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Front squat: (3:5/1:3) (2:30 min.)
10 x 20 kg.
10 x 50 kg.
05 x 70 kg.
05 x 70 kg.
05 x 70 kg.
05 x 70 kg.
05 x 70 kg.

Incline Benchpress: (2:30 min.)
10 x 20 kg. *
10 x 50 kg. *
10 x 70 kg. *
10 x 70 kg. *
10 x 70 kg. *

Pull Up: (2 min.)

Dips: (x min.)
BW + 10 kg. x 10
BW + 10 kg. x 10
BW + 10 kg. x 10

Cardio: (30 sec. rest)
Prowler (low) (+ 60 kg.) @ 12 m.
Log Clean & Press @ 35 kg. x 10
Seated Rope Pull (prowler + 60 kg) @ 12 m.
Prowler (low) (+ 60 kg.) @ 12 m.
Log Clean & Press @ 35 kg. x 10
Seated Rope Pull (prowler + 60 kg) @ 12 m.
Prowler (low) (+ 60 kg.) @ 12 m.
Log Clean & Press @ 35 kg. x 10
Seated Rope Pull (prowler + 60 kg) @ 12 m.

Dagens træning i TarGet PowerGym.
Det var dejligt at få sludret lidt med Herman.
Og selv om den er modbydelig - ja, så savner jeg nok prowleren lidt.
Reputation point: 20
Indlæg: 1523
Tilmeldt: 31. jul 2008, 16:06
Geografisk sted: 2640
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Ingen kostplan


Deadlift: (5:5/2:3) (2:45 min.)
10 x 70 kg.
07 x 110 kg.
03 x 155 kg. (mix grip og bælte herfra)
03 x 155 kg.
03 x 155 kg.
03 x 155 kg.
03 x 155 kg.
03 x 155 kg.
03 x 155 kg.

Seated Barbell Press: (2:30 min.)
10 x 20 kg. *
06 x 50 kg. *
06 x 50 kg. *
06 x 50 kg. *
06 x 50 kg. *
06 x 50 kg. *
06 x 50 kg. *
10 x 40 kg. *
10 x 40 kg. *

BOR: (2 min.)
10 x 75 kg.
10 x 72,5 kg.
10 x 72,5 kg.
10 x 70 kg.

Barbell Curl: (supinated) (2:30 min.)
13 x 25 kg. *
11 x 25 kg. *
10 x 25 kg. *
Push Up: (suspended)

Cardio: (30 sec. @ work - 30 sec. @ rest)
Kettlebell Swing @ 12 kg.
One Arm Kettlebell Clean and Press (alternating) @ 12 kg.
Kettlebell Swing @ 12 kg.
One Arm Kettlebell Clean and Press (alternating) @ 12 kg.
Kettlebell Swing @ 12 kg.
One Arm Kettlebell Clean and Press (alternating) @ 12 kg.

Et par sæt med lavere belastning på OH press.
Ekstra volumen.

Vil forsøge mig med at supersætte et par af øvelserne.
Primært for at spare lidt tid.
Af samme grund er alt prehab ude af træningspassene.
Vil se om ikke jeg kan få lavet lidt på daglig basis.
Reputation point: 20
Indlæg: 1523
Tilmeldt: 31. jul 2008, 16:06
Geografisk sted: 2640
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Ingen kostplan

Front squat: (4:5/1:3) (2:30 min.)
10 x 20 kg.
10 x 50 kg.
05 x 72,5 kg.
05 x 72,5 kg.
05 x 72,5 kg.
05 x 72,5 kg.
05 x 72,5 kg.
07 x 85 kg.
07 x 85 kg.

Benchpress: (vs. dual bands, red, @.46UD) (2:30 min.)
10 x 20 kg. *
07 x 50 kg. *
05 x 70 kg. *
03 x 90 kg. * (wrist wraps: on)
03 x 90 kg. *
03 x 90 kg. *
03 x 90 kg. *
03 x 90 kg. *
08 x 70 kg. * (wrist wraps: off)
07 x 70 kg. *

Pull Down: (neutral grip, wide) (2 min.)
10 x 68,75 kg.
10 x 67,5 kg.
10 x 66,25 kg.
08 x 65 kg.

Seated Push Down: (rope) (split) (3 min.)
10 x 15 kg.
10 x 15 kg.
10 x 15 kg.
Seated Push Down: (rope) (close)
10 x 15 kg.
10 x 15 kg.
10 x 15 kg.
Seated Band Row: (2x purple)
15 **
15 **
15 **

Cardio: (30 sec. @ work - 30 sec. @ rest)
Kettlebell Swing @ 12 kg.
One Arm Kettlebell Clean and Press (alternating) @ 12 kg.
Kettlebell Swing @ 12 kg.
One Arm Kettlebell Clean and Press (alternating) @ 12 kg.
Kettlebell Swing @ 12 kg.
One Arm Kettlebell Clean and Press (alternating) @ 12 kg.

* Fat Gripz
** Fat Gripz Extreme

Et par sæt squat i forlængelse af frontsquat.

En periode med benchpress vs. bands.
Lidt tungere end tidligere - men færre rep.
Også her et par ekstra sæt for volume.

