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Dusty Hanshaw

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Dusty Hanshaw, iForce Nutrition sponsored athlete, starts his quest to the 2011 NPC Nationals at 19 weeks when this video was shot on July 9, 2011. On this hot humid SoCal Day, Dusty got a back workout in with Tamer Razor in the Mecca of Bodybuilding, Venice Beach, CA

Dusty sad over ved USA's og satser på Nationals senere på året. Han er altid god at høre på. Synd hans struktur ikke er bedre. Hans træning er DC-inspireret.

Der i øvrigt Tamer El-Guindy, der lige har snuppet et Pro Card til USAs, der ter sig som en spasser.
Månedens skribent: Maj 2010
Reputation point: 573
Indlæg: 22937
Tilmeldt: 26. jun 2005, 20:35
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Tamer tager for meget speed.

Dusty er en bodybuilder lige efter min smag. At hans struktur er lidt ærgelig er synd.
Overthinkers are rarely those who train hard enough to actually get results
Reputation point: 0
Indlæg: 6401
Tilmeldt: 20. sep 2007, 17:58
Træner her: Anger Mangement
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Dusty virker cool, men Tamer er virkelig frygtelig at høre på!
Thomas Bay
Idrætsfysioterapeut og fysisk træner
Indehaver af, FysioDanmark Holstebro og FysioDanmark Videbæk
Månedens skribent: Februar 2007 Månedens skribent: Marts 2007
Reputation point: 25
Indlæg: 32988
Tilmeldt: 4. jan 2007, 12:13
Geografisk sted: Holstebro
- Bænkpres: 150.00
- Squat: 200.00
- Dødløft: 250.00
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Månedens skribent: Maj 2010
Reputation point: 573
Indlæg: 22937
Tilmeldt: 26. jun 2005, 20:35
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Dusty Hanshaw trains delts at Gold's Gym Flamingo in Las Vegas during the 2011 USA Weekend on his road to the Nationals, 16 weeks out.

Månedens skribent: Maj 2010
Reputation point: 573
Indlæg: 22937
Tilmeldt: 26. jun 2005, 20:35
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Månedens skribent: Maj 2010
Reputation point: 573
Indlæg: 22937
Tilmeldt: 26. jun 2005, 20:35
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Månedens skribent: Maj 2010
Reputation point: 573
Indlæg: 22937
Tilmeldt: 26. jun 2005, 20:35
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"What's the point? No one will see my quads anyway,". You just missed the point. Looking good for appearances or for competitions is one thing, but great bodybuilding is more than that. It has to be more than that, or you just don't get it.
Reputation point: 0
Indlæg: 1109
Tilmeldt: 2. aug 2008, 14:32
Træner her: Fitnesshouse
- Bænkpres: 100.00
- Squat: 150.00
- Dødløft: 200.00
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"What's the point? No one will see my quads anyway,". You just missed the point. Looking good for appearances or for competitions is one thing, but great bodybuilding is more than that. It has to be more than that, or you just don't get it.
Reputation point: 0
Indlæg: 1109
Tilmeldt: 2. aug 2008, 14:32
Træner her: Fitnesshouse
- Bænkpres: 100.00
- Squat: 150.00
- Dødløft: 200.00
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Chest 12 weeks out.

"What's the point? No one will see my quads anyway,". You just missed the point. Looking good for appearances or for competitions is one thing, but great bodybuilding is more than that. It has to be more than that, or you just don't get it.
Reputation point: 0
Indlæg: 1109
Tilmeldt: 2. aug 2008, 14:32
Træner her: Fitnesshouse
- Bænkpres: 100.00
- Squat: 150.00
- Dødløft: 200.00
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Dusty er en good guy - flinkeste BB'er jeg har mødt til dags dato. Det er sgu ærgerligt han ikke har en bedre struktur for han har en kanon personlighed.
Månedens skribent: Januar 2008 Månedens skribent: Februar 2009 Månedens skribent: September 2009
Reputation point: 75
Indlæg: 10579
Tilmeldt: 3. maj 2007, 01:14
Geografisk sted: Copenhagen
Træner her: The Gym
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Han får i hvert fald brugt noget kunstigt sødemiddel :D
I use muscle confusion.
I load up the bar in the squat rack with plates and I get under it, but then suddenly I run to the dumbbell rack and start doing curls instead.
Surprise Bitch, We trainin' arms today.  So much gains.
Reputation point: 40
Indlæg: 782
Tilmeldt: 1. nov 2010, 12:40
- Bænkpres: 145.00
- Squat: 175.00
- Dødløft: 250.00
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Kostplan: Ingen kostplan

