive contrast work: 9 & 10/10
A1 R-Squat 10x3, no rest
1 x 150 - 1 x 155 - 1 x 165 - 1 x 165 - 1 x 170 - 1 x 175 - 1 x 180 - 1 x 185 x 2 - 1 x 185 x 1

A2 Kneeling high jumps 10x3, 60-90s rest, pause stretch: Squat
1 x HS = 19 cm
1 x HS + 5 kg PU = 19 + 2 = 21 cm
1 x HS + 15 kg PU = 19 + 6.5 = 25.5 cm
1 x HS + 15 + 5 kg PU = 19 + 6.5 = 25.5 cm
2 x HS + 25 + 5 kg PU = 19 + 8 cm = 27 cm
2 x HS + 25 + 10 PU = 19 + 9.5 = 28.5 cm

Explosive work 2: 1/10
A1 Zercher box squat 10x3,
2 x 90 - 1 x 92.5 - 2 x 92 - 5 x 100

A2 Seated box jumps 10x3, 60-90s rest, pause stretch: Frog stretch
1 x Hig box (HB) + 25kg plate
1 x HB + 25 + 5kg plate
1 x HB + 25 + 10kg plate
1 x HB + 25 + 15kg plate
1 x HB + 25 + 20kg plate
1 x HB + 2 x 25 + 10kg plate
1 x HB + 2 x 25 + 15kg plate
1 x HB + 3 x 25kg plates
1 x HB + 3 x 25kg + 10kg plate
1 x HB + 4 x 25kg plates

Neck harness 3xmax, 60-90s rest, pause stretch: weighted quad stretch
1 x 17.5 x 13
1 x 18.75 x 6
1 x 18.75 x 5

Fik en fiber hen over ryggen under Lørdagens træning, som efterlod mig i en pænt dårlig tilstand Søndagen igennem, hvor det at stå og gå virkede som en stor udfordring. Brugte derfor en del tid på at strække ud og foam rolle ryggen hvilket resulterede i en markant forbedring Mandag morgen. Godt hjulpet på vej af mere udstrækning og foam rolling dagen igennem, synes ryggen at være tæt på 100% igen hen imod aften. For en sikkerheds skyld tog jeg noget stærkt muskel afslappende/smerte lindrende inden aftenenes grappling undervisning i tilfælde af den skulle begynde at brokke sig.
Det gjorde den dog ikke, hvilket jeg heller ikke havde regnet med og det gik fint. Det samme kan dog ikke siges om den efterfølgende styrke træning! Hvem ville have troet at muskel afslappende medicin ville have en indvirkning på ens styrke.. flot.
Resultatet var et par glutes der ikke gad fyre ordenligt, hvilket gav to gode fails på 185 i R-squat.
En hurtig gennemgang af de sidste par sessioner har altså været en god fiber efterfuldt et par gode fails, hvilket får mig til at tænke at det er på tide at komme videre i teksten. Jagten på de 200 kg må derfor forsættes næste gang jeg kommer full circle i programmet og indtil da hedder den 190.
Med dét i mente implementerede jeg derfor den nye eksplosive øvelse, som igen bliver et kontrast sæt.
I'm the stuff nightmares are made of for people like you!
Reputation point: 100
Indlæg: 1211
Tilmeldt: 15. aug 2015, 21:08
Geografisk sted: Pandoras Box
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Wednesday 170915

Today's training
Everything in KG's not pounds!

Warm up: Approximately 45 minutes of:
Treadmill 6.0 - 12.0 kmt: forward, backward & sideways walking and running
Mobility work: neck, upper traps, shoulders, core, fingers, wrists, hamstrings, spinal flossing.
Activation work: Hamstrings, core, quads, hips, glutes, calves

Explosive work: 2/10
A1 Zercher pin box squat 10x3,
1 x 100 - 2 x 102.5 - 2 x 105 - 2 x 110 - 1 x 112.5 - 2 x 115

A2 Seated box jump 10x3, 60-90s rest, pause stretch: Squat reach
1 x HB + 2 x 25kg plates = 92 cm
1 x HB + 2 x 25kg + 15kg plate = 96.5 cm
1 x HB + 3 x 25kg plates = 98 cm
1 x HB + 3 x 25kg + 15kg plate = 102.5 cm
2 x HB + 4 x 25kg plates = 104 cm
2 x HB + 4 x 25kg + 5kg plate = 106 cm
2 x HB + 4 x 25kg + 10kg plate = 109.5 cm