Push down og band row i super (triple?) sæt,
Sidst rettet af HuggyBear 13. apr 2017, 07:27, rettet i alt 1 gang.
Reputation point: 20
Indlæg: 1523
Tilmeldt: 31. jul 2008, 16:06
Geografisk sted: 2640
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Ingen kostplan


Deadlift: (1:5/3:3) (2:45 min.)
10 x 70 kg.
07 x 110 kg.
03 x 147,5 kg. (mix grip: on)
03 x 147,5 kg.
03 x 147,5 kg.
03 x 147,5 kg.
03 x 147,5 kg.
03 x 147,5 kg.
03 x 147,5 kg.
05 x 110 kg. (paused) (OH grip: on)
05 x 110 kg.

Seated Barbell Press: (2:25 min.)
10 x 20 kg. *
06 x 50 kg. *
06 x 50 kg. *
06 x 50 kg. *
06 x 50 kg. *
06 x 50 kg. *
06 x 50 kg. *
10 x 40 kg. *
10 x 40 kg. *

Cable Row: (neutral grip, wide) (2 min.)
10 x 60 kg. *
10 x 68,75 kg.
10 x 68,75 kg.
10 x 67,5 kg.

Cable Curl: (z-bar) (2:30 min.)
10 x 23,75 kg. *
10 x 22,5 kg. *
08 x 22,5 kg. *
Push Up: (vs. band) (wide)
12 (purple)
12 (black)
12 (red)

Cardio: (30 sec. @ work - 30 sec. @ rest)
Kettlebell Swing @ 12 kg.
One Arm Kettlebell Clean and Press (alternating) @ 12 kg.
Kettlebell Swing @ 12 kg.
One Arm Kettlebell Clean and Press (alternating) @ 12 kg.
Kettlebell Swing @ 12 kg.
One Arm Kettlebell Clean and Press (alternating) @ 12 kg.

* Fat Gripz
** Fat Gripz Extreme

Deadlift føltes tunge på trods af at det er en let dag.
Xér fingre for at det er pga. to dages sygdom.

Creatin opstart i dag.
Det er sq mange år siden sidst.
Reputation point: 20
Indlæg: 1523
Tilmeldt: 31. jul 2008, 16:06
Geografisk sted: 2640
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Ingen kostplan


Front Squat: (5:5/1:3) (2:30 min.)
10 x 20 kg.
10 x 50 kg.
05 x 75 kg.
05 x 75 kg.
05 x 75 kg.
05 x 75 kg.
05 x 75 kg.
08 x 85 kg.
08 x 85 kg.

Benchpress: (vs. dual bands, red, @.46UD) (2:20 min.)
10 x 20 kg. *
07 x 50 kg. *
05 x 70 kg. *
03 x 90 kg. * (wrist wraps: on)
03 x 90 kg. *
03 x 90 kg. *
03 x 90 kg. *
03 x 90 kg. *
10 x 70 kg. * (bands: off, wrist wraps: off)
10 x 70 kg. *

Pull Down: (z-bar) (supinated) (2 min.)
18 x 41,25 kg. *
17 x 40 kg. *
16 x 46,25 kg.
15 x 46,25 kg.

Kneeling Push Down: (rope) (2:30 min.)
11 x 25 kg.
10 x 25 kg.
09 x 25 kg.
Suspended Row: (feet@floor, @.16)

Cardio: (30 sec. @ work - 30 sec. @ rest)
Kettlebell Swing @ 12 kg.
One Arm Kettlebell Clean and Press (alternating) @ 12 kg.
Kettlebell Swing @ 12 kg.
One Arm Kettlebell Clean and Press (alternating) @ 12 kg.
Kettlebell Swing @ 12 kg.
One Arm Kettlebell Clean and Press (alternating) @ 12 kg.

* Fat Gripz
** Fat Gripz Extreme

Tidelig morgen.
Bænk var tung!?!
Reputation point: 20
Indlæg: 1523
Tilmeldt: 31. jul 2008, 16:06
Geografisk sted: 2640
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Ingen kostplan


Deadlift: (2:5/3:3) (2:45 min.)
10 x 70 kg.
07 x 110 kg.
03 x 150 kg. (mix grip: on, belt: on)
03 x 150 kg.
03 x 150 kg.
03 x 150 kg.
03 x 150 kg.
03 x 150 kg.
03 x 150 kg.
05 x 110 kg. (paused) (OH grip: on, belt: off)
05 x 110 kg.

Seated Barbell Press: (2:20 min.)
10 x 20 kg. *
06 x 52,5 kg. *
06 x 52,5 kg. *
06 x 52,5 kg. *
10 x 40 kg. *
10 x 40 kg. *
10 x 40 kg. *
10 x 40 kg. *

Cable Row: (pronated) (2 min.)
10 x 70 kg.
10 x 70 kg.
10 x 70 kg.
09 x 70 kg.

Cable Curl: (neutral) (2:30 min.)
13 x 15 kg. *
11 x 15 kg. *
09 x 15 kg. *
Push Up: (suspended)

Cardio: (30 sec. @ work - 30 sec. @ rest)
Kettlebell Swing @ 12 kg.
Raised Plank, Toe Touch (alternating)
One Arm Kettlebell Clean and Press (alternating) @ 12 kg.
Kettlebell Swing @ 12 kg.
Raised Plank, Toe Touch (alternating)
One Arm Kettlebell Clean and Press (alternating) @ 12 kg.
Kettlebell Swing @ 12 kg.