Han ved da i det mindste hvad hans odds er - "middel of the road genetics". Haha!
Reputation point: 10
Indlæg: 1753
Tilmeldt: 9. mar 2010, 21:32
Geografisk sted: København NV
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Månedens skribent: Maj 2010
Reputation point: 573
Indlæg: 22937
Tilmeldt: 26. jun 2005, 20:35
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Månedens skribent: Maj 2010
Reputation point: 573
Indlæg: 22937
Tilmeldt: 26. jun 2005, 20:35
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Månedens skribent: Maj 2010
Reputation point: 573
Indlæg: 22937
Tilmeldt: 26. jun 2005, 20:35
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Dusty har ikke den mest vanvittige fysik, men det kan være hans underholdende væsen har arbejdet med ham her:

Finally!!! I have been dying to make this announcement but as of this morning it is official and I am a Weider/AMI athlete!! To say it is an honor to be a part of this great team would be the understatement of the century since Flex is the first Muscle magazine I ever bought and now you will find me on the pages of it as well as online every month!

I cannot believe I am on the same team of athletes as Mr Olympia Phil Heath, Kai Greene, Flex Lewis, and many more. Be on the lookout for some video's with me training with these great champions in the near future.

DH ... -weiderami

Månedens skribent: August 2009
Reputation point: 302
Indlæg: 20081
Tilmeldt: 23. maj 2008, 09:46
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Månedens skribent: Maj 2010
Reputation point: 573
Indlæg: 22937
Tilmeldt: 26. jun 2005, 20:35
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Månedens skribent: Maj 2010
Reputation point: 573
Indlæg: 22937
Tilmeldt: 26. jun 2005, 20:35
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Ny serie med Dusty

Månedens skribent: Maj 2010
Reputation point: 573
Indlæg: 22937
Tilmeldt: 26. jun 2005, 20:35
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Hitting the gym hard and preparing for Nationals is what a Top Ranked NPC Amateur Competitor does in the off-season. In this training video, we have Dusty Hanshaw hitting back workout on April 29th. In this video, we're back at Gold's Scottsdale right after the morning at the shooting range. Dusty's training partner, Pierce (aka Beard Man) was unable to train that afternoon, so my Todd's son Trevor (aka Little Jay) spotted him... Pretty funny moment as Trevor momentarily adjusted his hand, which was holding down Dusty's legs on the dumbell pullovers... you'll see for yourself...

Dusty starts with pullovers for lats, then he pulls a 675lb deadlift for a couple and finishes off with some heavy- !@#$%^&* bent over barbell rows. ... ut-partner
Månedens skribent: Maj 2010
Reputation point: 573
Indlæg: 22937
Tilmeldt: 26. jun 2005, 20:35
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In this video workout, Dusty, Rob and Tom hit some chest at the Huntington Beach Gold's Gym, throwing around some weight and having fun with some of the fans that came out. This video features Dusty Hanshaw, Rob Lobliner and Thomas Rogers. Rob is formerly of Scivation and Tom is a Max Muscle franchise owner in the Southern California region and has numerous stores in the Orange County area.

Max Muscle sponsored a weekend event with iFORCE Nutrition and flew Dusty and his wife Evian out from Scottsdale, AZ to appear at the weekend event. Part of that event was a "Train with Dusty Hanshaw" workout at Gold's Gym Huntington Beach on Friday, May 4th.

Dusty also talks a bit about staying on the plan while fulfilling travel and appearance commitments during the year. ... -golds-gym
Månedens skribent: Maj 2010
Reputation point: 573
Indlæg: 22937
Tilmeldt: 26. jun 2005, 20:35
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Månedens skribent: Maj 2010
Reputation point: 573
Indlæg: 22937
Tilmeldt: 26. jun 2005, 20:35
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Månedens skribent: Maj 2010
Reputation point: 573
Indlæg: 22937
Tilmeldt: 26. jun 2005, 20:35
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Månedens skribent: Maj 2010
Reputation point: 573
Indlæg: 22937
Tilmeldt: 26. jun 2005, 20:35
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"At hjælpe er at forstå" - Søren Kierkegaard

Træningstøj Proteinpulver
Reputation point: 80
Indlæg: 21945
Tilmeldt: 9. jan 2005, 13:00
Geografisk sted: Aalborg
Træner her: Unifitness
- Bænkpres: 190.00
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Månedens skribent: Maj 2010
Reputation point: 573
Indlæg: 22937
Tilmeldt: 26. jun 2005, 20:35
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