Strength work:
Thick rope climbs 1 climb every 60s x 5 & 90s x 5, 60-90s rest, pause stretch: First 5: Pec stretch, last 5: posterior capsule stretch
5 x 5kg
5 x Bw

Neck harness 5xmax, 60-90s rest, pause stretch: It band
1 x 10kg x 30
4 x 20kg x 5

Around the world 2xmax, 60-90s rest, pause strech: Hip flexor stretch
1 x 10kg x 30 each side
1 x 15kg x 15 each side
I'm the stuff nightmares are made of for people like you!
Reputation point: 100
Indlæg: 1211
Tilmeldt: 15. aug 2015, 21:08
Geografisk sted: Pandoras Box
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Thursday 180915

Today's training
Everything in KG's not pounds!

Warm up: Approximately 45 minutes of:
Treadmill 6.0 - 12.0 kmt: forward, backward & sideways walking and running
Mobility work: neck, upper traps, shoulders, core, fingers, wrists, hamstrings, spinal flossing.
Activation work: Hamstrings, core, quads, hips, glutes, calves

Explosive Contrast work: 1/10
A1 Glute bridge 10x3,
1 x 140 - 1 x 150 - 1 x 160 - 1 x 170 - 1 x 180 - 1 x 190 - 1 x 200 - 1 x 210 - 1 x 220 - 1 x 230 / 507 pounds

A2 Kneeling high jumps 10x3, 60-90s rest, Pause stretch: Hip flexors
1 x High setting step bench (HS) = 19 cm
1 x HS + 5kg plate = 21 cm
1 x HS + 15kg plate = 23.5 cm
2 x HS + 15 & 5kg plate = 25.5 cm
1 x HS + 15 & 10kg plate = 28.5 cm
2 x HS + 15 & 10 & 5kg plate = 30.5 cm
2 x HS + 15 & 10kg plate = 28.5 cm
- Rough numbers, most probably off by 1 or 2 cm

Strength work:
Leg press 5x5, 60-90s rest, pause stretch: It band / glute
1 x 140 - 3 x 150 - 1 x 160

Grip work:
Fat grip famers walk, 3xmax length/time, 60-90s rest, pause stretch: Squat
1 x 20kg kb's x 8 lanes: 1:45s
1 x 20kg kb & 28kg kb x 6 lanes: 1:40s
1 x 28kg kb & 32kg kb x 4 lantes: 1:15s

- The explosive work haven't been working out the last two session. First it was the box zercher squat combined with seated box jumps, but something about the box squats irritated my knee, which has been an ongoing issue for ages, hence the leg press as that doesn't cause any problems. Next I did the pin squat press, which was better on the knee but didn't give the hip drive I was looking for. Decided to take up an golden oldie and somewhat of an favorite of mine instead which is the glute bridge combined with high jumps again.
Worked like a wanted it too so that's good. I need to find out what's bothering my knee though as I'm getting tired and pissed off about having to work around it everyfucking time.
I'm the stuff nightmares are made of for people like you!
Reputation point: 100
Indlæg: 1211
Tilmeldt: 15. aug 2015, 21:08
Geografisk sted: Pandoras Box
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Saturday 190915

Today's training
Everything in KG's not pounds!

Warm up: Approximately 45 minutes of:
Treadmill 6.0 - 12.0 kmt: forward, backward & sideways walking and running
Mobility work: neck, upper traps, shoulders, core, fingers, wrists, hamstrings, spinal flossing.
Activation work: Hamstrings, core, quads, hips, glutes, calves

Explosive Contrast work: Posterior chain
A1 Glute bridge 10x3
1 x 145 - 1 x 155 - 1 x 165 - 1 x 175 - 1 x 185 - 1 x 195 - 1 x 205 - 1 x 210 - 1 x 220 - 1 x 230
- Hello glutes

A2 Kneeling high jumps 10x3, 90-180s rest, pause stretch: Hip flexor
1 x HBS
1 x HBS + 5kg plate
1 x HBS + 15kg plate
2 x HBS + 15 & 5kg plates
5 x HBS + 15 & 10kg plates