* Fat Gripz
** Fat Gripz Extreme

Dødløft føltes virkelig god i dag.
Faktisk sad hele træningen lige i skabet.
Reputation point: 20
Indlæg: 1523
Tilmeldt: 31. jul 2008, 16:06
Geografisk sted: 2640
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Ingen kostplan


Front Squat: (1:5/2:3) (2:30 min.)
10 x 20 kg.
10 x 50 kg.
05 x 67,5 kg.
05 x 67,5 kg.
05 x 67,5 kg.
05 x 67,5 kg.
05 x 67,5 kg.
09 x 85 kg.
08 x 85 kg.

Benchpress: (vs. dual bands, red, @.46UD) (2:20 min.)
10 x 20 kg. *
07 x 50 kg. *
05 x 70 kg. *
03 x 90 kg. * (wrist wraps: on)
03 x 90 kg. *
03 x 90 kg. *
03 x 90 kg. *
03 x 90 kg. *
10 x 70 kg. * (bands: off, wrist wraps: off)
10 x 70 kg. *

Pull Down: (pronated) (2 min.)
18 x 42,5 kg. *
17 x 42,5 kg. *
15 x 41,25 kg. *
15 x 41,25 kg. *

Push Down: (z-bar) (2:30 min.)
12 x 35 kg. *
11 x 35 kg. *
10 x 35 kg. *
Seated Band Row: (2x purple)
15 **
15 **
15 **

Cardio: (30 sec. @ work - 30 sec. @ rest)
Kettlebell Swing @ 12 kg.
One Arm Kettlebell Clean and Press (alternating) @ 12 kg.
Raised Plank, Toe Touch (alternating)
Kettlebell Swing @ 12 kg.
One Arm Kettlebell Clean and Press (alternating) @ 12 kg.
Raised Plank, Toe Touch (alternating)
Kettlebell Swing @ 12 kg.

* Fat Gripz
** Fat Gripz Extreme
Reputation point: 20
Indlæg: 1523
Tilmeldt: 31. jul 2008, 16:06
Geografisk sted: 2640
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Ingen kostplan


Deadlift: (3:5/3:3) (2:45 min.)
10 x 70 kg.
07 x 110 kg.
03 x 152,5 kg. (mix grip: on, belt: on)
03 x 152,5 kg.
03 x 152,5 kg.
03 x 152,5 kg.
03 x 152,5 kg.
03 x 152,5 kg.
03 x 152,5 kg.
05 x 110 kg. (paused) (OH grip: on, belt: off)
05 x 110 kg.

Seated Barbell Press: (2:20 min.)
10 x 20 kg. *
06 x 50 kg. *
06 x 50 kg. *
06 x 50 kg. *
06 x 50 kg. *
06 x 50 kg. *
06 x 50 kg. *
10 x 40 kg. *
10 x 40 kg. *

BOR: (2 min.)
10 x 75 kg.
10 x 72,5 kg.
10 x 72,5 kg.
10 x 70 kg.

Barbell Curl: (supinated) (2:30 min.)
13 x 25 kg. *
12 x 25 kg. *
11 x 25 kg. *
Push Up: (vs. band) (close)
11 (purple)
10 (black)
11 (red)

Cardio: (30 sec. @ work - 30 sec. @ rest)
One Arm Kettlebell Clean and Press (alternating) @ 12 kg.
Kettlebell Swing @ 12 kg.
Raised Plank, Toe Touch (alternating)
One Arm Kettlebell Clean and Press (alternating) @ 12 kg.
Kettlebell Swing @ 12 kg.
Raised Plank, Toe Touch (alternating)
One Arm Kettlebell Clean and Press (alternating) @ 12 kg.

* Fat Gripz
** Fat Gripz Extreme
Reputation point: 20
Indlæg: 1523
Tilmeldt: 31. jul 2008, 16:06
Geografisk sted: 2640
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Ingen kostplan


Front Squat: (2:5/2:3) (2:30 min.)
10 x 20 kg.
10 x 50 kg.
05 x 70 kg.
05 x 70 kg.
05 x 70 kg.
05 x 70 kg.
05 x 70 kg.
09 x 85 kg.
09 x 85 kg.

Benchpress: (vs. dual bands, red, @.46UD) (2:20 min.)
10 x 20 kg. *
07 x 50 kg. *
05 x 70 kg. *
03 x 90 kg. * (wrist wraps: on)
03 x 90 kg. *
03 x 90 kg. *
06 x 90 kg. * (bands: off, wrist wraps: off)
10 x 70 kg. *
10 x 70 kg. *
10 x 70 kg. *

Pull Down: (neutral grip, wide) (2 min.)
10 x 68,75 kg.
10 x 67,5 kg.
10 x 66,25 kg.
09 x 65 kg.

Seated Push Down: (rope) (split) (2:50 min.)
10 x 15 kg.
10 x 15 kg.
10 x 15 kg.
Seated Push Down: (rope) (close)
10 x 15 kg.
10 x 15 kg.
10 x 15 kg.
Suspended Row: (feet@floor, @.19)

Cardio: (30 sec. @ work - 30 sec. @ rest)
Kettlebell Swing @ 12 kg.
One Arm Kettlebell Clean and Press (alternating) @ 12 kg.
Raised Plank, Toe Touch (alternating)
Kettlebell Swing @ 12 kg.
One Arm Kettlebell Clean and Press (alternating) @ 12 kg.
Raised Plank, Toe Touch (alternating)
Kettlebell Swing @ 12 kg.
One Arm Kettlebell Clean and Press (alternating) @ 12 kg.

