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Flex Wheeler - Mass Construction

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You saw it all in the first video, Hardbody. Now check out the incredible sequel - Mass Construction! Shot just 2 days after the 1996 Mr. Olympia, this is the Flex Wheeler you've always wanted to see--huge, ripped, and stronger than hell! With the contest over, Flex loaded up on his favorite training foods (pizza and cheeseburgers) and hit the gym looking round, pumped and super vascular. At 250 pounds of full, rock solid muscle, Flex takes you through three days of gut busting training with eye-popping intensity and sickeningly heavy weights.

His homeboy from Fresno, Mr. California Ron Flowers, Flex's younger brother Robert Gibbs, and top national competitor Danny Hester, help Flex push it to the limit with lifts like 405-lb incline presses, and 160-lb dumbbell rows. If you think Flex is amazing onstage, you'll freak out when you see this awesome physique in training action.

Flex achieves pumps that are literally out of this world, and he will inspire you to be your best. The hardest part of watching this video will be trying to wait 'til it's over to run to the gym and bust out some serious lifting!

Månedens skribent: Maj 2010
Reputation point: 573
Indlæg: 22937
Tilmeldt: 26. jun 2005, 20:35
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Repost noob :king:
Månedens skribent: August 2009
Reputation point: 302
Indlæg: 20081
Tilmeldt: 23. maj 2008, 09:46
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