Explosive Constrast work: Vertical pull
B1 Thick rope pull ups 10x3
1 x Bw - 1 x 5 - 1 x 7.5 - 1 x 10 - 1 x 12.5 - 1 x 15 - 1 x 17.5 - 1 x 20 - 1 x 22.5 - 1 x 25

B2 Overhead medball slams 10x3, 90-180s rest, pause strech: Weighted It band stretch
10 x 2kg mb

Grip work:
Fat grip BB farmers walk 6 x 2 lanes. 1 lane is approximately 20 steps
3 x 30 kg x 2 bb's

I decided to switch things up and focus almost exclusively on the explosive work, with a bit of accessory grip and prehab on the side.
I'll be continuing with the contrast work as I've found it to be highly effective in the past, both strength wise and getting those fast twitch muscle fibers awaken, recruited and powered up.
The setup will be consisting of posterior chain, horizontal & vertical pull, push, quad, core rotation, core anti-rotation & core stability and prehabbing vertical push and everything is built up in cycles of three where possible. In most cases there will be a bilateral movement, a unilateral movement and another bilateral movement but where the first one would probably be a vertical, this one will be a horizontal.

Video of this weeks training will be up soon.
I'm the stuff nightmares are made of for people like you!
Reputation point: 100
Indlæg: 1211
Tilmeldt: 15. aug 2015, 21:08
Geografisk sted: Pandoras Box
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Sunday 200915

Today's training
Everything in KG's not pounds!

Warm up: Approximately 45 minutes of:
Treadmill 6.0 - 12.0 kmt: forward, backward & sideways walking and running
Mobility work: neck, upper traps, shoulders, core, fingers, wrists, hamstrings, spinal flossing.
Activation work: Hamstrings, core, quads, hips, glutes, calves & foam rolling

--- Push + Anti-rotation ---

A1 Unilateral Kb press 10x3
2 x 20 - 2 x 24 - 6 x 28

A2 Unilateral standing medball wall throw 10x3, 60-90s rest, pause stretch: Weighted quad stretch
2 x 2kg medball
3 x 4kg medball
5 x 2kg medball

B High kneeling pallof press w/2-3s hold 4xuntil it feels like stopping, 60-90s rest, pause stretch: Squat
4 x 25kg x 10

Neck harness 3xmax, 60-90s rest, pause stretch: Lat stretch
1 x 15kg x 20
2 x 15kg x 10

Grip work:
band resisted alligator smash 3xmax time, 60-90s rest
haven't seen the time yet as it's on tape. Will update..

Vid comming today
I'm the stuff nightmares are made of for people like you!
Reputation point: 100
Indlæg: 1211
Tilmeldt: 15. aug 2015, 21:08
Geografisk sted: Pandoras Box
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Tuesday 220915

One of the reasons I find having an online log appealing is accountability to the readers, so when I make a statement of any sort I feel accountable to follow up upon it as a result. As is turns out though, I won't be able to follow through with the new program change as too much of the stuff I need is either broke or missing. As I arrived this evening both cable cross "machines" had a broken cords rendering them utterly useless and the medicin balls where all missing. Therefore I have no other choice but wait until they get new medballs and repair the equipment.

Today's training
Everything in KG's not pounds!

Warm up: Approximately 45 minutes of:
Treadmill 6.0 - 12.0 kmt: forward, backward & sideways walking and running
Mobility work: neck, upper traps, shoulders, core, fingers, wrists, hamstrings, spinal flossing.
Activation work: Hamstrings, core, quads, hips, glutes, calves & foam rolling

Explosive Contrast work: 3/10
A1 Glute bridge 10x3,
1 x 150 - 1 x 160 - 1 x 170 - 1 x 180 - 1 x 190 - 1 x 200 - 1 x 210 - 1 x 220 - 1 x 232.5
- Lost a set somewhere

A2 Kneeling high jumps 10x3, 90-180s rest, pause stretch: squat
1 x HBS
1 x HBS + 5kg plate
1 x HBS + 15kg plate
2 x HBS + 15 & 5kg plate
2 x HBS + 15 & 10kg plate
2 x HBS + 15 & 10 & 5kg plate
- Again, lost a set somewhere

Strength work:
Stick grip pull up from dead hang 10x3, 90-180s rest, pause stretch: hip flexor stretch
1 x 5 - 1 x 7.5 - 1 x 10 - 1 x 12.5 - 1 x 15 - 1 x 17.5 - 1 x 20 - 1 x 22.5 - 1 x 25 - 1 x Bw

Neck harness 3xmax, 60-90s rest, pause stretch: weighted quad stretch
1 x 17.5 x 10
1 x 20 x 6
1 x 10 x 30

Grip work:
Band resisted alligator smash 2xmax time, 60-90s rest
1 x ??
1 x ??
I'm the stuff nightmares are made of for people like you!
Reputation point: 100
Indlæg: 1211
Tilmeldt: 15. aug 2015, 21:08
Geografisk sted: Pandoras Box
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Thursday 240915

Today's training
Everything in KG's not pounds!