* Fat Gripz
** Fat Gripz Extreme
Reputation point: 20
Indlæg: 1523
Tilmeldt: 31. jul 2008, 16:06
Geografisk sted: 2640
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Ingen kostplan


Deadlift: (4:5/3:3) (2:45 min.)
10 x 70 kg.
07 x 110 kg.
03 x 155 kg. (mix grip: on, belt: on)
03 x 155 kg.
03 x 155 kg.
03 x 155 kg.
03 x 155 kg.
03 x 155 kg.
03 x 155 kg.
05 x 110 kg. (paused) (OH grip: on, belt: off)
05 x 110 kg.

Seated Barbell Press: (2:20 min.)
10 x 20 kg. *
06 x 52,5 kg. *
06 x 52,5 kg. *
06 x 52,5 kg. *
10 x 40 kg. *
10 x 40 kg. *
10 x 40 kg. *
10 x 40 kg. *

Cable Row: (neutral grip, wide) (2 min.)
10 x 60 kg. *
10 x 70 kg.
10 x 68,75 kg.
10 x 67,5 kg.

Cable Curl: (z-bar) (2:30 min.)
10 x 23,75 kg. *
10 x 22,5 kg. *
10 x 22,5 kg. *
Push Up: (suspended) (@.33)

Cardio: (30 sec. @ work - 30 sec. @ rest)
Kettlebell Swing @ 16 kg.
One Arm Kettlebell Clean and Press (alternating) @ 16 kg.
Raised Plank, Toe Touch (alternating)
Kettlebell Swing @ 16 kg.
One Arm Kettlebell Clean and Press (alternating) @ 16 kg.
Raised Plank, Toe Touch (alternating)
Kettlebell Swing @ 16 kg.

* Fat Gripz
** Fat Gripz Extreme
Reputation point: 20
Indlæg: 1523
Tilmeldt: 31. jul 2008, 16:06
Geografisk sted: 2640
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Ingen kostplan


Front Squat: (3:5/2:3) (2:30 min.)
10 x 20 kg.
10 x 50 kg.
05 x 72,5 kg.
05 x 72,5 kg.
05 x 72,5 kg.
05 x 72,5 kg.
05 x 72,5 kg.
10 x 85 kg.
09 x 85 kg.

Benchpress: (vs. dual bands, red, @.46UD) (2:20 min.)
10 x 20 kg. *
07 x 50 kg. *
05 x 70 kg. *
03 x 90 kg. * (wrist wraps: on)
03 x 90 kg. *
03 x 90 kg. *
03 x 90 kg. *
03 x 90 kg. *
03 x 90 kg. *
10 x 70 kg. * (bands: off, wrist wraps: off)
10 x 70 kg. *

Pull Down: (z-bar) (supinated) (2 min.)
19 x 41,25 kg. *
18 x 40 kg. *
17 x 45 kg.
16 x 45 kg.

Kneeling Push Down: (rope) (2:30 min.)
11 x 25 kg.
10 x 25 kg.
09 x 25 kg.
Seated Band Row: (2x purple)
15 **
15 **
15 **

Cardio: (30 sec. @ work - 30 sec. @ rest)
One Arm Kettlebell Clean and Press (alternating) @ 16 kg.
Raised Plank, Toe Touch (alternating)
Kettlebell Swing @ 16 kg.
One Arm Kettlebell Clean and Press (alternating) @ 16 kg.
Raised Plank, Toe Touch (alternating)
Kettlebell Swing @ 16 kg.
One Arm Kettlebell Clean and Press (alternating) @ 16 kg.

* Fat Gripz
** Fat Gripz Extreme
Reputation point: 20
Indlæg: 1523
Tilmeldt: 31. jul 2008, 16:06
Geografisk sted: 2640
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Ingen kostplan


Deadlift: (5:5/3:3) (2:45 min.)
10 x 70 kg.
07 x 110 kg.
03 x 157,5 kg. (mix grip: on, belt: on)
03 x 157,5 kg.
03 x 157,5 kg.
03 x 157,5 kg.
03 x 157,5 kg.
03 x 157,5 kg.
03 x 157,5 kg.
05 x 110 kg. (paused) (OH grip: on, belt: off)
05 x 110 kg.

Seated Barbell Press: (2:20 min.)
10 x 20 kg. *
06 x 50 kg. *
06 x 50 kg. *
06 x 50 kg. *
06 x 50 kg. *
06 x 50 kg. *
06 x 50 kg. *
10 x 40 kg. *
10 x 40 kg. *

Cable Row: (pronated) (2 min.)
10 x 70 kg.
10 x 70 kg.
10 x 70 kg.
09 x 70 kg.

Cable Curl: (neutral) (2:30 min.)
13 x 15 kg. *
11 x 15 kg. *
09 x 15 kg. *
Push Up: (vs. band) (wide)
13 (purple)
12 (black)
12 (red)

Cardio: (30 sec. @ work - 30 sec. @ rest)
Kettlebell Swing @ 12 kg.
One Arm Kettlebell Clean and Press (alternating) @ 12 kg.
Raised Plank, Toe Touch (alternating)
Raised Plank, Superman (alternating)
Kettlebell Swing @ 12 kg.
One Arm Kettlebell Clean and Press (alternating) @ 12 kg.
Raised Plank, Toe Touch (alternating)
Raised Plank, Superman (alternating)
Kettlebell Swing @ 12 kg.

* Fat Gripz
** Fat Gripz Extreme
Reputation point: 20
Indlæg: 1523
Tilmeldt: 31. jul 2008, 16:06
Geografisk sted: 2640
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Ingen kostplan

Som opfølgning på min Overload´s samtale i "GUIDEN TIL DET PERFEKTE HOMEGYM, DEL 3" er her lidt billeder af mit kabeltræk:

Loading Pin:

Fastgørelse af "skinne" til powerrack:

Reputation point: 20
Indlæg: 1523
Tilmeldt: 31. jul 2008, 16:06
Geografisk sted: 2640
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Ingen kostplan

Hjul over loading pin:

Samt hjul i midten af powerrack:

Hjul på modsatte side af powerrack (til horisontale træk):
Reputation point: 20
Indlæg: 1523
Tilmeldt: 31. jul 2008, 16:06
Geografisk sted: 2640
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Ingen kostplan

Setup til horisontale træk:
Reputation point: 20
Indlæg: 1523
Tilmeldt: 31. jul 2008, 16:06
Geografisk sted: 2640
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Ingen kostplan

Det er fandme smart!
Reputation point: 405
Indlæg: 4715
Tilmeldt: 19. maj 2011, 06:53
Træner her: SPH GYM
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Vis kostplan

Overload skrev:Det er fandme smart!


Skulle jeg lave noget om så var det at loading pin og afstandsstykke skulle være et og samme (eller ihvertfald at afstandsstykke skulle kunne ligge under alle vægtskiverne.
Når jeg skal tilføje/fjerne vægtskiver skal jeg have wiren af (no problem), men jeg skal også have afstandsstykket hævet (og det sidder jo fast i rørene) - så det er lidt besværligt.

Men er godt tilfreds !
Reputation point: 20
Indlæg: 1523
Tilmeldt: 31. jul 2008, 16:06
Geografisk sted: 2640
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Ingen kostplan

Bruger du slet ikke safety bars i dit rack ?
Reputation point: 200
Indlæg: 948
Tilmeldt: 13. aug 2013, 20:01
Logbog: Ingen logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Vis kostplan

Minipurz skrev:Bruger du slet ikke safety bars i dit rack ?

Jeg bruger altid safty bars ved squat, bænkpress og overhead press.

Et ældre billede fra sommeren 2015 (side 2 i loggen) hvor jeg gik i gang med at opbygge homegym:
Reputation point: 20
Indlæg: 1523
Tilmeldt: 31. jul 2008, 16:06
Geografisk sted: 2640
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Ingen kostplan

8 dage uden træning pga. døds-influenza...


Front Squat: (4:5/2:3) (2:30 min.)
10 x 20 kg.
10 x 50 kg.
05 x 75 kg.
05 x 75 kg.
05 x 75 kg.
05 x 75 kg.
05 x 75 kg.
10 x 85 kg.
09 x 85 kg.

Benchpress: (vs. dual bands, red, @.46UD) (2:20 min.)
10 x 20 kg. *
07 x 50 kg. *
05 x 70 kg. *
03 x 90 kg. * (wrist wraps: on)
03 x 90 kg. *
03 x 90 kg. *
06 x 90 kg. * (bands: off)
10 x 70 kg. * (wrist wraps: off)
10 x 70 kg. *
10 x 70 kg. *

Pull Down: (pronated) (2 min.)
18 x 42,5 kg. *
17 x 42,5 kg. *
15 x 41,25 kg. *
15 x 41,25 kg. *

Push Down: (z-bar) (2:30 min.)
12 x 35 kg. *
11 x 35 kg. *
10 x 35 kg. *
Suspended Row: (feet@floor, @.19)

Cardio: (30 sec. @ work - 30 sec. @ rest)
Raised Plank, Superman (alternating)
Kettlebell Swing @ 12 kg.
Raised Plank, Toe Touch (alternating)
One Arm Kettlebell Clean and Press (alternating) @ 12 kg.
Raised Plank, Superman (alternating)
Kettlebell Swing @ 12 kg.
Raised Plank, Toe Touch (alternating)
One Arm Kettlebell Clean and Press (alternating) @ 12 kg.

* Fat Gripz
** Fat Gripz Extreme

Udemærket træning.
Var primært på cardio delen af jeg kunne mærke sidste uges sygdom!
Reputation point: 20
Indlæg: 1523
Tilmeldt: 31. jul 2008, 16:06
Geografisk sted: 2640
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Kostplan: Ingen kostplan


Deadlift: (3:00 min.)
10 x 70 kg.
07 x 110 kg.
05 x 140 kg. (mix grip: on)
02 x 160 kg. (belt: on)
01 x 170 kg. (straps: on)
10 x 125 kg. (belt: off)
10 x 125 kg.
10 x 125 kg.
05 x 110 kg. (paused) (OH grip: on, straps: off)
05 x 110 kg. (paused)

Seated Barbell Press: (2:20 min.)
10 x 20 kg. *
06 x 52,5 kg. *
06 x 52,5 kg. *
06 x 52,5 kg. *
10 x 40 kg. *
10 x 40 kg. *
10 x 40 kg. *

BOR: (2 min.)
10 x 75 kg.
10 x 72,5 kg.
10 x 72,5 kg.
10 x 70 kg.

Barbell Curl: (supinated) (2:30 min.)
13 x 25 kg. *
11 x 25 kg. *
10 x 25 kg. *
Push Up: (suspended) (feet@floor, @.33)

Cardio: (30 sec. @ work - 30 sec. @ rest)
Kettlebell Swing @ 12 kg.
One Arm Kettlebell Clean and Press (alternating) @ 12 kg.
Raised Plank, Superman (alternating)
Raised Plank, Toe Touch (alternating)
Kettlebell Swing @ 12 kg.
One Arm Kettlebell Clean and Press (alternating) @ 12 kg.
Raised Plank, Superman (alternating)
Raised Plank, Toe Touch (alternating)
Kettlebell Swing @ 12 kg.