Warm up: Approximately 45 minutes of:
Treadmill 6.0 - 12.0 kmt: forward, backward & sideways walking and running
Mobility work: neck, upper traps, shoulders, core, fingers, wrists, hamstrings, spinal flossing.
Activation work: Hamstrings, core, quads, hips, glutes, calves & foam rolling

Explosive Contrast work: 4/10
A1 Glute bridge 10x3,
1 x 150 - 1 x 160 - 1 x 170 - 1 x 180 - 1 x 190 - 1 x 200 - 1 x 210 - 1 x 220 - 2 x 230

A2 Kneeling high jumps 10x3, 90-180s rest, pause stretch: squat
1 x HBS
1 x HBS + 5kg plate
1 x HBS + 15kg plate
2 x HBS + 15 & 5kg plate
2 x HBS + 15 & 10kg plate
2 x HBS + 15 & 10 & 5kg plate
1 x HBS + 15 & 10kg plate

Strength work:
Inverted thick rope body weight rows 3xmax, 60-90s rest, pause stretch: It band
1 x 11
1 x 10
1 x 8

Neck harness 3xmax, 60-90s rest, pause strech: Wrist & fingers
1 x 10kg x 50
2 x 10kg x 25

Neck harness half circles 2xmax, 60-90s rest
1 x 5kg x 30
1 x 10kg x 14

- Jeg er efterhånden blevet så træt af de konstante reklame popups at jeg overvejer om jeg gider forsætte med at bruge forumet her. Jeg undlod ihvertfald bevidst at bestille gennem dem, da jeg købte tilskud igår og så længe de spammer med deres lort, smider jeg mine penge andetsted.
I'm the stuff nightmares are made of for people like you!
Reputation point: 100
Indlæg: 1211
Tilmeldt: 15. aug 2015, 21:08
Geografisk sted: Pandoras Box
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Friday 240915

Today's training
Everything in KG's not pounds!

Warm up: Approximately 45 minutes of:
Treadmill 6.0 - 12.0 kmt: forward, backward & sideways walking and running
Mobility work: neck, upper traps, shoulders, core, fingers, wrists, hamstrings, spinal flossing.
Activation work: Hamstrings, core, quads, hips, glutes, calves & foam rolling

Explosive Contrast work: 5/10
A1 Glute bridge 10x3,
1 x 152.5 - 1 x 162.5 - 1 x 172.5 - 1 x 182.5 - 1 x 192.5 - 1 x 202.5 - 1 x 212.5
- Fatigue was setting in around the 5'th or 6'th set so I stopped after the 7'th.

A2 Kneeling high jumps 10x3, 90-180s rest, pause stretch: squat
1 x HBS
1 x HBS + 5kg plate
1 x HBS + 15kg plate
1 x HBS + 15 & 5kg plate
3 x HBS + 15 & 10 & 5kg plate

Strength work:
Leg press 5x5, 60-90s rest, pause stretch: Fingers & wrist
1 x 140 - 2 x 150 - 2 x 160

Handstand holds 3xmax time, 60-90s rest, pause strech: It band
2 x 60s
1 x 50s

Grip work:
Plate flipping
1 x 15kg x 36 - both hands
1 x 15kg x 31 - both hands
1 x 10kg x 35 - both hands
1 x 10kg x 22 - right hand
1 x 10kg x 22 - left hand
I'm the stuff nightmares are made of for people like you!
Reputation point: 100
Indlæg: 1211
Tilmeldt: 15. aug 2015, 21:08
Geografisk sted: Pandoras Box
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Sunday 270915

Today's training
Everything in KG's not pounds!