* Fat Gripz
** Fat Gripz Extreme

Forsøger mig med dødløft uden fastlagt progression.
En kombination imellem tunge løft @ low rep og lette løft @ "high" rep.
Nu ser jeg hvordan jeg syntes om det.

Har pillet et par sæt af overhead press.
Bliver nødt til at frigive lidt tid til de efterhånden lange dødløft pas.
Reputation point: 20
Indlæg: 1523
Tilmeldt: 31. jul 2008, 16:06
Geografisk sted: 2640
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Ingen kostplan


Front Squat: (5:5/2:3) (2:30 min.)
10 x 20 kg.
10 x 50 kg.
05 x 77,5 kg.
05 x 77,5 kg.
05 x 77,5 kg.
05 x 77,5 kg.
05 x 77,5 kg.
10 x 85 kg.
10 x 85 kg.

Benchpress: (vs. dual bands, red, @.46UD) (2:20 min.)
10 x 20 kg. *
07 x 50 kg. *
05 x 70 kg. *
03 x 90 kg. * (wrist wraps: on)
03 x 90 kg. *
03 x 90 kg. *
03 x 90 kg. *
03 x 90 kg. *
06 x 90 kg. *
10 x 70 kg. * (wrist wraps: off)
10 x 70 kg. *

Pull Down: (neutral grip, wide) (2:00 min.)
10 x 68,75 kg.
10 x 67,5 kg.
10 x 66,25 kg.
09 x 65 kg.

Seated Push Down: (rope) (split) (2:50 min.)
10 x 15 kg.
10 x 15 kg.
10 x 15 kg.
Seated Push Down: (rope) (close)
10 x 15 kg.
10 x 15 kg.
10 x 15 kg.
Seated Band Row: (2x purple)
15 **
15 **
15 **

Cardio: (30 sec. @ work - 30 sec. @ rest)
Raised Plank, Toe Touch (alternating)
Kettlebell Swing @ 12 kg.
Raised Plank, Superman (alternating)
One Arm Kettlebell Clean and Press (alternating) @ 12 kg.
Raised Plank, Toe Touch (alternating)
Kettlebell Swing @ 12 kg.
Raised Plank, Superman (alternating)
One Arm Kettlebell Clean and Press (alternating) @ 12 kg.

* Fat Gripz
** Fat Gripz Extreme
Reputation point: 20
Indlæg: 1523
Tilmeldt: 31. jul 2008, 16:06
Geografisk sted: 2640
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Ingen kostplan


Deadlift: (3:00 min.)
10 x 70 kg.
07 x 110 kg.
05 x 140 kg. (mix grip: on)
02 x 160 kg. (belt: on)
01 x 170 kg. (straps: on)
01 x 170 kg.
01 x 170 kg.
01 x 170 kg.
01 x 170 kg.
10 x 125 kg. (belt: off)

Seated Barbell Press: (2:20 min.)
10 x 20 kg. *
06 x 50 kg. *
06 x 50 kg. *
06 x 50 kg. *
06 x 50 kg. *
06 x 50 kg. *
10 x 40 kg. *
10 x 40 kg. *

Cable Row: (neutral grip, wide) (2 min.)
10 x 60 kg. *
10 x 70 kg.
10 x 68,75 kg.
10 x 68,75 kg.

Cable Curl: (z-bar) (2:30 min.)
10 x 23,75 kg. *
10 x 22,5 kg. *
10 x 22,5 kg. *
Push Up: (vs. band) (close)
13 (purple)
12 (black)
10 (red)

Cardio: (30 sec. @ work - 30 sec. @ rest)
Kettlebell Swing @ 12 kg.
Raised Plank, Superman (alternating)
Raised Plank, Toe Touch (alternating)
One Arm Kettlebell Clean and Press (alternating) @ 12 kg.
Kettlebell Swing @ 12 kg.
Raised Plank, Superman (alternating)
Raised Plank, Toe Touch (alternating)
One Arm Kettlebell Clean and Press (alternating) @ 12 kg.
Kettlebell Swing @ 12 kg.

* Fat Gripz
** Fat Gripz Extreme
Reputation point: 20
Indlæg: 1523
Tilmeldt: 31. jul 2008, 16:06
Geografisk sted: 2640
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Ingen kostplan


Front Squat: (1:5/3:3) (2:30 min.)
10 x 20 kg.
10 x 50 kg.
05 x 70 kg.
05 x 70 kg.
05 x 70 kg.
05 x 70 kg.
05 x 70 kg.
10 x 85 kg.
10 x 85 kg.

Benchpress: (vs. dual bands, red, @.46UD) (2:20 min.)
10 x 20 kg. *
07 x 50 kg. *
05 x 70 kg. *
03 x 90 kg. * (wrist wraps: on)
03 x 90 kg. *
03 x 90 kg. *
06 x 90 kg. *
10 x 70 kg. * (wrist wraps: off)
10 x 70 kg. *
10 x 70 kg. *

Pull Down: (z-bar) (supinated) (2 min.)
19 x 41,25 kg. *
18 x 40 kg. *
16 x 46,25 kg.
15 x 46,25 kg.

Kneeling Push Down: (rope) (2:30 min.)
11 x 25 kg.
10 x 25 kg.
09 x 25 kg.
Suspended Row: (feet@floor, @.19)

Cardio: (30 sec. @ work - 30 sec. @ rest)
One Arm Kettlebell Clean and Press (alternating) @ 16 kg.
Raised Plank, Toe Touch (alternating)
Raised Plank, Superman (alternating)
Kettlebell Swing @ 16 kg.
One Arm Kettlebell Clean and Press (alternating) @ 16 kg.
Raised Plank, Toe Touch (alternating)
Raised Plank, Superman (alternating)
Kettlebell Swing @ 16 kg.
One Arm Kettlebell Clean and Press (alternating) @ 16 kg.

* Fat Gripz
** Fat Gripz Extreme
Reputation point: 20
Indlæg: 1523
Tilmeldt: 31. jul 2008, 16:06
Geografisk sted: 2640
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Ingen kostplan


Deadlift: (2:45 min.)
10 x 70 kg.
07 x 110 kg.
05 x 140 kg. (mix grip: on)
03 x 160 kg. (belt: on)
10 x 125 kg. (belt: off)
10 x 125 kg.
10 x 125 kg.
05 x 110 kg. (paused) (OH grip: on, straps: off)
05 x 110 kg. (paused)

Seated Barbell Press: (2:20 min.)
10 x 20 kg. *
06 x 52,5 kg. *
06 x 52,5 kg. *
06 x 52,5 kg. *
10 x 40 kg. *
10 x 40 kg. *
10 x 40 kg. *

Cable Row: (pronated) (2 min.)
10 x 71,25 kg.
10 x 70 kg.
10 x 70 kg.
10 x 70 kg.

Cable Curl: (neutral) (2:30 min.)
14 x 15 kg. *
12 x 15 kg. *
10 x 15 kg. *
Push Up: (suspended) (feet@floor, @.33)

Cardio: (30 sec. @ work - 30 sec. @ rest)
Raised Plank, Superman (alternating)
Kettlebell Swing @ 12 kg.
Raised Plank, Toe Touch (alternating)
One Arm Kettlebell Clean and Press (alternating) @ 12 kg.
Raised Plank, Superman (alternating)
Kettlebell Swing @ 12 kg.
Raised Plank, Toe Touch (alternating)
One Arm Kettlebell Clean and Press (alternating) @ 12 kg.

* Fat Gripz
** Fat Gripz Extreme

15 sek. kortere intervaller under dødløft.
Det er fint til de lave rep., men tror jeg øger til 3 min. igen til 10 rep. samt pause dødløft.

Lidt smallere greb på overhead press end tidligere.
Reputation point: 20
Indlæg: 1523
Tilmeldt: 31. jul 2008, 16:06
Geografisk sted: 2640
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Ingen kostplan


Front Squat: (2:5/3:3) (2:30 min.)
10 x 20 kg.
10 x 50 kg.
05 x 72,5 kg.
05 x 72,5 kg.
05 x 72,5 kg.
05 x 72,5 kg.
05 x 72,5 kg.
11 x 85 kg.
10 x 85 kg.

Benchpress: (vs. dual bands, red, @.46UD) (2:20 min.)
10 x 20 kg. *
07 x 50 kg. *
05 x 70 kg. *
03 x 90 kg. * (wrist wraps: on)
03 x 90 kg. *
03 x 90 kg. *
03 x 90 kg. *
03 x 90 kg. *
07 x 90 kg. *
10 x 70 kg. * (wrist wraps: off)
10 x 70 kg. *

Pull Down: (pronated) (2 min.)
18 x 42,5 kg. *
17 x 42,5 kg. *
16 x 41,25 kg. *
15 x 41,25 kg. *

Push Down: (z-bar) (2:30 min.)
12 x 35 kg. *
11 x 35 kg. *
10 x 35 kg. *
Seated Band Row: (2x purple)
15 **
15 **
13 **

Cardio: (30 sec. @ work - 30 sec. @ rest)
Kettlebell Swing @ 12 kg.
Raised Plank, Toe Touch (alternating)
One Arm Kettlebell Clean and Press (alternating) @ 12 kg.
Raised Plank, Superman (alternating)
Kettlebell Swing @ 12 kg.
Raised Plank, Toe Touch (alternating)
One Arm Kettlebell Clean and Press (alternating) @ 12 kg.
Raised Plank, Superman (alternating)
Kettlebell Swing @ 12 kg.

* Fat Gripz
** Fat Gripz Extreme
Reputation point: 20
Indlæg: 1523
Tilmeldt: 31. jul 2008, 16:06
Geografisk sted: 2640
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Ingen kostplan


Træning i Crossfit8500

Deadlift: (2:45 min.)
10 x 70 kg.
07 x 110 kg.
05 x 140 kg. (mix grip: on)
02 x 160 kg.
01 x 170 kg.
01 x 170 kg.
01 x 170 kg.
01 x 170 kg.
01 x 170 kg.
11 x 125 kg. (straps: on)

Military press: (2:20 min.)
10 x 20 kg.
10 x 50 kg.
10 x 50 kg.
09 x 50 kg.
08 x 50 kg.
07 x 50 kg.
12 x 40 kg.
12 x 40 kg.

Cardio: (30 sec. @ work - 30 sec. @ rest)
Kettlebell Swing @ 20 kg.
One Arm Kettlebell Clean and Press (alternating) @ 20 kg.
Raised Plank, Superman (alternating)
Raised Plank, Toe Touch (alternating)
Kettlebell Swing @ 20 kg.
One Arm Kettlebell Clean and Press (alternating) @ 16 kg.
Raised Plank, Superman (alternating)
Raised Plank, Toe Touch (alternating)
Kettlebell Swing @ 20 kg.
One Arm Kettlebell Clean and Press (alternating) @ 16 kg.