Warm up: Approximately 45 minutes of:
Treadmill 6.0 - 12.0 kmt: forward, backward & sideways walking and running
Mobility work: neck, upper traps, shoulders, core, fingers, wrists, hamstrings, spinal flossing.
Activation work: Hamstrings, core, quads, hips, glutes, calves & foam rolling

Explosive Contrast work: 6/10
A1 Glute bridge 10x3,
1 x 152.5 - 1 x 162.5 - 1 x 172.5 - 1 x 182.5 - 1 x 192.5 - 1 x 202.5 - 1 x 210 - 1 x 220 - 1 x 230
- Apparently I can't count. Lost a set again.

A2 Kneeling high jumps 10x3, 90-180s rest, pause stretch: squat
1 x HBS + 5kg plate
1 x HBS + 15kg plate
2 x HBS + 15 & 5kg plate
2 x HBS + 2 x 15kg plates
2 x HBS + 15 & 10 & 5kg plates
1 x HBS + 15 & 5kg plate

Strength work:
Inverted thick rope rows 5x5, 60-90s rest, pause stretch: Weighted It band
2 x 10kg vest
2 x 10kg vest + 1.25
1 x 10kg vest + 2.5

Neck harness 2xmax, 60-90s rest, pause strech: Weighted quad stretch
1 x 15kg x 19
1 x 15kg x 15

Grip work:
Plate flipping 2xmax reps in 60s, 60-90s rest, pause stretch: standing calf stretch
1 x 15kg x 31 - Both hands
1 x 10kg x 26 - Right hand
1 x 10kg x 28 - Left hand

Flip medley 1xmax reps in 30s of 15kg both hands, 10kg right hand, 15kg both hands & 10kg left hand.
15: 19 reps
10: 14 reps (right)
15: 14 reps
10: 12 reps (left)

- Even though I've only just pasted the half way point, I'll be changing the explosive exercise again as of next workout. I've been experiencing some clavicular irritation the last couple times. Most probably due to having to hold the bar away from the torso once bridged off the floor, as my max isometric bench press hold is no way near the weight I'm capable of bridging, straining the clavicular.

- Besides from moving on to a new contrast set I've also decided to cut down the sets to 5. With everything from changing the weights, stretching/resting in between sets, moving the weights around to elevate the jump station etc. it takes a fucking lifetime to finish 10 sets.

----- > Any feedback is welcome!

This weeks video compilation on the door steps..
I'm the stuff nightmares are made of for people like you!
Reputation point: 100
Indlæg: 1211
Tilmeldt: 15. aug 2015, 21:08
Geografisk sted: Pandoras Box
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Ingen kostplan

Tuesday 290915

Today's training
Everything in KG's not pounds!

Warm up: Approximately 60 minutes of:
Treadmill 6.0 - 12.0 kmt: forward, backward & sideways walking and running
Mobility work: neck, upper traps, shoulders, core, fingers, wrists, hamstrings, spinal flossing.
Activation work: Hamstrings, core, quads, hips, glutes, calves & foam rolling

Explosive work:
Low block cleans 10x3, 90-180s rest, pause stretch: Squat
1 x 50 - 1 x 52.5 - 1 x 55 - 1 x 57.5 - 1 x 60 - 1 x 62.5 - 1 x 65 - 1 x 67.5 - 2 x 60

Strength work:
Inverted thick rope rows 5x5, 60-90s rest, pause stretch: Weighted squat*
1 x 10kg vest
1 x 10kg vest + 1.25
1 x 10kg vest + 2.5
1 x 10kg vest + 3.75
1 x 10kg vest + 5
* 3 x 30kg weighted squat - 1 x 40kg - 1 x 30kg

Unilateral hyperextensions 2xmax, 60-90s rest, pause stretch: standing calf stretch
2 x 10

Slow as fuck unilateral leg curls w/3s hold at peak contraction 3x10, 60-90s rest, pause stretch: Fingers and wrist
1 x 20kg
2 x 25kg

Neck harness 3xuntil it burns, 60-90s rest, pause stretch: Weighted quad stretch
3 x 10kg x 35 reps

Half circle neck harness, 3xuntil it burns gooeed, 60s rest
1 x 2.5kg x 30
1 x 5kg x 30
1 x 10kg x 14
I'm the stuff nightmares are made of for people like you!
Reputation point: 100
Indlæg: 1211
Tilmeldt: 15. aug 2015, 21:08
Geografisk sted: Pandoras Box
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Ingen kostplan


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