* Fat Gripz
** Fat Gripz Extreme

Træning i Crossfit8500.

Deadlift var ok, omend noget langsom (tung?) på singlerne.

Military press var første gang siden sidste sommer!
Føltes rigtig godt.
Spøjst ikke at press med FatGripz - føltes jo som en damestang.

Fedt at have nogle lidt tungere kettlebell til cardio delen.
KB Swing blev faktisk teknisk nemmere af at blive tungere.
...også hårdere...
Reputation point: 20
Indlæg: 1523
Tilmeldt: 31. jul 2008, 16:06
Geografisk sted: 2640
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Ingen kostplan


Front Squat: (3:5/3:3) (2:30 min.)
10 x 20 kg.
10 x 50 kg.
05 x 75 kg.
05 x 75 kg.
05 x 75 kg.
05 x 75 kg.
05 x 75 kg.
11 x 85 kg.
11 x 85 kg.

Benchpress: (vs. dual bands, red, @.46UD) (2:20 min.)
10 x 20 kg. *
07 x 50 kg. *
05 x 70 kg. *
03 x 90 kg. * (wrist wraps: on)
03 x 90 kg. *
03 x 90 kg. *
07 x 90 kg. *
10 x 70 kg. * (wrist wraps: off)
10 x 70 kg. *
10 x 70 kg. *

Pull Down: (neutral grip, wide) (2:00 min.)
10 x 68,75 kg.
10 x 67,5 kg.
10 x 66,25 kg.
09 x 65 kg.

Seated Push Down: (rope) (split) (2:50 min.)
10 x 15 kg.
10 x 15 kg.
10 x 15 kg.
Seated Push Down: (rope) (close)
10 x 15 kg.
10 x 15 kg.
10 x 15 kg.
Suspended Row: (feet@floor, @.19)

Cardio: (30 sec. @ work - 30 sec. @ rest)
One Arm Kettlebell Clean and Press (alternating) @ 12 kg.
Raised Plank, Toe Touch (alternating)
Kettlebell Swing @ 12 kg.
Raised Plank, Superman (alternating)
One Arm Kettlebell Clean and Press (alternating) @ 12 kg.
Raised Plank, Toe Touch (alternating)
Kettlebell Swing @ 12 kg.
Raised Plank, Superman (alternating)
One Arm Kettlebell Clean and Press (alternating) @ 12 kg.

* Fat Gripz
** Fat Gripz Extreme
Reputation point: 20
Indlæg: 1523
Tilmeldt: 31. jul 2008, 16:06
Geografisk sted: 2640
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Ingen kostplan


Deadlift: (2:45 min.)
10 x 70 kg.
07 x 110 kg.
05 x 140 kg. (mix grip: on)
03 x 160 kg. (belt: on)
10 x 125 kg. (belt: off) (straps: on)
10 x 125 kg.
Sumo deadlift:
05 x 125 kg.
05 x 125 kg.

Seated Barbell Press: (2:15 min.)
10 x 20 kg. *
06 x 50 kg. *
06 x 50 kg. *
06 x 50 kg. *
06 x 50 kg. *
06 x 50 kg. *
10 x 42,5 kg. *

BOR: (2 min.)
06 x 90 kg. (straps: on)
06 x 95 kg.
06 x 100 kg.
06 x 100 kg.

Barbell Curl: (supinated) (2:30 min.)
13 x 25 kg. *
12 x 25 kg. *
10 x 25 kg. *
Push Up: (vs. band) (wide)
13 (purple)
12 (black)
12 (red)

Cardio: (30 sec. @ work - 30 sec. @ rest)
One Arm Kettlebell Clean and Press (alternating) @ 16 kg.
Raised Plank, Superman (alternating)
Kettlebell Swing @ 24 kg.
Raised Plank, Toe Touch (alternating)
One Arm Kettlebell Clean and Press (alternating) @ 16 kg.
Raised Plank, Superman (alternating)
Kettlebell Swing @ 24 kg.
Raised Plank, Toe Touch (alternating)
One Arm Kettlebell Clean and Press (alternating) @ 16 kg.

* Fat Gripz
** Fat Gripz Extreme

Sumo deadlift for variation.

Forsøger mig med lidt tungere BOR.
Skulle lige finde en fornuftig belastning.

En træning der føltes hurtig og relativ let.
Reputation point: 20
Indlæg: 1523
Tilmeldt: 31. jul 2008, 16:06
Geografisk sted: 2640
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Ingen kostplan

Så blev min farmers walk / front carry (husafell stone) implements færdige:

Stangen der ligger foran kan tilføjes for ekstra vægt.
Og dem er der en stak af...


Skal have dem vejet.

Men indtil da kan I jo gætte på vægten:
1 stk. impliment (tom)
1 stk. impliments (med halvdelen af ekstravægten)
2 stk. impliment (med al ekstravægten)

Jeg giver en SunLolly (ved nærmeste givne lejlighed) til den der kommer tættest på...
Reputation point: 20
Indlæg: 1523
Tilmeldt: 31. jul 2008, 16:06
Geografisk sted: 2640
Logbog: Vis logbog
Galleri: Intet galleri
Kostplan: Ingen kostplan


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